Welcome to rust-qrcode-cli 👋
> A CLI I made while practicing rust to easily make QR codes with just one command, all in your terminal.
## Install
git clone https://github.com/dhravya/rust-qrcode-cli && cd rust-qrcode-cli && cargo run
## Usage
qrcode-cli.exe --help
## Parameters
`data` (`d`) * : String to be encoded in the QR code.
`output` (`o`) : Path to the output file - Defaults to `qrcode.png`.
A QR code will be generated with the given data and saved to the given output file.
## Author
👤 **Dhravya Shah**
* Website: https://dhravya.dev
* Twitter: [@dhravyashah](https://twitter.com/dhravyashah)
* Github: [@dhravya](https://github.com/dhravya)
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