# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from __future__ import absolute_import import heapq import json import logging import re import os import time import traceback import uuid from functools import total_ordering from cproton import PN_PYREF, PN_ACCEPTED, PN_EVENT_NONE from ._delivery import Delivery from ._endpoints import Connection, Endpoint, Link, Session, Terminus from ._exceptions import SSLUnavailable from ._data import Described, symbol, ulong from ._message import Message from ._transport import Transport, SSL, SSLDomain from ._url import Url from ._common import isstring, unicode2utf8, utf82unicode from ._events import Collector, EventType, EventBase, Handler, Event from ._selectable import Selectable from ._handlers import OutgoingMessageHandler, IOHandler from ._io import IO from . import _compat from ._compat import queue _logger = logging.getLogger("proton") def _generate_uuid(): return uuid.uuid4() def _now(): return time.time() @total_ordering class Task(object): def __init__(self, reactor, deadline, handler): self._deadline = deadline self._handler = handler self._reactor = reactor self._cancelled = False def __lt__(self, rhs): return self._deadline < rhs._deadline def cancel(self): self._cancelled = True @property def handler(self): return self._handler @property def container(self): return self._reactor class TimerSelectable(Selectable): def __init__(self, reactor): super(TimerSelectable, self).__init__(None, reactor) def readable(self): pass def writable(self): pass def expired(self): self._reactor.timer_tick() self.deadline = self._reactor.timer_deadline self.update() class Reactor(object): def __init__(self, *handlers, **kwargs): self._previous = PN_EVENT_NONE self._timeout = 0 self.mark() self._yield = False self._stop = False self._collector = Collector() self._selectable = None self._selectables = 0 self._global_handler = IOHandler() self._handler = Handler() self._timerheap = [] self._timers = 0 self.errors = [] for h in handlers: self.handler.add(h, on_error=self.on_error) def on_error(self, info): self.errors.append(info) self.yield_() # TODO: need to make this actually return a proxy which catches exceptions and calls # on error. # [Or arrange another way to deal with exceptions thrown by handlers] def _make_handler(self, handler): """ Return a proxy handler that dispatches to the provided handler. If handler throws an exception then on_error is called with info """ return handler def _get_global(self): return self._global_handler def _set_global(self, handler): self._global_handler = self._make_handler(handler) global_handler = property(_get_global, _set_global) def _get_timeout(self): return self._timeout def _set_timeout(self, secs): self._timeout = secs timeout = property(_get_timeout, _set_timeout) def yield_(self): self._yield = True def mark(self): """ This sets the reactor now instant to the current time """ self._now = _now() return self._now @property def now(self): return self._now def _get_handler(self): return self._handler def _set_handler(self, handler): self._handler = self._make_handler(handler) handler = property(_get_handler, _set_handler) def run(self): """ Start the processing of events and messages for this container. """ # TODO: Why do we timeout like this? self.timeout = 3.14159265359 self.start() while self.process(): pass self.stop() self.process() # TODO: This isn't correct if we ever run again self._global_handler = None self._handler = None # Cross thread reactor wakeup def wakeup(self): # TODO: Do this with pipe and write? # os.write(self._wakeup[1], "x", 1); pass def start(self): self.push_event(self, Event.REACTOR_INIT) self._selectable = TimerSelectable(self) self._selectable.deadline = self.timer_deadline # TODO set up fd to read for wakeups - but problematic on windows # self._selectable.fileno(self._wakeup[0]) # self._selectable.reading = True self.update(self._selectable) @property def quiesced(self): event = self._collector.peek() if not event: return True if self._collector.more(): return False return event.type is Event.REACTOR_QUIESCED def _check_errors(self): """ This """ if self.errors: for exc, value, tb in self.errors[:-1]: traceback.print_exception(exc, value, tb) exc, value, tb = self.errors[-1] _compat.raise_(exc, value, tb) def process(self): # result = pn_reactor_process(self._impl) # self._check_errors() # return result self.mark() previous = PN_EVENT_NONE while True: if self._yield: self._yield = False _logger.debug('%s Yielding', self) return True event = self._collector.peek() if event: _logger.debug('%s recvd Event: %r', self, event) type = event.type # regular handler handler = event.handler or self._handler event.dispatch(handler) event.dispatch(self._global_handler) previous = type self._previous = type self._collector.pop() elif not self._stop and (self._timers > 0 or self._selectables > 1): if previous is not Event.REACTOR_QUIESCED and self._previous is not Event.REACTOR_FINAL: self.push_event(self, Event.REACTOR_QUIESCED) self.yield_() else: if self._selectable: self._selectable.terminate() self._selectable.update() self._selectable = None else: if self._previous is not Event.REACTOR_FINAL: self.push_event(self, Event.REACTOR_FINAL) _logger.debug('%s Stopping', self) return False def stop(self): self._stop = True self._check_errors() def stop_events(self): self._collector.release() def schedule(self, delay, handler): """ Schedule a task to run on this container after a given delay, and using the supplied handler. :param delay: :param handler: """ himpl = self._make_handler(handler) task = Task(self, self._now + delay, himpl) heapq.heappush(self._timerheap, task) self._timers += 1 deadline = self._timerheap[0]._deadline if self._selectable: self._selectable.deadline = deadline self.update(self._selectable) return task def timer_tick(self): while self._timers > 0: t = self._timerheap[0] if t._cancelled: heapq.heappop(self._timerheap) self._timers -= 1 elif t._deadline > self._now: return else: heapq.heappop(self._timerheap) self._timers -= 1 self.push_event(t, Event.TIMER_TASK) @property def timer_deadline(self): while self._timers > 0: t = self._timerheap[0] if t._cancelled: heapq.heappop(self._timerheap) self._timers -= 1 else: return t._deadline return None def acceptor(self, host, port, handler=None): impl = self._make_handler(handler) a = Acceptor(self, unicode2utf8(host), int(port), impl) if a: return a else: raise IOError("%s (%s:%s)" % (str(self.errors), host, port)) def connection(self, handler=None): """Deprecated: use connection_to_host() instead """ impl = self._make_handler(handler) result = Connection() if impl: result.handler = impl result._reactor = self result.collect(self._collector) return result def connection_to_host(self, host, port, handler=None): """Create an outgoing Connection that will be managed by the reactor. The reactor's pn_iohandler will create a socket connection to the host once the connection is opened. """ conn = self.connection(handler) self.set_connection_host(conn, host, port) return conn def set_connection_host(self, connection, host, port): """Change the address used by the connection. The address is used by the reactor's iohandler to create an outgoing socket connection. This must be set prior to opening the connection. """ connection.set_address(host, port) def get_connection_address(self, connection): """*Deprecated* in favor of the property proton.Connection.connected_address. This may be used to retrieve the remote peer address. :return: string containing the address in URL format or None if no address is available. Use the proton.Url class to create a Url object from the returned value. """ return connection.connected_address def selectable(self, handler=None, delegate=None): """ NO IDEA! :param handler: no idea :type handler: ? :param delegate: no idea :type delegate: ? """ if delegate is None: delegate = handler result = Selectable(delegate, self) result.handler = handler return result def update(self, selectable): selectable.update() def push_event(self, obj, etype): self._collector.put(obj, etype) class EventInjector(object): """ Can be added to a :class:`Container` to allow events to be triggered by an external thread but handled on the event thread associated with the container. An instance of this class can be passed to the :meth:`Container.selectable` method in order to activate it. :meth:`close` should be called when it is no longer needed, to allow the event loop to end if needed. """ def __init__(self): self.queue = queue.Queue() self.pipe = os.pipe() self._transport = None self._closed = False def trigger(self, event): """ Request that the given event be dispatched on the event thread of the container to which this EventInjector was added. :param event: Event to be injected :type event: :class:`proton.Event`, :class:`ApplicationEvent` """ self.queue.put(event) os.write(self.pipe[1], b"!") def close(self): """ Request that this EventInjector be closed. Existing events will be dispatched on the container's event dispatch thread, then this will be removed from the set of interest. """ self._closed = True os.write(self.pipe[1], b"!") def fileno(self): return self.pipe[0] def on_selectable_init(self, event): sel = event.context # sel.fileno(self.fileno()) sel.reading = True sel.update() def on_selectable_readable(self, event): s = event.context os.read(self.pipe[0], 512) while not self.queue.empty(): requested = self.queue.get() s.push_event(requested.context, requested.type) if self._closed: s.terminate() s.update() class ApplicationEvent(EventBase): """ Application defined event, which can optionally be associated with an engine object and or an arbitrary subject. This produces extended event types - see :class:`proton.EventType` for details. :param typename: Event type name :type typename: ``str`` :param connection: Associates this event with a connection. :type connection: :class:`proton.Connection` :param session: Associates this event with a session. :type session: :class:`proton.Session` :param link: Associate this event with a link. :type link: :class:`proton.Link` or one of its subclasses :param delivery: Associate this event with a delivery. :type delivery: :class:`proton.Delivery` :param subject: Associate this event with an arbitrary object :type subject: any """ TYPES = {} def __init__(self, typename, connection=None, session=None, link=None, delivery=None, subject=None): if isinstance(typename, EventType): eventtype = typename else: try: eventtype = self.TYPES[typename] except KeyError: eventtype = EventType(typename) self.TYPES[typename] = eventtype super(ApplicationEvent, self).