# QParas Query the [Paras](https://paras.id) API, returning unpaginated JSON data. See for a broader list of queries and their respective parameters. ## Demo [![ASCII Demo](https://github.com/miraclx/qparas/raw/master/media/demo.gif)](https://asciinema.org/a/489184?autoplay=1 "Click to view ASCII") ## Installation First, install Rust and Cargo. See . ```bash cargo install qparas ``` ## Usage ```text qparas [query] [params...] ``` ## Examples See for a broader list of queries and their respective parameters. - List all tokens for a particular collection that are for sale. ```console qparas token-series collection_id=mint.havendao.near min_price=0 __sort=metadata.score::-1 ``` - `__sort=metadata.score::-1`: Sort by rarity score in descending order. - Get the two most recent price updates for a single token. ```console qparas activities contract_id=mint.havendao.near token_id=253 type=add_market_data __limit=2 __min=2 ``` - `__limit=2`: Ask the server to return two results per page. - `__min=2`: Return at least 2 results. - Get the 50 most recent activities for a collection. ```console qparas collection-activities collection_id=mint.havendao.near __limit=25 __min=50 ``` - `__limit=50`: Ask the server to return 25 results per page. - `__min=50`: Return at least 50 results.