# quec [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/quec.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/quec) [![AUR](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/quec.svg)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/quec/) history files located ``$HOME/.quec/`` ``C:\\Users\\USERNAME\\AppData\\Roaming\\quec`` ## wont fix issues non-ascii characters that are not 1 char long messes stuff up 0 width ascii characters are deleted tab looks like space windows files are converted to linux requires modern terminal on windows, like windows terminal ## keybindings ``i`` edit mode ``esc`` exit all modes ``h`` left ``l`` right ``j`` down ``k`` up ``0`` move to beginning of line ``$`` move to end of line ``ins`` insert mode ``page down`` move 1 page down ``page up`` move 1 page up ``home`` to start of file ``end`` to end of file ``y`` copy line ``d`` cut line ``p`` print line ``w`` save ``s`` save as ``o`` open file `` ` `` go to next file ``~`` go to last file ``q`` quit ``u`` undo ``U`` redo ``R`` replace all ``g`` goto line # ``/`` search mode ``v`` greek mode