__init__(eventtype) self.clazz = PN_PYREF self.connection = connection self.session = session self.link = link self.delivery = delivery if self.delivery: self.link = self.delivery.link if self.link: self.session = self.link.session if self.session: self.connection = self.session.connection self.subject = subject @property def context(self): """ A reference to this event. """ return self def __repr__(self): objects = [self.connection, self.session, self.link, self.delivery, self.subject] return "%s(%s)" % (self.type, ", ".join([str(o) for o in objects if o is not None])) class Transaction(object): """ Tracks the state of an AMQP 1.0 local transaction. In typical usage, this object is not created directly, but is obtained through the event returned by :meth:`proton.handlers.TransactionHandler.on_transaction_declared` after a call to :meth:`proton.reactor.Container.declare_transaction`. To send messages under this transaction, use :meth:`send`. To receive messages under this transaction, call :meth:`accept` once the message is received (typically from the :meth:`proton.handlers.MessagingHandler.on_message` callback). To discharge the transaction, call either :meth:`commit` (for a successful transaction), or :meth:`abort` (for a failed transaction). """ def __init__(self, txn_ctrl, handler, settle_before_discharge=False): self.txn_ctrl = txn_ctrl self.handler = handler self.id = None self._declare = None self._discharge = None self.failed = False self._pending = [] self.settle_before_discharge = settle_before_discharge self.declare() def commit(self): """ Commit this transaction. Closes the transaction as a success. """ self.discharge(False) def abort(self): """ Abort or roll back this transaction. Closes the transaction as a failure, and reverses, or rolls back all actions (sent and received messages) performed under this transaction. """ self.discharge(True) def declare(self): self._declare = self._send_ctrl(symbol(u'amqp:declare:list'), [None]) def discharge(self, failed): self.failed = failed self._discharge = self._send_ctrl(symbol(u'amqp:discharge:list'), [self.id, failed]) def _send_ctrl(self, descriptor, value): delivery = self.txn_ctrl.send(Message(body=Described(descriptor, value))) delivery.transaction = self return delivery def send(self, sender, msg, tag=None): """ Send a message under this transaction. :param sender: Link over which to send the message. :type sender: :class:`proton.Sender` :param msg: Message to be sent under this transaction. :type msg: :class:`proton.Message` :param tag: The delivery tag :type tag: ``bytes`` :return: Delivery object for this message. :rtype: :class:`proton.Delivery` """ dlv = sender.send(msg, tag=tag) dlv.local.data = [self.id] dlv.update(0x34) return dlv def accept(self, delivery): """ Accept a received message under this transaction. :param delivery: Delivery object for the received message. :type delivery: :class:`proton.Delivery` """ self.update(delivery, PN_ACCEPTED) if self.settle_before_discharge: delivery.settle() else: self._pending.append(delivery) def update(self, delivery, state=None): if state: delivery.local.data = [self.id, Described(ulong(state), [])] delivery.update(0x34) def _release_pending(self): for d in self._pending: d.update(Delivery.RELEASED) d.settle() self._clear_pending() def _clear_pending(self): self._pending = [] def handle_outcome(self, event): if event.delivery == self._declare: if event.delivery.remote.data: self.id = event.delivery.remote.data[0] self.handler.on_transaction_declared(event) elif event.delivery.remote_state == Delivery.REJECTED: self.handler.on_transaction_declare_failed(event) else: _logger.warning("Unexpected outcome for declare: %s" % event.delivery.remote_state) self.handler.on_transaction_declare_failed(event) elif event.delivery == self._discharge: if event.delivery.remote_state == Delivery.REJECTED: if not self.failed: self.handler.on_transaction_commit_failed(event) self._release_pending() # make this optional? else: if self.failed: self.handler.on_transaction_aborted(event) self._release_pending() else: self.handler.on_transaction_committed(event) self._clear_pending() class LinkOption(object): """ Abstract interface for link configuration options """ def apply(self, link): """ Subclasses will implement any configuration logic in this method """ pass def test(self, link): """ Subclasses can override this to selectively apply an option e.g. based on some link criteria """ return True class AtMostOnce(LinkOption): """ Set at-most-once delivery semantics for message delivery. This is achieved by setting the sender link settle mode to :const:`proton.Link.SND_SETTLED` (ie pre-settled). """ def apply(self, link): """ Set the at-most-once delivery semantics on the link. :param link: The link on which this option is to be applied. :type link: :class:`proton.Link` """ link.snd_settle_mode = Link.SND_SETTLED class AtLeastOnce(LinkOption): """ Set at-least-once delivery semantics for message delivery. This is achieved by setting the sender link settle mode to :const:`proton.Link.SND_UNSETTLED` and the receiver link settle mode to :const:`proton.Link.RCV_FIRST`. This forces the receiver to settle all messages once they are successfully received. """ def apply(self, link): """ Set the at-least-once delivery semantics on the link. :param link: The link on which this option is to be applied. :type link: :class:`proton.Link` """ link.snd_settle_mode = Link.SND_UNSETTLED link.rcv_settle_mode = Link.RCV_FIRST class SenderOption(LinkOption): """ Abstract class for sender options. """ def apply(self, sender): """ Set the option