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It is made for programmers who need to submit code from their projects to an LLM without manually locating and copying individual files: ```bash > quagga --include '*.js' 'README.md' --exclude 'node_modules' ``` The main focus of `quagga` is **speed**, thanks to its implementation in Rust, and [**useful defaults**](#defaults), such as respecting `.gitignore`, ignoring binary, and hidden files. It follows the Unix philosophy of doing one thing well and is designed to be used with other tools by sending the prompt to stdout and receiving file paths from stdin: ```bash > quagga > prompt.txt > find . -name '*.txt' | quagga ``` ## Installation ### Install using Cargo First [install Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install), then run: ```bash cargo install quagga ``` ### Homebrew Install with [Homebrew](https://brew.sh/): ```bash brew tap evgenyneu/quagga brew install quagga ``` ### Pre-built binaries Download pre-built binaries from the [GitHub Releases page](https://github.com/evgenyneu/quagga/releases). 1. Download the appropriate version for your platform. 2. Move the binary to a location in your PATH. ## Usage ```bash quagga [OPTIONS] [DIRECTORY] ``` *DIRECTORY*: The root directory to search for files. Default is current directory `.`. ## Output By default, `quagga` prints the combined prompt to stdout. Alternatively, you can save the prompt to a file or copy it to the clipboard. ### Save prompt to file ```bash quagga --output prompt.txt ``` This command saves the prompt to prompt.txt. If the output exceeds the `--max-part-size CHARS` limit, it will be divided into parts (see the [Parts section](#parts)). Each part is stored in a separate file with a `.XXX` suffix appended to the output file name, such as `prompt.txt.001`, `prompt.txt.002`, etc. Additionally, you can add a timestamp to the output file name using the `{TIME}` or `{TIME_UTC}` tags: ```bash quagga --output {TIME}_prompt.txt ``` This command creates a file with a timestamp in the format `YYYY-mm-DD_HH-MM-SS_prompt.txt`. ### Copy prompt to clipboard ```bash quagga --clipboard ``` This command copies the combined prompt to the clipboard instead of printing it to stdout. If the output exceeds the `--max-part-size CHARS` limit, it will be divided into parts. Each part will be copied to the clipboard separately, and you'll be prompted to press Enter to copy the next part. ## Examples ### Combine markdown files and copy to clipboard ```bash quagga --include '*.md' --clipboard ``` Combines all Markdown files in the current directory and copies the result to the clipboard. ### Include specific file types and exclude directories ```bash quagga --include '*.{js,ts}' '*test*' --exclude node_modules dist ``` Includes JavaScript, TypeScript, and test files while excluding `node_modules` and `dist` directories. ### Use a custom template ```bash quagga --template prompt.md --include '*.txt' ``` Uses a template to customize the prompt text (see [Templates section](#templates) for details). ### Include only files that contain specific text ```bash quagga --contain todo fixthis -- ~/code/myapp ``` Includes only files that contain the words 'todo' or 'fixthis', look in the `~/code/myapp` directory. Notice the use of `--` to separate options from the directory path. ### Pipe file paths from another program ```bash find . -name '*.txt' | quagga cat file_list.txt | quagga ``` Pipes file paths from another program or a text file into `quagga` instead of searching the directory. ### Get the full list of options ```bash quagga --help ``` ## List files `quagga` provides a quick way to see the list of files that would be included in the prompt without combining them. ### Show file paths ```bash quagga --paths ``` This command shows the file paths: ```text ./Cargo.toml ./README.md ./src/main.rs ./src/processor.rs ``` ### Show file sizes ```bash quagga --file-sizes ``` Similar to `--paths` but shows the size of each file: ```text [29.58 KB] ./src/template/split.rs [13.51 KB] ./src/info/tree.rs [12.92 KB] ./tests/integration_test.rs ``` ### Show file tree ```bash quagga --tree ``` Displays file paths in an ASCII tree format: ```text . ├── src │ ├── main.rs │ └── processor.rs ├── Cargo.toml └── README.md ``` ### Show total file size ```bash quagga --size ``` Displays the total size of the files: ```text 10.2 KB ``` ## Templates `quagga` uses templates to format the combined output of your files. Templates allow you to define how the output is structured, including headers, footers, placeholders for file content, as well as providing instructions for an LLM. By default, it applies a built-in template, but you can customize this to suit your needs. The template is self-documenting and can be found in [templates/default.md](templates/default.md). ### Create a custom template Use the `--copy-template` option to generate a default template file `.quagga_template` in the current directory: ```bash quagga --copy-template ``` You can then customize the template and it will be automatically used by `quagga` when present in the current directory (no need to specify it with `--template` option). ### Template locations `quagga` looks for a template in the following order: 1. A custom template file specified with the `--template ` option. 