# Quest-tui a simple todo list terminal user interface ![Demo](/images/demo.png) ### Built With - [Rust🦀](https://www.rust-lang.org/) - [tui-rs](https://github.com/fdehau/tui-rs) ## Getting Started Steps to install and run the application in your terminal. ### Prerequisites - Rust ([installtion guide](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)) ### Installation - `cargo install quest-tui` ### Building Locally Clone the project then: - `cargo build` to build iit - `cargo run` to run it directly ## Usage after installing with cargo, you can run the command `quest-tui` ## Configuration Quest uses [directories-next](https://crates.io/crates/directories-next) to save configuration and data files, config directory: - Linux: `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/quest or $HOME/.config/quest` - Windows: `{FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}/quest/config` - macOS: `$HOME/Library/Application Support/quest` A config file is created if one does not exists already when you run the app. default configs: ```json { "colors": { "foreground": "White", "background": "Black", "selection_fg": "Black", "selection_bg": "Yellow", "check_sign": "Green" }, "keybindings": { "exit_app": { "Char": "q" }, "new_quest": { "Char": "n" }, "check_and_uncheck_quest": "Enter", "list_up": "Up", "list_down": "Down", "delete_quest": "Delete", "exit_adding": "Esc", "save_quest": "Enter" } } ``` You can refer to [Color](https://docs.rs/tui/0.6.0/tui/style/enum.Color.html) and [Keybinding](https://docs.rs/crossterm/0.17.7/crossterm/event/enum.KeyCode.html) for all possible configs. ## Contributing Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. [guide](https://github.com/frustak/Quest/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) ## Authors - [frustak](https://github.com/frustak) - *Initial work* ## Acknowledgments - [Simon Scatton](https://github.com/SDAChess) - *Help with Github Porject* ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/frustak/Quest/blob/main/LICENSE) for more information. ## Contact - Discord: frustαk#4859 (preferred)