on the sender. :param sender: The sender on which this option is to be applied. :type sender: :class:`proton.Sender` """ pass def test(self, link): return link.is_sender class ReceiverOption(LinkOption): """ Abstract class for receiver options """ def apply(self, receiver): """ Set the option on the receiver. :param receiver: The receiver on which this option is to be applied. :type receiver: :class:`proton.Receiver` """ pass def test(self, link): return link.is_receiver class DynamicNodeProperties(LinkOption): """ Allows a map of link properties to be set on a link. The keys may be :class:`proton.symbol` or strings (in which case they will be converted to symbols before being applied). :param props: A map of link options to be applied to a link. :type props: ``dict`` """ def __init__(self, props={}): self.properties = {} for k in props: if isinstance(k, symbol): self.properties[k] = props[k] else: self.properties[symbol(k)] = props[k] def apply(self, link): """ Set the map of properties on the specified link. :param link: The link on which this property map is to be set. :type link: :class:`proton.Link` """ if link.is_receiver: link.source.properties.put_dict(self.properties) else: link.target.properties.put_dict(self.properties) class Filter(ReceiverOption): """ Receiver option which allows incoming messages to be filtered. :param filter_set: A map of filters with :class:`proton.symbol` keys containing the filter name, and the value a filter string. :type filter_set: ``dict`` """ def __init__(self, filter_set={}): self.filter_set = filter_set def apply(self, receiver): """ Set the filter on the specified receiver. :param receiver: The receiver on which this filter is to be applied. :type receiver: :class:`proton.Receiver` """ receiver.source.filter.put_dict(self.filter_set) class Selector(Filter): """ Configures a receiver with a message selector filter :param value: Selector filter string :type value: ``str`` :param name: Name of the selector, defaults to ``"selector"``. :type name: ``str`` """ def __init__(self, value, name='selector'): super(Selector, self).__init__({symbol(name): Described( symbol('apache.org:selector-filter:string'), utf82unicode(value))}) class DurableSubscription(ReceiverOption): """ Receiver option which sets both the configuration and delivery state to durable. This is achieved by setting the receiver's source durability to :const:`proton.Terminus.DELIVERIES` and the source expiry policy to :const:`proton.Terminus.EXPIRE_NEVER`. """ def apply(self, receiver): """ Set durability on the specified receiver. :param receiver: The receiver on which durability is to be set. :type receiver: :class:`proton.Receiver` """ receiver.source.durability = Terminus.DELIVERIES receiver.source.expiry_policy = Terminus.EXPIRE_NEVER class Move(ReceiverOption): """ Receiver option which moves messages to the receiver (rather than copying). This has the effect of distributing the incoming messages between the receivers. This is achieved by setting the receiver source distribution mode to :const:`proton.Terminus.DIST_MODE_MOVE`. """ def apply(self, receiver): """ Set message move semantics on the specified receiver. :param receiver: The receiver on which message move semantics is to be set. :type receiver: :class:`proton.Receiver` """ receiver.source.distribution_mode = Terminus.DIST_MODE_MOVE class Copy(ReceiverOption): """ Receiver option which copies messages to the receiver. This ensures that all receivers receive all incoming messages, no matter how many receivers there are. This is achieved by setting the receiver source distribution mode to :const:`proton.Terminus.DIST_MODE_COPY`. """ def apply(self, receiver): """ Set message copy semantics on the specified receiver. :param receiver: The receiver on which message copy semantics is to be set. :type receiver: :class:`proton.Receiver` """ receiver.source.distribution_mode = Terminus.DIST_MODE_COPY def _apply_link_options(options, link): if options: if isinstance(options, list): for o in options: if o.test(link): o.apply(link) else: if options.test(link): options.apply(link) def _create_session(connection, handler=None): session = connection.session() session.open() return session def _get_attr(target, name): if hasattr(target, name): return getattr(target, name) else: return None class SessionPerConnection(object): def __init__(self): self._default_session = None def session(self, connection): if not self._default_session: self._default_session = _create_session(connection) return self._default_session class GlobalOverrides(Handler): """ Internal handler that triggers the necessary socket connect for an opened connection. """ def __init__(self, base): self.base = base def on_unhandled(self, name, event): if not self._override(event): event.dispatch(self.base) def _override(self, event): conn = event.connection return conn and hasattr(conn, '_overrides') and event.dispatch(conn._overrides) class Acceptor(Handler): def __init__(self, reactor, host, port, handler=None): self._ssl_domain = None self._reactor = reactor self._handler = handler sock = IO.listen(host, port) s = reactor.selectable(handler=self, delegate=sock) s.reading = True s._transport = None self._selectable = s reactor.update(s) def set_ssl_domain(self, ssl_domain): self._ssl_domain = ssl_domain def close(self): if not self._selectable.is_terminal: self._selectable.terminate() self._selectable.update() def