package application_test import ( "crypto/rand" "fmt" "testing" "time" "" "" "" "" bls48581 "" "" "" "" ) func TestPairings(t *testing.T) { a := []byte{0x01} b := []byte{0x02} c := []byte{0x03} d := []byte{0x04} e := []byte{0x05} f := []byte{0x06} g := []byte{0x07} h := []byte{0x08} peers := [][]byte{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} idks := []curves.Point{ curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), curves.ED448().Point.Generator(), } a1pairing, _, isABob := application.GetPairings(a, 1, peers, idks) b1pairing, _, isBBob := application.GetPairings(b, 1, peers, idks) c1pairing, _, isCBob := application.GetPairings(c, 1, peers, idks) d1pairing, _, isDBob := application.GetPairings(d, 1, peers, idks) e1pairing, _, isEBob := application.GetPairings(e, 1, peers, idks) f1pairing, _, isFBob := application.GetPairings(f, 1, peers, idks) g1pairing, _, isGBob := application.GetPairings(g, 1, peers, idks) h1pairing, _, isHBob := application.GetPairings(h, 1, peers, idks) require.ElementsMatch(t, a1pairing, [][]byte{b}) require.ElementsMatch(t, b1pairing, [][]byte{a}) require.ElementsMatch(t, c1pairing, [][]byte{d}) require.ElementsMatch(t, d1pairing, [][]byte{c}) require.ElementsMatch(t, e1pairing, [][]byte{f}) require.ElementsMatch(t, f1pairing, [][]byte{e}) require.ElementsMatch(t, g1pairing, [][]byte{h}) require.ElementsMatch(t, h1pairing, [][]byte{g}) require.ElementsMatch(t, []bool{isABob, isBBob, isCBob, isDBob, isEBob, isFBob, isGBob, isHBob}, []bool{false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true}, ) a2pairing, _, isABob := application.GetPairings(a, 2, peers, idks) b2pairing, _, isBBob := application.GetPairings(b, 2, peers, idks) c2pairing, _, isCBob := application.GetPairings(c, 2, peers, idks) d2pairing, _, isDBob := application.GetPairings(d, 2, peers, idks) e2pairing, _, isEBob := application.GetPairings(e, 2, peers, idks) f2pairing, _, isFBob := application.GetPairings(f, 2, peers, idks) g2pairing, _, isGBob := application.GetPairings(g, 2, peers, idks) h2pairing, _, isHBob := application.GetPairings(h, 2, peers, idks) require.ElementsMatch(t, a2pairing, [][]byte{c, d}) require.ElementsMatch(t, b2pairing, [][]byte{c, d}) require.ElementsMatch(t, c2pairing, [][]byte{a, b}) require.ElementsMatch(t, d2pairing, [][]byte{a, b}) require.ElementsMatch(t, e2pairing, [][]byte{g, h}) require.ElementsMatch(t, f2pairing, [][]byte{g, h}) require.ElementsMatch(t, g2pairing, [][]byte{e, f}) require.ElementsMatch(t, h2pairing, [][]byte{e, f}) require.ElementsMatch(t, []bool{isABob, isBBob, isCBob, isDBob, isEBob, isFBob, isGBob, isHBob}, []bool{false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true}, ) a3pairing, _, isABob := application.GetPairings(a, 3, peers, idks) b3pairing, _, isBBob := application.GetPairings(b, 3, peers, idks) c3pairing, _, isCBob := application.GetPairings(c, 3, peers, idks) d3pairing, _, isDBob := application.GetPairings(d, 3, peers, idks) e3pairing, _, isEBob := application.GetPairings(e, 3, peers, idks) f3pairing, _, isFBob := application.GetPairings(f, 3, peers, idks) g3pairing, _, isGBob := application.GetPairings(g, 3, peers, idks) h3pairing, _, isHBob := application.GetPairings(h, 3, peers, idks) require.ElementsMatch(t, a3pairing, [][]byte{e, f, g, h}) require.ElementsMatch(t, b3pairing, [][]byte{e, f, g, h}) require.ElementsMatch(t, c3pairing, [][]byte{e, f, g, h}) require.ElementsMatch(t, d3pairing, [][]byte{e, f, g, h}) require.ElementsMatch(t, e3pairing, [][]byte{a, b, c, d}) require.ElementsMatch(t, f3pairing, [][]byte{a, b, c, d}) require.ElementsMatch(t, g3pairing, [][]byte{a, b, c, d}) require.ElementsMatch(t, h3pairing, [][]byte{a, b, c, d}) require.ElementsMatch(t, []bool{isABob, isBBob, isCBob, isDBob, isEBob, isFBob, isGBob, isHBob}, []bool{false, false, false, false, true, true, true, true}, ) a4pairing, _, isABob := application.GetPairings(a, 4, peers, idks) b4pairing, _, isBBob := application.GetPairings(b, 4, peers, idks) c4pairing, _, isCBob := application.GetPairings(c, 4, peers, idks) d4pairing, _, isDBob := application.GetPairings(d, 4, peers, idks) e4pairing, _, isEBob := application.GetPairings(e, 4, peers, idks) f4pairing, _, isFBob := application.GetPairings(f, 4, peers, idks) g4pairing, _, isGBob := application.GetPairings(g, 4, peers, idks) h4pairing, _, isHBob := application.GetPairings(h, 