pub mod msg { use super::super::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct Mesh { pub triangles: Vec, pub vertices: Vec, } impl WrappedTypesupport for Mesh { type CStruct = shape_msgs__msg__Mesh; fn get_ts() -> &'static rosidl_message_type_support_t { unsafe { &*rosidl_typesupport_c__get_message_type_support_handle__shape_msgs__msg__Mesh() } } fn create_msg() -> *mut shape_msgs__msg__Mesh { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__Mesh__create() } #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__Mesh__create() } fn destroy_msg(msg: *mut shape_msgs__msg__Mesh) -> () { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__Mesh__destroy(msg) }; #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__Mesh__destroy(msg) } fn from_native(#[allow(unused)] msg: &Self::CStruct) -> Mesh { Mesh { triangles: { let mut temp = Vec::with_capacity(msg.triangles.size); let slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(, msg.triangles.size, ) }; for s in slice { temp.push(shape_msgs::msg::MeshTriangle::from_native(s)); } temp }, vertices: { let mut temp = Vec::with_capacity(msg.vertices.size); let slice = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(, msg.vertices.size) }; for s in slice { temp.push(geometry_msgs::msg::Point::from_native(s)); } temp }, } } fn copy_to_native(&self, #[allow(unused)] msg: &mut Self::CStruct) { unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle__Sequence__fini(&mut msg.triangles); shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle__Sequence__init( &mut msg.triangles, self.triangles.len(), ); let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(, msg.triangles.size, ); for (t, s) in slice.iter_mut().zip(&self.triangles) { s.copy_to_native(t); } } unsafe { geometry_msgs__msg__Point__Sequence__fini(&mut msg.vertices); geometry_msgs__msg__Point__Sequence__init( &mut msg.vertices, self.vertices.len(), ); let slice = std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(, msg.vertices.size, ); for (t, s) in slice.iter_mut().zip(&self.vertices) { s.copy_to_native(t); } } } } impl Default for Mesh { fn default() -> Self { let msg_native = WrappedNativeMsg::::new(); Mesh::from_native(&msg_native) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct MeshTriangle { pub vertex_indices: Vec, } impl WrappedTypesupport for MeshTriangle { type CStruct = shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle; fn get_ts() -> &'static rosidl_message_type_support_t { unsafe { &*rosidl_typesupport_c__get_message_type_support_handle__shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle() } } fn create_msg() -> *mut shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle__create() } #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle__create() } fn destroy_msg(msg: *mut shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle) -> () { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle__destroy(msg) }; #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__MeshTriangle__destroy(msg) } fn from_native(#[allow(unused)] msg: &Self::CStruct) -> MeshTriangle { MeshTriangle { vertex_indices: msg.vertex_indices.to_vec(), } } fn copy_to_native(&self, #[allow(unused)] msg: &mut Self::CStruct) { assert_eq!( self.vertex_indices.len(), 3usize, "Field {} is fixed size of {}!", "vertex_indices", 3usize ); msg.vertex_indices.copy_from_slice(&self.vertex_indices[..3usize]); } } impl Default for MeshTriangle { fn default() -> Self { let msg_native = WrappedNativeMsg::::new(); MeshTriangle::from_native(&msg_native) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct Plane { pub coef: Vec, } impl WrappedTypesupport for Plane { type CStruct = shape_msgs__msg__Plane; fn get_ts() -> &'static rosidl_message_type_support_t { unsafe { &*rosidl_typesupport_c__get_message_type_support_handle__shape_msgs__msg__Plane() } } fn create_msg() -> *mut shape_msgs__msg__Plane { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__Plane__create() } #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__Plane__create() } fn destroy_msg(msg: *mut shape_msgs__msg__Plane) -> () { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__Plane__destroy(msg) }; #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__Plane__destroy(msg) } fn from_native(#[allow(unused)] msg: &Self::CStruct) -> Plane { Plane { coef: msg.coef.to_vec() } } fn copy_to_native(&self, #[allow(unused)] msg: &mut Self::CStruct) { assert_eq!( self.coef.len(), 4usize, "Field {} is fixed size of {}!", "coef", 4usize ); msg.coef.copy_from_slice(&self.coef[..4usize]); } } impl Default for Plane { fn default() -> Self { let msg_native = WrappedNativeMsg::::new(); Plane::from_native(&msg_native) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(default)] pub struct SolidPrimitive { #[serde(rename = "type")] pub type_: u8, pub dimensions: Vec, pub polygon: geometry_msgs::msg::Polygon, } impl WrappedTypesupport for SolidPrimitive { type CStruct = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive; fn get_ts() -> &'static rosidl_message_type_support_t { unsafe { &*rosidl_typesupport_c__get_message_type_support_handle__shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive() } } fn create_msg() -> *mut shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__create() } #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__create() } fn destroy_msg(msg: *mut shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive) -> () { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] unsafe { shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__destroy(msg) }; #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__destroy(msg) } fn from_native(#[allow(unused)] msg: &Self::CStruct) -> SolidPrimitive { SolidPrimitive { type_: msg.type_, dimensions: msg.dimensions.to_vec(), polygon: geometry_msgs::msg::Polygon::from_native(&msg.polygon), } } fn copy_to_native(&self, #[allow(unused)] msg: &mut Self::CStruct) { msg.type_ = self.type_; assert!( self.dimensions.len() <= 3usize, "Field {} is upper bounded by {}!", "dimensions", 3usize ); msg.dimensions.update(&self.dimensions); self.polygon.copy_to_native(&mut msg.polygon); } } impl Default for SolidPrimitive { fn default() -> Self { let msg_native = WrappedNativeMsg::::new(); SolidPrimitive::from_native(&msg_native) } } #[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] impl SolidPrimitive { pub const BOX: _bindgen_ty_126 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__BOX; pub const BOX_X: _bindgen_ty_131 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__BOX_X; pub const BOX_Y: _bindgen_ty_132 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__BOX_Y; pub const BOX_Z: _bindgen_ty_133 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__BOX_Z; pub const CONE: _bindgen_ty_129 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__CONE; pub const CONE_HEIGHT: _bindgen_ty_137 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__CONE_HEIGHT; pub const CONE_RADIUS: _bindgen_ty_138 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__CONE_RADIUS; pub const CYLINDER: _bindgen_ty_128 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__CYLINDER; pub const CYLINDER_HEIGHT: _bindgen_ty_135 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__CYLINDER_HEIGHT; pub const CYLINDER_RADIUS: _bindgen_ty_136 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__CYLINDER_RADIUS; pub const PRISM: _bindgen_ty_130 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__PRISM; pub const PRISM_HEIGHT: _bindgen_ty_139 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__PRISM_HEIGHT; pub const SPHERE: _bindgen_ty_127 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__SPHERE; pub const SPHERE_RADIUS: _bindgen_ty_134 = shape_msgs__msg__SolidPrimitive__SPHERE_RADIUS; } }