on_selectable_readable(self, event): s = event.selectable sock, name = IO.accept(self._selectable) _logger.info("Accepted connection from %s", name) r = self._reactor handler = self._handler or r.handler c = r.connection(handler) c._acceptor = self c.url = Url(host=name[0], port=name[1]) t = Transport(Transport.SERVER) if self._ssl_domain: t.ssl(self._ssl_domain) t.bind(c) s = r.selectable(delegate=sock) s._transport = t t._selectable = s IOHandler.update(t, s, r.now) def delay_iter(initial=0.1, factor=2.0, max_delay=10.0, max_tries=None): """ iterator yielding the next delay in the sequence of delays. The first delay is 0 seconds, the second 0.1 seconds, and each subsequent call to :meth:`next` doubles the next delay period until a maximum value of 10 seconds is reached. """ yield 0.0 tries = 1 delay = initial while max_tries is None or tries < max_tries: yield delay tries += 1 delay = min(max_delay, factor * delay) class Backoff(object): """ A reconnect strategy involving an increasing delay between retries, up to a maximum or 10 seconds. Repeated calls to :meth:`next` returns a value for the next delay, starting with an initial value of 0 seconds. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.iter = delay_iter(**self.kwargs) def __iter__(self): return self.iter def make_backoff_wrapper(backoff): """ Make a wrapper for a backoff object: If the object conforms to the old protocol (has reset and next methods) then wrap it in an iterable that returns an iterator suitable for the new backoff approach otherwise assume it is fine as it is! :param backoff: :return: """ class WrappedBackoff(object): def __init__(self, backoff): self.backoff = backoff def __iter__(self): self.backoff.reset() return self def __next__(self): return self.backoff.next() if hasattr(backoff, 'reset') and hasattr(backoff, 'next'): return WrappedBackoff(backoff) else: return backoff class Urls(object): def __init__(self, values): self.values = [Url(v) for v in values] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.values) class _Connector(Handler): """ Internal handler that triggers the necessary socket connect for an opened connection. """ def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.address = None self.heartbeat = None self.reconnect = None self.ssl_domain = None self.allow_insecure_mechs = True self.allowed_mechs = None self.sasl_enabled = True self.user = None self.password = None self.virtual_host = None self.ssl_sni = None self.max_frame_size = None self._connect_sequence = None self._next_url = None def _connect(self, connection, url): connection.url = url # if virtual-host not set, use host from address as default if self.virtual_host is None: connection.hostname = url.host _logger.info("Connecting to %r..." % url) transport = Transport() if self.sasl_enabled: sasl = transport.sasl() sasl.allow_insecure_mechs = self.allow_insecure_mechs if url.username: connection.user = url.username elif self.user: connection.user = self.user if url.password: connection.password = url.password elif self.password: connection.password = self.password if self.allowed_mechs: sasl.allowed_mechs(self.allowed_mechs) transport.bind(connection) if self.heartbeat: transport.idle_timeout = self.heartbeat if url.scheme == 'amqps': if not self.ssl_domain: raise SSLUnavailable("amqps: SSL libraries not found") self.ssl = SSL(transport, self.ssl_domain) self.ssl.peer_hostname = self.ssl_sni or self.virtual_host or url.host if self.max_frame_size: transport.max_frame_size = self.max_frame_size def on_connection_local_open(self, event): if self.reconnect is None: self._connect_sequence = ((delay, url) for delay in delay_iter() for url in self.address) elif self.reconnect is False: self._connect_sequence = ((delay, url) for delay in delay_iter(max_tries=1) for url in self.address) else: self._connect_sequence = ((delay, url) for delay in self.reconnect for url in self.address) _, url = next(self._connect_sequence) # Ignore delay as we assume first delay must be 0 self._connect(event.connection, url) def on_connection_remote_open(self, event): _logger.info("Connected to %s" % event.connection.hostname) if self.reconnect is None: self._connect_sequence = ((delay, url) for delay in delay_iter() for url in self.address) elif self.reconnect: self._connect_sequence = ((delay, url) for delay in self.reconnect for url in self.address) else: self._connect_sequence = None # Help take out the garbage def on_transport_closed(self, event): if self.connection is None: return if not self.connection.state & Endpoint.LOCAL_ACTIVE: _logger.info("Disconnected, already closed") elif self.reconnect is False: _logger.info("Disconnected, reconnect disabled") else: try: event.transport.unbind() delay, url = next(self._connect_sequence) if delay == 0: _logger.info("Disconnected, reconnecting immediately...") self._connect(self.connection, url) return else: _logger.info("Disconnected will try to reconnect after %s seconds" % delay) self._next_url = url event.reactor.schedule(delay, self) return except StopIteration: _logger.info("Disconnected, giving up retrying") # See connector.cpp: conn.free()/pn_connection_release() here? self.connection = None def on_timer_task(self, event): if self._next_url: self._connect(self.connection, self._next_url) self._next_url = None class SSLConfig(object): def __init__(self): self.client = SSLDomain(SSLDomain.MODE_CLIENT) self.server = SSLDomain(SSLDomain.MODE_SERVER) def set_credentials(self, cert_file, key_file, password): self.client.set_credentials(cert_file, key_file, password) self.server.set_credentials(cert_file, key_file, password) def set_trusted_ca_db(self, certificate_db): self.client.set_trusted_ca_db(certificate_db) self.server.set_trusted_ca_db(certificate_db) def _find_config_file(): confname = 'connect.json' confpath = ['.', os.path.expanduser('~/.config/messaging'), '/etc/messaging'] for d in confpath: f = os.path.join(d, confname) if os.path.isfile(f): return f return None def _get_default_config(): conf = os.environ.get('MESSAGING_CONNECT_FILE') or _find_config_file() if conf and os.path.isfile(conf): with open(conf, 'r') as f: json_text = f.read() json_text = _strip_json_comments(json_text) return json.loads(json_text) else: return {} def _strip_json_comments(json_text): """This strips c-style comments from text, taking into account '/*comments*/' and '//comments' nested inside a string etc.""" def replacer(match): s = match.group(0) if s.startswith('/'): return " " # note: a space and not an empty string else: return s pattern = re.compile(r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) return re.sub(pattern, replacer, json_text) def _get_default_port_for_scheme(scheme): if scheme == 'amqps': return 5671 else: return 5672 class Container(Reactor): """ A representation of the AMQP concept of a 'container', which loosely speaking is something that establishes links to or from another container, over which messages are transfered. This is an extension to the Reactor class that adds convenience methods for creating connections and sender- or receiver- links. """ def __init__(self, *handlers, **kwargs): super(Container, self).__init__(*handlers, **kwargs) if "impl" not in kwargs: try: self.ssl = SSLConfig() except SSLUnavailable: self.ssl = None self.global_handler = GlobalOverrides(kwargs.get('global_handler', self.global_handler)) self.trigger = None self.container_id = str(_generate_uuid()) self.allow_insecure_mechs = True self.allowed_mechs = None self.sasl_enabled = True self.user = None self.password = None def connect(self, url=None, urls=None, address=None, handler=None, reconnect=None, heartbeat=None, ssl_domain=None, **kwargs): """ Initiates the establishment of an AMQP connection. An optional JSON configuration file may be used to specify some connection parameters. If present, these will override some of those given in this call (see note below). Some connection parameters (for SSL/TLS) can only be provided through this file. The configuration file is located by searching for it as follows: 1. The location set in the environment variable ``MESSAGING_CONNECT_FILE`` 2. ``./connect.json`` 3. ``~/.config/messaging/connect.json`` 4. ``/etc/messaging/connect.json`` To use SSL/TLS for encryption (when an ``amqps`` URL scheme is used), the above configuration file must contain a ``tls`` submap containing the following configuration entries (See :class:`proton.SSLDomain` for details): * ``ca``: Path to a database of trusted CAs that the server will advertise. * ``cert``: Path to a file/database containing the identifying certificate. * ``key``: An optional key to access the identifying certificate. * ``verify``: If ``True``, verify the peer name (:const:`proton.SSLDomain.VERIFY_PEER_NAME`) and certificate using the ``ca`` above. :param url: URL string of process to connect to :type url: ``str`` :param urls: list of URL strings of process to try to connect to :type urls: ``[str, str, ...]`` :param reconnect: Reconnect is enabled by default. You can pass in an instance of :class:`Backoff` to control reconnect behavior. A value of ``False`` will prevent the library from automatically trying to reconnect if the underlying socket is disconnected before the connection has been closed. :type reconnect: :class:`Backoff` or ``bool`` :param heartbeat: A value in seconds indicating the desired frequency of heartbeats used to test the underlying socket is alive. :type heartbeat: ``float`` :param ssl_domain: SSL configuration. :type ssl_domain: :class:`proton.SSLDomain` :param handler: a connection scoped handler that will be called to process any events in the scope of this connection or its child links. :type handler: Any child of :class:`proton.Events.Handler` :param kwargs: * ``sasl_enabled`` (``bool``), which determines whether a sasl layer is used for the connection. * ``allowed_mechs`` (``str``), an optional string specifying the SASL mechanisms allowed for this connection; the value is a space-separated list of mechanism names; the mechanisms allowed by default are determined by your SASL library and system configuration, with two exceptions: ``GSSAPI`` and ``GSS-SPNEGO`` are disabled by default; to enable them, you must explicitly add them using this option; clients must set the allowed mechanisms before the outgoing connection is attempted; servers must set them before the listening connection is setup. * ``allow_insecure_mechs`` (``bool``), a flag indicating whether insecure mechanisms, such as PLAIN over a non-encrypted socket, are allowed. * ``password`` (``str``), the authentication secret. Ignored without ``user`` kwarg also being present. * ``user`` (``str``), the user to authenticate. * ``virtual_host`` (``str``), the hostname to set in the Open performative used by peer to determine the correct back-end service for the