# qfetch qfetch is a tool that fetches info about your linux install. ## Status [![Pipeline](https://github.com/mrquantumoff/qfetch/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mrquantumoff/qfetch/actions/workflows/rust.yml) ![Crates.IO](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/qfetch) ## Dependencies * /proc/meminfo with the following fields: * MemTotal in the 1st line * MemFree in the 2nd line * MemAvailable in the 3rd line * [GNU Coreutils](https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/) with the ```df``` command * /etc/os-release with the following fields: * PRETTY_NAME * Rust and Cargo of course! * Optionally you can install ```make``` to build the app ## Installation via ```wake``` * Clone the repo * Install the dependencies * Run ```wake``` to build * Run ```wake -s .wake/install.Wakefile``` to install ## Installation via ```make``` * Clone the repo * Install the dependencies * Run ```make``` to build the app * Run ```sudo make install``` to install the app * Run ```qfetch``` to see the output ## Installation via ``` cargo build ``` * Clone the repository * Install the dependencies and rust via rustup * Run ```cargo build -r``` to build the executable * Your executable is ```target/release/qfetch```, go ahead and run/install it somewhere ## Installation using cargo * Dead simple, run ```cargo install qfetch``` ## Ubuntu binaries are available in [releases](https://github.com/mrquantumoff/qfetch/releases) tab ## Installation on Arch Linux or Arch Based Distros [Available on AUR (I officialy maintain it)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qfetch-bin/) [Available on AUR (Maintained by kleintux)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/qfetch) ## Help * Before creating an issue please check out the [wiki](https://github.com/mrquantumoff/qfetch/wiki/Setting-up-ASCII-logos) * If the previous step didn't help, create an issue! * In tty the app may not display some data, try running it in a DE (if DE is null or empty then it will not display terminal and some other stuff)