4, peers, idks) require.ElementsMatch(t, a4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, b4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, c4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, d4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, e4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, f4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, g4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, h4pairing, [][]byte{}) require.ElementsMatch(t, []bool{isABob, isBBob, isCBob, isDBob, isEBob, isFBob, isGBob, isHBob}, []bool{false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}, ) } func TestProcessRound(t *testing.T) { a := []byte{0x01} aKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) aPoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(aKey) b := []byte{0x02} bKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) bPoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(bKey) c := []byte{0x03} cKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) cPoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(cKey) d := []byte{0x04} dKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) dPoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(dKey) e := []byte{0x05} eKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) ePoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(eKey) f := []byte{0x06} fKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) fPoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(fKey) g := []byte{0x07} gKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) gPoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(gKey) h := []byte{0x08} hKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) hPoint := curves.ED448().Point.Generator().Mul(hKey) peerKeys := []curves.Scalar{aKey, bKey, cKey, dKey, eKey, fKey, gKey, hKey} peerPoints := [][]byte{ aPoint.ToAffineCompressed(), bPoint.ToAffineCompressed(), cPoint.ToAffineCompressed(), dPoint.ToAffineCompressed(), ePoint.ToAffineCompressed(), fPoint.ToAffineCompressed(), gPoint.ToAffineCompressed(), hPoint.ToAffineCompressed(), } idkPoints := []curves.Point{ aPoint, bPoint, cPoint, dPoint, ePoint, fPoint, gPoint, hPoint, } peers := [][]byte{a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h} peerSecrets := [][]curves.Scalar{} originalPeerSecrets := [][]curves.Scalar{} for i := range peers { fmt.Printf("generating secrets for peer %d\n", i) x := curves.BLS48581G1().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) xs := x.Clone() secrets := []curves.Scalar{x} originalSecrets := []curves.Scalar{x} fmt.Printf("secret %d(%d): %+x\n", i, 0, xs.Bytes()) for j := 0; j < 1; j++ { xs = xs.Mul(x) secrets = append(secrets, xs) fmt.Printf("secret %d(%d): %+x\n", i, 1, xs.Bytes()) originalSecrets = append(originalSecrets, xs) } peerSecrets = append(peerSecrets, secrets) originalPeerSecrets = append(originalPeerSecrets, originalSecrets) } messages := syncmap.Map{} send := func(peer []byte) func(seq int, dst, msg []byte) error { return func(seq int, dst, msg []byte) error { fmt.Printf("send %d bytes for seq %d to %+x\n", len(msg), seq, dst) b := byte(seq) dst = append(append(append([]byte{}, b), peer...), dst...) if msg == nil { msg = []byte{0x01} } messages.Store(string(dst), string(msg)) return nil } } recv := func(peer []byte) func(seq int, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { return func(seq int, src []byte) ([]byte, error) { fmt.Printf("recv %d from %+x\n", seq, src) b := byte(seq) bsrc := append(append(append([]byte{}, b), src...), peer...) msg, ok := messages.LoadAndDelete(string(bsrc)) for !ok { fmt.Printf("no message yet, waiting for recv %d from %+x\n", seq, src) time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) msg, ok = messages.LoadAndDelete(string(bsrc)) } return []byte(msg.(string)), nil } } for j := 1; j < 4; j++ { eg := errgroup.Group{} eg.SetLimit(8) for i := range peers { i := i eg.Go(func() error { fmt.Printf("running round %d for %d\n", j, i) newSecrets, err := application.ProcessRound( peerPoints[i], peerKeys[i], j, peerPoints, idkPoints, peerSecrets[i], curves.BLS48581G1(), send(peerPoints[i]), recv(peerPoints[i]), []byte{0x01}, ) require.NoError(t, err) for s := range newSecrets { fmt.Printf("secret %d(%d): %+x\n", i, s, newSecrets[s].Bytes()) } peerSecrets[i] = newSecrets return err }) } err := eg.Wait() require.NoError(t, err) } checks := []curves.Point{} for i := 0; i < len(originalPeerSecrets[0]); i++ { mul := curves.BLS48581G1().Scalar.One() for j := 0; j < len(originalPeerSecrets); j++ { mul = mul.Mul(originalPeerSecrets[j][i]) } checks = append(checks, curves.BLS48581G1().Point.Generator().Mul(mul)) } result := []curves.Point{} for i := 0; i < len(peerSecrets[0]); i++ { var add curves.Point = nil for j := 0; j < len(peerSecrets); j++ { if add == nil { add = curves.BLS48581G1().Point.Generator().Mul(peerSecrets[j][i]) } else { add = add.Add( curves.BLS48581G1().Point.Generator().Mul(peerSecrets[j][i]), ) } } result = append(result, add) } for i := range checks { require.Equal(t, true, checks[i].Equal(result[i])) } } func TestCompositeConstructionOfBLS(t *testing.T) { // needed to verify signatures bls48581.Init() curve := curves.BLS48581G1() hashKeySeed := [simplest.DigestSize]byte{} _, err := rand.Read(hashKeySeed[:]) require.NoError(t, err) alpha := curve.Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) beta := curve.Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) alpha2 := alpha.Mul(alpha) beta2 := beta.Mul(beta) sender := application.NewMultiplySender([]curves.Scalar{alpha, alpha2}, curve, hashKeySeed) receiver := application.NewMultiplyReceiver([]curves.Scalar{beta, beta2}, curve, hashKeySeed) var senderMsg []byte = nil var receiverMsg []byte = nil sErr := sender.Init() require.NoError(t, sErr) rErr := receiver.Init() require.NoError(t, rErr) x448SendingIdentityPrivateKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) x448SendingEphemeralPrivateKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) x448ReceivingIdentityPrivateKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) x448ReceivingSignedPrePrivateKey := curves.ED448().Scalar.Random(rand.Reader) x448SendingIdentityKey := curves.ED448().NewGeneratorPoint().Mul(x448SendingIdentityPrivateKey) x448SendingEphemeralKey := curves.ED448().NewGeneratorPoint().Mul(x448SendingEphemeralPrivateKey) x448ReceivingIdentityKey := curves.ED448().NewGeneratorPoint().Mul(x448ReceivingIdentityPrivateKey) x448ReceivingSignedPreKey := curves.ED448().NewGeneratorPoint().Mul(x448ReceivingSignedPrePrivateKey) senderResult := crypto.SenderX3DH( x448SendingIdentityPrivateKey, x448SendingEphemeralPrivateKey, x448ReceivingIdentityKey, x448ReceivingSignedPreKey, 96, ) receiverResult := crypto.ReceiverX3DH( x448ReceivingIdentityPrivateKey, x448ReceivingSignedPrePrivateKey, x448SendingIdentityKey, x448SendingEphemeralKey, 96, ) drSender, err := crypto.NewDoubleRatchetParticipant( senderResult[:32], senderResult[32:64], senderResult[64:], true, x448SendingEphemeralPrivateKey, x448ReceivingSignedPreKey, curves.ED448(), nil, ) require.NoError(t, err) drReceiver, err := crypto.NewDoubleRatchetParticipant( receiverResult[:32], receiverResult[32:64], receiverResult[64:], false, x448ReceivingSignedPrePrivateKey, x448SendingEphemeralKey, curves.ED448(), nil, ) require.NoError(t, err) for !sender.IsDone() && !receiver.IsDone() { senderMsg, err = sender.Next(receiverMsg) require.NoError(t, err) senderEnvelope, err := drSender.RatchetEncrypt(senderMsg) require.NoError(t, err) senderMsg, err = drReceiver.RatchetDecrypt(senderEnvelope) require.NoError(t, err) receiverMsg, err = receiver.Next(senderMsg) require.NoError(t, err) receiverEnvelope, err := drReceiver.RatchetEncrypt(receiverMsg) require.NoError(t, err) receiverMsg, err = drSender.RatchetDecrypt(receiverEnvelope) require.NoError(t, err) } senderPoints := sender.GetPoints() receiverPoints := receiver.GetPoints() generator := alpha.Point().Generator() product := generator.Mul(alpha).Mul(beta) sum := senderPoints[0].Add(receiverPoints[0]) product2 := generator.Mul(alpha2).Mul(beta2) sum2 := senderPoints[1].Add(receiverPoints[1]) fmt.Println(alpha.Bytes()) fmt.Println(beta.Bytes()) fmt.Println(curves.BLS48581G1().Point.Generator().ToAffineCompressed()) fmt.Println(sum.ToAffineCompressed()) fmt.Println(product.ToAffineCompressed()) require.Equal(t, true, product.Equal(sum)) require.Equal(t, true, product2.Equal(sum2)) sendSig, err := sender.GetSignatureOfProverKey([]byte{0x01}) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, len(sendSig), 74) recvSig, err := receiver.GetSignatureOfProverKey([]byte{0x02}) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, len(recvSig), 74) require.NoError(t, application.VerifySignatureOfProverKey( []byte{0x01}, sendSig, curves.BLS48581G2().Point.Generator().Mul( sender.GetScalars()[0], ), )) require.NoError(t, application.VerifySignatureOfProverKey( []byte{0x02}, recvSig, curves.BLS48581G2().Point.Generator().Mul( receiver.GetScalars()[0], ), )) require.Error(t, application.VerifySignatureOfProverKey( []byte{0x02}, sendSig, curves.BLS48581G2().Point.Generator().Mul( sender.GetScalars()[0], ), )) require.Error(t, application.VerifySignatureOfProverKey( []byte{0x01}, recvSig, curves.BLS48581G2().Point.Generator().Mul( receiver.GetScalars()[0], ), )) }