pub mod cursor_utils; use eyre::Result; use ion_binary_rs::IonValue; use qldb::QldbClient; use std::collections::HashMap; #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn create_type_test)>( insert_data: IonValue, test_callback: F, ) -> Result<()> { let client = QldbClient::default("rust-crate-test", 200).await?; let test_table = ensure_test_table(&client).await; let value = client .transaction_within(|client| { let test_table = test_table.clone(); async move { let value = client .query(&format!("INSERT INTO {} VALUE ?", test_table)) .param(insert_data) .execute() .await?; Ok(value) } }) .await?; println!("{:?}", value); let document_id = value[0].get("documentId").unwrap(); let value = client .read_query(&format!( "SELECT * FROM _ql_committed_{} as r WHERE = ?", test_table )) .await? .param(document_id) .execute() .await?; println!("{:?}", value); let values = match value[0].get("data") { Some(IonValue::Struct(value)) => value, _ => panic!("Select didn't return data"), }; println!("{:?}", values); test_callback(values.clone()); Ok(()) } pub async fn ensure_test_table(client: &QldbClient) -> String { let result = client .transaction_within(|client| async move { let _ = client.query("CREATE TABLE QldbLibRsTest").execute().await?; Ok(()) }) // If the table already exist we ignore the error .await; println!("Table created: {:?}", result); "QldbLibRsTest".to_string() }