To run a micro benchmark using the 1.4MB `examples/data/bench.csv` data: go test -bench '.*' To run similar benchmarks for Rust (on the same data, but will benchmark each of the four access patterns), run `cargo bench` in the project root directory. To run the super huge benchmark (3.6GB), you'll need to download the zip from and put `ss10pusa.csv` in `../examples/data/ss10pusa.csv`. Then compile and run: go build -o huge-go time ./huge-go To run the huge benchmark for Rust, make sure `ss10pusa.csv` is in the same location as above and run: rustc -C opt-level=3 -C lto -L ../target/release/ -L ../target/release/deps/ -o huge-rust time ./huge-rust To get libraries in `../target/release/`, run `cargo build --release` in the project root directory. (Please make sure that one CPU is pegged when running this benchmark. If it isn't, you're probably just testing the speed of your disk.)