Qpid Proton Developer Information ================================= Development Environment ----------------------- First you will need to set up your basic build environment with CMake and all prerequisites (see the instructions in INSTALL) so that you can build the full code base. To setup shell variables for your development environment, you must source the file config.sh from the CMake build directory. $ cd build $ source config.sh This file sets the necessary environment variables for all supported dynamic languages (Python and Ruby) and for running the tests. Testing ------- As a developer on Proton, it is a good idea to build and test with the appropriate dependencies and settings in place so that the complete set of language bindings and implementations are present. ### Running tests To test Proton you should use the CMake build. By default the unit tests are run using the system's default Python interpreter. However, Proton's Python language bindings support both versions of the python language (Python 2.x and Python 3.x). These bindings should be tested using both versions of the Python interpreter. CMake makes this possible by automatically running the Python unit tests under all versions of Python installed on the system. Developers can ensure that Proton remains compatible with both versions of Python by installing the following prerequisites: _Note: currently CMake only supports multi-Python testing in **Linux** based environments. Non-Linux developers may skip the following two steps._ 1. Installing both Python2.x and Python3.x and their associated development environments on your system. Most modern Linux distributions support installing Python 2.x and Python 3.x in parallel. 2. Install the **tox** Python testing tool, e.g. for older Fedora: $ yum install python-tox For newer Fedora: $ dnf install python3-tox redhat-rpm-config To run the tests, cd into your build directory and use the following commands: # to run all the tests, summary mode $ ctest # to list the available testsuites $ ctest -N # to run a single testsuite, verbose output $ ctest -V -R c-engine-tests Additional packages required for testing the language bindings: # ruby dependencies $ yum install rubygem-minitest # alternatively ruby depedencies on non-RPM based systems $ gem install minitest To run coverage reporting: # install coverage tools $ dnf install lcov $ pip install coverage $ gem install simplecov $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Coverage && make && ctest && make coverage # Then browse to {CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}/coverage_results/html/index.html to see C/C++ coverage # and to {CMAKE_BUILD_DIR}/ruby/coverage/index.html for Ruby coverage Mailing list ------------ Subscribe to the Qpid mailing lists using details at: https://qpid.apache.org/discussion.html Patches ------- The best way to submit patches is to create a bug report or feature request on the project's JIRA instance: http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PROTON You can attach any patch(es) to the report/request there, or create a Pull Request on the project's GitHub mirror: https://github.com/apache/qpid-proton When creating a Pull Request, reference the associated JIRA by number at the beginning of the commit message.