pub const IP: &str = ""; pub const CONTAINER_PORT: &str = "12999"; use crate::{container_tests::util::*, util::*}; #[test] #[ignore = "Needs to be run with container test (just d-test)"] pub fn test_file_transfer_no_compression_simple() -> TestResult { let dir = TempDir::new()?; let file_to_transfer = dir.child("f1.txt"); let file_to_receive: String = CONTAINER_HOME_DOWNLOAD_DIR.to_owned() + "/received.txt"; const TRANSFERED_CONTENTS: &str = "contents"; fs::write(&file_to_transfer, TRANSFERED_CONTENTS)?; let test_container_cmd = format!("qft listen --port {CONTAINER_PORT} -vv --output {file_to_receive}"); let _test_container = TestContainer::setup(&test_container_cmd, false); let mut cmd = Command::cargo_bin(BIN_NAME).unwrap(); let args = [ "send", "ip", IP, "--port", CONTAINER_PORT, "-vv", "--file", file_to_transfer.path().to_str().unwrap(), ]; cmd.args(args); let StdoutStderr { stdout, stderr } = process_output_to_stdio_if_success(cmd.output()?)?; eprint_docker_logs()?; eprint_cmd_args_stderr_stdout_formatted(&args, &stdout, &stderr); let f = assert_file_exists_in_container(&file_to_receive)?; pretty_assert_str_eq!(fs::read_to_string(f)?, TRANSFERED_CONTENTS); Ok(()) }