[package] name = "qook" version = "0.13.0" license = "MIT" description = "qook - Pure Rust unitaryfund/qrack Wrapper" documentation = "https://pyqrack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/" readme = "README.md" homepage = "https://github.com/unitaryfund/qook" repository = "https://github.com/unitaryfund/qook" keywords = ["quantum", "qrack", "gpu", "hpc", "c++"] categories = ["api-bindings", "emulators", "science", "simulation"] links = "qrack_pinvoke" build = "src/build.rs" [build-dependencies] bindgen = "0.69.4" [lib] name = "qook" # The name of the target. path = "src/lib.rs" # The source file of the target. test = false # Is tested by default. doctest = false # Documentation examples are tested by default. bench = false # Is benchmarked by default. doc = false # Is documented by default. crate-type = ["lib"] # The crate types to generate. [features] default = ["use_f32"] use_f32 = [] use_f64 = []