use quix::node::{NodeConfig, NodeControl, Connect}; use actix::{SystemService, Message, Actor, Handler, Running}; use std::time::Duration; use quix::Process; use std::thread::JoinHandle; use quix::global::{Global, Set}; use quix::util::Service; use bytes::{Buf, BufMut}; #[derive(prost::Message)] pub struct M { #[prost(int32, tag = "1")] v: i32 } impl Message for M { type Result = i32; } impl Service for M { const NAME: &'static str = "M"; const ID: u64 = 42; fn read(b: impl Buf) -> Result { unimplemented!() } fn write(&self, b: &mut impl BufMut) -> Result<(), ()> { unimplemented!() } fn read_result(b: impl Buf) -> Result { unimplemented!() } fn write_result(r: &Self::Result, b: &mut impl BufMut) -> Result<(), ()> { unimplemented!() } } #[derive(quix::ProcessDispatch)] #[dispatch(M)] pub struct Act {} impl Actor for Act { type Context = Process; fn stopping(&mut self, ctx: &mut Self::Context) -> Running { log::warn!("Stopping actor"); Running::Stop } } impl Handler for Act { type Result = i32; fn handle(&mut self, _msg: M, _ctx: &mut Process) -> Self::Result { unimplemented!() } } fn make_node(i: i32) -> JoinHandle<()> { std::thread::spawn(move || { actix::run(async move { tokio::time::delay_for(Duration::from_millis((i * 100) as u64)).await; let config = NodeConfig { listen: format!("{}", i).parse().unwrap(), ..Default::default() }; Global::::from_registry().send(Set(config)).await.unwrap(); if i > 0 { let link = NodeControl::from_registry().send(Connect { addr: format!("{}", i - 1).parse().unwrap() }).await.unwrap(); } let m1 = Process::start(Act {}); // m2 should be deleted after the end of the block { let m2 = Process::start(Act {}); tokio::time::delay_for(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; } tokio::time::delay_for(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; }).unwrap(); }) } #[test] fn test_e2e() { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"); env_logger::init(); let n0 = make_node(0); let n1 = make_node(1); let n2 = make_node(2); n0.join().unwrap(); n1.join().unwrap(); n2.join().unwrap(); }