# Usage ## Run query on data ```bash qv s3://tpc-h-parquet/1/customer -q 'select c_custkey, UPPER(c_name) from tbl' ``` ## View schema of data ```bash qv ./datasets/tpc-h-parquet/1/customer -s ``` ## View data on GCS. ### Configuration QV expects the environment variable 'GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS' to exist and point to a file which contains google credentials. ```bash qv gs://datafusion-delta-testing/data/delta/COVID-19_NYT ``` ## View data on S3 ### Configuration Usually [Credential](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/blob/main/sdk/aws-config/src/default_provider/credentials.rs#L25) loading works out of the box when using the [AWS SDK for Rust](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/tree/main). The following environment variables are needed for credentials: * AWS_REGION * AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID * AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY In case you have AWS SSO credentials you need to set the following: * AWS_PROFILE In case you have a custom endpoint in place (eg: [minio](https://min.io/)) you also need to set: #* AWS_ENDPOINT_URL AWS_ENDPOINT AWS_ALLOW_HTTP https://docs.rs/object_store/latest/object_store/aws/struct.AmazonS3Builder.html ```bash qv s3://tpc-h-parquet/1/customer ``` ## Specify AWS (SSO) profile to use ```bash qv s3://tpc-h-parquet/1/customer --profile my-user ``` This is the same as: ```bash AWS_PROFILE=my-user qv s3://tpc-h-parquet/1/customer ``` ## View data from S3 console URL ```bash qv https://s3.console.aws.amazon.com/s3/buckets/datafusion-delta-testing?region=eu-central-1&prefix=simple_table/&showversions=false ``` ## View data which matches a globbing pattern: ```bash qv "s3://datafusion-parquet-testing/data/alltypes_pla*n.parquet" ``` ## View delta table (no need for a manifest) ```bash qv /Users/timvw/src/github/delta-rs/rust/tests/data/COVID-19_NYT ``` ## View delta table at specific point in time ```bash qv /Users/timvw/src/github/delta-rs/rust/tests/data/COVID-19_NYT --at "2022-01-01T16:39:00+01:00" ``` ## View glue table ```bash qv glue://mydb.table1 ```