# quad-snd High-level, light-weight, and opinionated audio library. - [x] Web: WebAudio - [x] Android: OpenSLES - [x] Linux: Alsa - [x] macOS: CoreAudio - [x] Windows: Wasapi - [X] iOS: CoreAudio Being high-level enough allows `quad-snd` to use very different approaches to each backend. For example, for WebAudio all the playback and mixing is based on Audio nodes, while in OpenSLES `quad-snd` itself is responsible for mixing. `quad-snd` lacks lots of features and the best way to use the library - either fork a repo and fine-tune it for your needs or just copy-paste some code from certain audio backends. Biggest difference from any other sound library in rust: `quad-snd` is small. Each backend implementation is ~300LoC code and is self sufficient - you can copy-paste the whole thing and run it, (almost)no common code, dependencies or anything like that would be required. The only dependency is `audrey`. `audrey` helps backends that do not have file parsing functionality (all the platforms but web) to get bytes out of encoded .wav/.ogg. When web is not required - getting rid of `audrey` and use anything else(or nothing at all) for audio decoding is a super easy fix. ## Attribution While building `quad-snd` I looked into the implementation of the following libraries: https://github.com/floooh/sokol/blob/master/sokol_audio.h https://github.com/norse-rs/audir https://github.com/unrust/uni-snd