# Quadify ## Quadify is a bevy plugin with a minimal set of bevy's features. It uses macroquad for windowing/graphics/sound If an enormous bevy's dependency tree is too much for your game - you may want to try a simpler solution. This plugin provides you with macroquad windowing/rendering/sound, while also trying to use existing, known to you bevy's API. If you're doing simple web-games with 2D graphics - this might be suitable for you. *(Note: I'm not macroquad nor bevy developer, so please check their respected projects first; I'm just combining these two in a simple plugin.)* ## Planned features: | feature name | description | reference (bevy) |is required |status| | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | quad_window | Window management and events | bevy_window | ❗ | ⚒️ | | quad_input | Input types | bevy_input | ❗ | ⚒️ | | parallelism | Support for parallelism | None | ❗ | ❌ | | quad_render | Basic rendering abstractions | bevy_render/bevy_core_pipeline | ❔ | ❌ | | quad_asset | Really basic asset management | bevy_asset | ❔ | ❌ | | quad_sprite | Sprite rendering | bevy_sprite | ❔ | ❌ | | quad_text | Text rendering | bevy_text | ❔ | ❌ | | quad_ui | GUI from macroquad | bevy_ui | ❔ | ❌ | | quad_audio | Audio functionality | bevy_audio | ❔ | ❌ | *This list was composed on my personal needs, if the project gains attention I'll maybe try to add other functionality as well (But with no bloat)* ## Platform support I believe the platform support will be the same as macroquad's, so users might have to build their games using macroquad's instructions for each platform. ## Licensing I'm leaving the same MIT and APACHE licenses from both projects for you to choose. ## Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.