[tox] # This will usually be overridden by ctest setting TOXENV envlist = py36,py37,py38 minversion = 1.7.2 setupdir = {toxinidir}/dist skip_missing_interpreters = True [testenv] usedevelop = False setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir} DEBUG=True passenv = PKG_CONFIG_PATH CFLAGS SASLPASSWD TEST_EXE_PREFIX OPENSSL_ia32cap commands = python {env:PY_TEST_DIR}/proton-test {posargs:--ignore-file "{env:PY_TEST_DIR}/tox-blacklist"} [testenv:pep8] deps = flake8 changedir = {[tox]setupdir} commands = flake8 [flake8] # TODO(PROTON-2322) decrease the limit max-line-length = 150 # TODO(PROTON-2322) re-enable all these warnings ignore = # do not use bare 'except' E722, # imported but unused F401, # 'from proton import *' used; unable to detect undefined names F403, # may be undefined, or defined from star imports: proton F405, # ambiguous variable name 'l' E741, # local variable 'int_nodes' is assigned to but never used F841, # TODO(PROTON-2322) decide which of these two warnings we want disabled # _transport.py:908:21: W503 line break before binary operator # _transport.py:907:56: W504 line break after binary operator W504, exclude = # TODO(PROTON-2095) generated by SWIG cproton.py, [testenv:docs] deps = sphinx changedir = {[tox]setupdir} commands = python setup.py build_sphinx