QOPT OPTIMIZATION LIBRARY Version 0.17.0 Developed by Joseph Hobbs under the MIT License SYNTAX [binary-name] [--flag]* [--parameter value]* FLAGS --opt-help Displays this help menu --quiet Does not print updates each iteration --no-stop-early Disables gradient-based convergence criterion PARAMETERS DESCRIPTIONS --print-every [int] Prints updates every `[int]` iterations --paradigm [str] Optimizes using the given paradigm --criterion [float] Sets the magnitude for gradient-based convergence criterion (default: 1.0e-5) --maxiter [int] Sets the maximum number of iterations (default: 100) --maxtemp [float] Sets the maximum annealing temperature (for `simulated-annealing` only) --stdev [float] Sets the standard deviation for population mutation (for stochastic methods only) DEFAULTS --print-every 1 --paradigm [str] steepest-descent --criterion [float] 1.0e-3 --maxiter [int] 100 --maxtemp [float] 1.0 --stdev [float] 1.0 PARADIGMS DETERMINISTIC METHODS `steepest-descent` (default) Steepest descent using a gradient-based method. Ensure to set `criterion` appropriately. `newton` Newton's method. Ensure to set `criterion` appropriately. STOCHASTIC METHODS `genetic` Genetic algorithm. Ensure to set `maxiter` and `stdev` appropriately. `simulated-annealing` Simulated annealing. Ensure to set `maxiter`, `maxtemp`, and `stdev` appropriately.