client; if ``virtual_host`` is not supplied the host field from the URL is used instead. * ``offered_capabilities``, a list of capabilities being offered to the peer. The list must contain symbols (or strings, which will be converted to symbols). * ``desired_capabilities``, a list of capabilities desired from the peer. The list must contain symbols (or strings, which will be converted to symbols). * ``properties``, a list of connection properties. This must be a map with symbol keys (or string keys, which will be converted to symbol keys). * ``sni`` (``str``), a hostname to use with SSL/TLS Server Name Indication (SNI) * ``max_frame_size`` (``int``), the maximum allowable TCP packet size between the peers. :return: A new connection object. :rtype: :class:`proton.Connection` .. note:: Only one of ``url`` or ``urls`` should be specified. .. note:: The following kwargs will be overridden by the values found in the JSON configuration file (if they exist there): * ``password`` * ``user`` and the following kwargs will be overridden by the values found in the ``sasl`` sub-map of the above configuration file (if they exist there): * ``sasl_enabled`` * ``allowed_mechs`` """ if not url and not urls and not address: config = _get_default_config() scheme = config.get('scheme', 'amqps') _url = "%s://%s:%s" % (scheme, config.get('host', 'localhost'), config.get('port', _get_default_port_for_scheme(scheme))) _ssl_domain = None _kwargs = kwargs if config.get('user'): _kwargs['user'] = config.get('user') if config.get('password'): _kwargs['password'] = config.get('password') sasl_config = config.get('sasl', {}) _kwargs['sasl_enabled'] = sasl_config.get('enabled', True) if sasl_config.get('mechanisms'): _kwargs['allowed_mechs'] = sasl_config.get('mechanisms') tls_config = config.get('tls', {}) if scheme == 'amqps': _ssl_domain = SSLDomain(SSLDomain.MODE_CLIENT) ca = tls_config.get('ca') cert = tls_config.get('cert') key = tls_config.get('key') if ca: _ssl_domain.set_trusted_ca_db(str(ca)) if tls_config.get('verify', True): _ssl_domain.set_peer_authentication(SSLDomain.VERIFY_PEER_NAME, str(ca)) if cert and key: _ssl_domain.set_credentials(str(cert), str(key), None) return self._connect(_url, handler=handler, reconnect=reconnect, heartbeat=heartbeat, ssl_domain=_ssl_domain, **_kwargs) else: return self._connect(url=url, urls=urls, handler=handler, reconnect=reconnect, heartbeat=heartbeat, ssl_domain=ssl_domain, **kwargs) def _connect(self, url=None, urls=None, handler=None, reconnect=None, heartbeat=None, ssl_domain=None, **kwargs): conn = self.connection(handler) conn.container = self.container_id or str(_generate_uuid()) conn.offered_capabilities = kwargs.get('offered_capabilities') conn.desired_capabilities = kwargs.get('desired_capabilities') conn.properties = kwargs.get('properties') connector = _Connector(conn) connector.allow_insecure_mechs = kwargs.get('allow_insecure_mechs', self.allow_insecure_mechs) connector.allowed_mechs = kwargs.get('allowed_mechs', self.allowed_mechs) connector.sasl_enabled = kwargs.get('sasl_enabled', self.sasl_enabled) connector.user = kwargs.get('user', self.user) connector.password = kwargs.get('password', self.password) connector.virtual_host = kwargs.get('virtual_host') if connector.virtual_host: # only set hostname if virtual-host is a non-empty string conn.hostname = connector.virtual_host connector.ssl_sni = kwargs.get('sni') connector.max_frame_size = kwargs.get('max_frame_size') conn._overrides = connector if url: connector.address = Urls([url]) elif urls: connector.address = Urls(urls) else: raise ValueError("One of url or urls required") if heartbeat: connector.heartbeat = heartbeat connector.reconnect = make_backoff_wrapper(reconnect) # use container's default client domain if none specified. This is # only necessary of the URL specifies the "amqps:" scheme connector.ssl_domain = ssl_domain or (self.ssl and self.ssl.client) conn._session_policy = SessionPerConnection() # todo: make configurable conn.open() return conn def _get_id(self, container, remote, local): if local and remote: "%s-%s-%s" % (container, remote, local) elif local: return "%s-%s" % (container, local) elif remote: return "%s-%s" % (container, remote) else: return "%s-%s" % (container, str(_generate_uuid())) def _get_session(self, context): if isinstance(context, Url): return self._get_session(self.connect(url=context)) elif isinstance(context, Session): return context elif isinstance(context, Connection): if hasattr(context, '_session_policy'): return context._session_policy.session(context) else: return _create_session(context) else: return context.session() def create_sender(self, context, target=None, source=None, name=None, handler=None, tags=None, options=None): """ Initiates the establishment of a link over which messages can be sent. There are two patterns of use: 1. A connection can be passed as the first argument, in which case the link is established on that connection. In this case the target address can be specified as the second argument (or as a keyword argument). The source address can also be specified if desired. 