use futures::{executor::LocalPool, prelude::*, task::LocalSpawnExt}; // try to run like this // cargo run --example parameters -- --ros-args -p key1:=[hello,world] -p key2:=5.5 -r __ns:=/demo -r __node:=my_node // then run // ros2 param get /demo/my_node key2 # (should return 5.5) // ros2 param set /demo/my_node key2 false // ros2 param get /demo/my_node key2 # (should return false) fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { println!("Ros version: {}", r2r::ROS_DISTRO); // set up executor let mut pool = LocalPool::new(); let spawner = pool.spawner(); // set up ros node let ctx = r2r::Context::create()?; let mut node = r2r::Node::create(ctx, "to_be_replaced", "to_be_replaced")?; // if you only need to load a parameter once at startup, it can be done like this. // errors can be propigated with the ? operator and enhanced with the `thiserror` and `anyhow` crates. // we do not use the ? operator here because we want the program to continue, even if the value is not set. let serial_interface_path = node.get_parameter::("serial_interface"); match serial_interface_path { Ok(serial_interface) => println!("Serial interface: {serial_interface}"), Err(error) => println!("Failed to get name of serial interface: {error}"), } // you can also get parameters as optional types. // this will be None if the parameter is not set. If the parameter is set but to the wrong type, this will // will produce an error. let baud_rate: Option = node.get_parameter("baud_rate")?; // because the baud_rate is an optional type, we can use `unwrap_or` to provide a default value. let baud_rate = baud_rate.unwrap_or(115200); println!("Baud rate: {baud_rate}"); // make a parameter handler (once per node). // the parameter handler is optional, only spawn one if you need it. let (paramater_handler, parameter_events) = node.make_parameter_handler()?; // run parameter handler on your executor. spawner.spawn_local(paramater_handler)?; // parameter event stream. just print them spawner.spawn_local(async move { parameter_events .for_each(|(param_name, param_val)| { println!("parameter event: {} is now {:?}", param_name, param_val); future::ready(()) }) .await })?; println!("node name: {}",; println!("node fully qualified name: {}", node.fully_qualified_name()?); println!("node namespace: {}", node.namespace()?); // print all params every 5 seconds. let mut timer = node.create_wall_timer(std::time::Duration::from_secs(5))?; let params = node.params.clone(); spawner.spawn_local(async move { loop { println!("node parameters"); params.lock().unwrap().iter().for_each(|(k, v)| { println!("{} - {:?}", k, v.value); }); let _elapsed = timer.tick().await.expect("could not tick"); } })?; loop { node.spin_once(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); pool.run_until_stalled(); } }