1. A `.quagga_template` file in the current directory. 1. A `.quagga_template` file in your home directory. 1. If none of the above are found, Quagga uses its built-in [default template](templates/default.md). You can ask the program to ignore `.quagga_template` files by using the `--no-quagga-template` option. ### Filtering files with `.quagga_ignore` An alternative (and often more convenient) way to filter files is to use a `.quagga_ignore` file instead of the `--include` and `--exclude` command-line options. The `.quagga_ignore` has the same format as `.gitignore` and can be placed in the project and home directories: ```gitignore # Exclude everything * # Include Rust test files !tests/ !tests/**/*.rs ``` In this example, we only include `*.rs` test files by using the un-ignore `!` syntax. By default, `quagga` looks for `.quagga_ignore` files, but you can disable this behavior with the `--no-quagga-ignore` option. ## Defaults `quagga` uses the following defaults that can be overridden with command-line options: * Respects gitignore files (disable with `--no-gitignore`): * Standard: `.ignore`, `.gitignore`, `.git/info/exclude`. * Gitignore files from parent directories are respected. * Global ignore file from `core.excludesFile` option in `$HOME/.gitconfig` file. If not set, then `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore` is used. If `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is not set, then `$HOME/.config/git/ignore` is used. * Uses `.quagga_ignore` files from the project and home directories written in the same format as gitignore (disable with `--no-quagga-ignore`). * Ignores binary files (enable with `--binary`). Files are considered binary if they contain null bytes or invalid UTF-8 characters. * Ignores hidden files (enable with `--hidden`). * Ignores files larger than 300 KB (change with `--max-filesize BYTES`). * Symbolic links are not followed (enable with `--follow-links`). ## Parts `quagga` splits the prompt into multiple parts if it's larger than `--max-part-size CHARS`. This is needed because LLMs have limits on the size of the prompt you can submit. Each part has a header, footer, and a pending message, which instructs the LLM to wait until you submit all parts. Rather than locating the parts manually in the output, a quicker way is to use the `--output PATH` option, which automatically creates separate files for all parts (`prompt.txt.001`, `prompt.txt.002`, etc.). Alternatively, you can use the `--clipboard` option, which will copy each part to the clipboard separately and prompt you to press Enter to copy the next part. ## LLM context window LLMs have limited context windows. For example, GPT-4o's context window is 128K tokens, with one token being about 4 characters on average. Even though you can submit all your project code in multiple parts, an LLM like GPT-4o will only "remember" the last 128K tokens in the session. Quality of responses will also degrade well before reaching the context window size, so it's recommended to keep the prompt as small as possible by submitting only the relevant parts of the code or asking the LLM to summarize blocks of code. ## Development See [docs/development.md](docs/development.md) for instructions on how to set up the development environment. ## Contributing See contributing guidelines in [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## What's Quagga? Picture of Quagga *The quagga is an extinct subspecies of the plains zebra that lived in South Africa until it was hunted to extinction in the late 19th century. This is the only known photograph of a living quagga, taken at the London Zoo in 1870 by Frederick York. Source: [Wikimedia Commons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quagga#/media/File:Quagga_photo.jpg).* ## Alternative solutions Here are some great programs from other developers that offer similar functionality: * [Cursor](https://www.cursor.com/): AI code editor based on VS Code. * [simonw/files-to-prompt](https://github.com/simonw/files-to-prompt) * [mufeedvh/code2prompt](https://github.com/mufeedvh/code2prompt) * [banagale/FileKitty](https://github.com/banagale/FileKitty) ## Feedback is welcome If you need help or notice a bug, feel free to create an issue ticket. We will be happy to help. :D ## The unlicense This work is in [public domain](UNLICENSE).