2. Alternatively a URL can be passed as the first argument. In this case a new connection will be established on which the link will be attached. If a path is specified and the target is not, then the path of the URL is used as the target address. The name of the link may be specified if desired, otherwise a unique name will be generated. Various :class:`LinkOption` s can be specified to further control the attachment. :param context: A connection object or a URL. :type context: :class:`proton.Connection` or ``str`` :param target: Address of target node. :type target: ``str`` :param source: Address of source node. :type source: ``str`` :param name: Sender name. :type name: ``str`` :param handler: Event handler for this sender. :type handler: Any child class of :class:`proton.Handler` :param tags: Function to generate tags for this sender of the form ``def simple_tags():`` and returns a ``bytes`` type :type tags: function pointer :param options: A single option, or a list of sender options :type options: :class:`SenderOption` or [SenderOption, SenderOption, ...] :return: New sender instance. :rtype: :class:`proton.Sender` """ if isstring(context): context = Url(context) if isinstance(context, Url) and not target: target = context.path session = self._get_session(context) snd = session.sender(name or self._get_id(session.connection.container, target, source)) if source: snd.source.address = source if target: snd.target.address = target if handler is not None: snd.handler = handler if tags: snd.tag_generator = tags _apply_link_options(options, snd) snd.open() return snd def create_receiver(self, context, source=None, target=None, name=None, dynamic=False, handler=None, options=None): """ Initiates the establishment of a link over which messages can be received (aka a subscription). There are two patterns of use: (1) A connection can be passed as the first argument, in which case the link is established on that connection. In this case the source address can be specified as the second argument (or as a keyword argument). The target address can also be specified if desired. (2) Alternatively a URL can be passed as the first argument. In this case a new connection will be established on which the link will be attached. If a path is specified and the source is not, then the path of the URL is used as the target address. The name of the link may be specified if desired, otherwise a unique name will be generated. Various :class:`LinkOption` s can be specified to further control the attachment. :param context: A connection object or a URL. :type context: :class:`proton.Connection` or ``str`` :param source: Address of source node. :type source: ``str`` :param target: Address of target node. :type target: ``str`` :param name: Receiver name. :type name: ``str`` :param dynamic: If ``True``, indicates dynamic creation of the receiver. :type dynamic: ``bool`` :param handler: Event handler for this receiver. :type handler: Any child class of :class:`proton.Handler` :param options: A single option, or a list of receiver options :type options: :class:`ReceiverOption` or [ReceiverOption, ReceiverOption, ...] :return: New receiver instance. :rtype: :class:`proton.Receiver` """ if isstring(context): context = Url(context) if isinstance(context, Url) and not source: source = context.path session = self._get_session(context) rcv = session.receiver(name or self._get_id(session.connection.container, source, target)) if source: rcv.source.address = source if dynamic: rcv.source.dynamic = True if target: rcv.target.address = target if handler is not None: rcv.handler = handler _apply_link_options(options, rcv) rcv.open() return rcv def declare_transaction(self, context, handler=None, settle_before_discharge=False): """ Declare a local transaction. :param context: Context for the transaction, usually the connection. :type context: :class:`proton.Connection` :param handler: Handler for transactional events. :type handler: :class:`proton.handlers.TransactionHandler` :param settle_before_discharge: Settle all transaction control messages before the transaction is discharged. :type settle_before_discharge: ``bool`` """ if not _get_attr(context, '_txn_ctrl'): class InternalTransactionHandler(OutgoingMessageHandler): def __init__(self): super(InternalTransactionHandler, self).__init__(auto_settle=True) def on_settled(self, event): if hasattr(event.delivery, "transaction"): event.transaction = event.delivery.transaction event.delivery.transaction.handle_outcome(event) def on_unhandled(self, method, event): if handler: event.dispatch(handler) context._txn_ctrl = self.create_sender(context, None, name='txn-ctrl', handler=InternalTransactionHandler()) context._txn_ctrl.target.type = Terminus.COORDINATOR context._txn_ctrl.target.capabilities.put_object(symbol(u'amqp:local-transactions')) return Transaction(context._txn_ctrl, handler, settle_before_discharge) def listen(self, url, ssl_domain=None): """ Initiates a server socket, accepting incoming AMQP connections on the interface and port specified. :param url: URL on which to listen for incoming AMQP connections. :type url: ``str`` or :class:`Url` :param ssl_domain: SSL configuration object if SSL is to be used, ``None`` otherwise. :type ssl_domain: :class:`proton.SSLDomain` or ``None`` """ url = Url(url) acceptor = self.acceptor(url.host, url.port) ssl_config = ssl_domain if not ssl_config and url.scheme == 'amqps': # use container's default server domain if self.ssl: ssl_config = self.ssl.server else: raise SSLUnavailable("amqps: SSL libraries not found") if ssl_config: acceptor.set_ssl_domain(ssl_config) return acceptor def do_work(self, timeout=None): if timeout: self.timeout = timeout return self.process()