Contact: Current team: Mr Tyson Jones [developer] HPC architecture interface quantum ops testing doc Dr Balint Koczor [developer] Kraus maps debugging Mr Richard Meister [developer] quantum ops Prof Simon Benjamin [consultant] user requirements algorithm prototyping Past members: Ms Anna Brown [developer] HPC build quantum ops Dr Fergus Cooper [developer] continuous integration Mr Jacob Wilkins [developer] testing Dr Ian Bush [consultant] software development HPC Dr Mihai Duta [developer] original prototyping External contributors: Jakub Adamski optimised distributed communication by sending max-size messages asynchronously Bruno Villasenor Alvarez on behalf of AMD ported the GPU backend to HIP, for AMD GPU compatibility Dr Nicolas Vogt on behalf of HQS Quantum Simulations implemented mixDamping (CPU) Kshitij Chhabra patched validateNumQubitsInQureg Drew Silcock patched MacOS OpenMP CMake flags Zach van Rijn patched OpenMP on GCC-9 SchineCompton patched GPU Cmake Release build Christopher J. Anders patched Cmake build when multhithreading defaults off revsied Cmake min version for GPU build Gleb Struchalin patched the cmake standalone build Milos Prokop implemented serial prototype of initDiagonalOpFromPauliHamil