This directory contains basic self signed test certificates for use by proton examples. The ".pem" files are in the format expected by proton implementations using OpenSSL. The ".p12" file are for Windows implementations using SChannel. The commands used to generate the certificates follow. make_pn_cert() { name=$1 subject=$2 passwd=$3 # create the pem files openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $name-private-key.pem -out $name-certificate.pem -subj $subject -passout pass:$passwd -x509 -days 3650 # create the p12 files openssl pkcs12 -export -out $name-full.p12 -passin pass:$passwd -passout pass:$passwd -inkey $name-private-key.pem -in $name-certificate.pem -name $name openssl pkcs12 -export -out $name-certificate.p12 -in $name-certificate.pem -name $name -nokeys -passout pass: } make_pn_cert tserver /CN=test_server/OU=proton_test tserverpw make_pn_cert tclient /CN=test_client/OU=proton_test tclientpw