import * as std from "std"; import * as os from "os"; function assert(actual, expected, message) { if (arguments.length == 1) expected = true; if (actual === expected) return; if (actual !== null && expected !== null && typeof actual == 'object' && typeof expected == 'object' && actual.toString() === expected.toString()) return; throw Error("assertion failed: got |" + actual + "|" + ", expected |" + expected + "|" + (message ? " (" + message + ")" : "")); } // load more elaborate version of assert if available try { std.loadScript("test_assert.js"); } catch(e) {} /*----------------*/ function test_printf() { assert(std.sprintf("a=%d s=%s", 123, "abc"), "a=123 s=abc"); } function test_file1() { var f, len, str, size, buf, ret, i, str1; f = std.tmpfile(); str = "hello world\n"; f.puts(str);, std.SEEK_SET); str1 = f.readAsString(); assert(str1 === str);, std.SEEK_END); size = f.tell(); assert(size === str.length);, std.SEEK_SET); buf = new Uint8Array(size); ret =, 0, size); assert(ret === size); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) assert(buf[i] === str.charCodeAt(i)); f.close(); } function test_file2() { var f, str, i, size; f = std.tmpfile(); str = "hello world\n"; size = str.length; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) f.putByte(str.charCodeAt(i));, std.SEEK_SET); for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { assert(str.charCodeAt(i) === f.getByte()); } assert(f.getByte() === -1); f.close(); } function test_getline() { var f, line, line_count, lines, i; lines = ["hello world", "line 1", "line 2" ]; f = std.tmpfile(); for(i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { f.puts(lines[i], "\n"); }, std.SEEK_SET); assert(!f.eof()); line_count = 0; for(;;) { line = f.getline(); if (line === null) break; assert(line == lines[line_count]); line_count++; } assert(f.eof()); assert(line_count === lines.length); f.close(); } function test_os() { var fd, fname, buf, buf2, i; assert(os.isatty(0)); fname = "tmp_file.txt"; fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC); assert(fd >= 0); buf = new Uint8Array(10); for(i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) buf[i] = i; assert(os.write(fd, buf.buffer, 0, buf.length) === buf.length); assert(, 0, os.SEEK_SET) === 0); buf2 = new Uint8Array(buf.length); assert(, buf2.buffer, 0, buf2.length) === buf2.length); for(i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) assert(buf[i] == buf2[i]); assert(os.close(fd) === 0); assert(os.remove(fname) === 0); fd =, os.O_RDONLY); assert(fd < 0); } function test_timer() { var th, i; /* just test that a timer can be inserted and removed */ th = []; for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) th[i] = os.setTimeout(1000, function () { }); for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) os.clearTimeout(th[i]); } test_printf(); test_file1(); test_file2(); test_getline(); test_os(); test_timer();