use futures::stream::StreamExt; use r2r::QosProfile; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use tokio::task; const N_CONCURRENT_ROS_CONTEXT: usize = 3; const N_TEARDOWN_CYCLES: usize = 2; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread", worker_threads = 2)] async fn tokio_testing() -> Result<(), Box> { let mut threads = futures::stream::FuturesUnordered::from_iter( (0..N_CONCURRENT_ROS_CONTEXT).map(|i_context| { tokio::spawn(async move { // Iterate to check for memory corruption on node setup/teardown for i_cycle in 0..N_TEARDOWN_CYCLES { println!("tokio_testing iteration {i_cycle}"); let ctx = r2r::Context::create().unwrap(); // let ctx = std::thread::spawn(|| r2r::Context::create().unwrap()).join().unwrap(); let mut node = r2r::Node::create(ctx, &format!("testnode_{i_context}"), "").unwrap(); let mut s_the_no = node .subscribe::( &format!("/the_no_{i_context}"), QosProfile::default(), ) .unwrap(); let mut s_new_no = node .subscribe::( &format!("/new_no_{i_context}"), QosProfile::default(), ) .unwrap(); let p_the_no = node .create_publisher::( &format!("/the_no_{i_context}"), QosProfile::default(), ) .unwrap(); let p_new_no = node .create_publisher::( &format!("/new_no_{i_context}"), QosProfile::default(), ) .unwrap(); let p_float_no = node .create_publisher::( &format!("/float_no_{i_context}"), QosProfile::default().best_effort(), ) .unwrap(); // wait a little for publisher info to populate(?). hack to avoid CI failures. tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).await; let pub_info = node .get_publishers_info_by_topic(&format!("/float_no_{i_context}"), false) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(pub_info.len(), 1); assert_eq!(pub_info[0].topic_type, "std_msgs/msg/Float32".to_owned()); assert_eq!( pub_info[0].qos_profile.reliability, QosProfile::default().best_effort().reliability ); assert_eq!( pub_info[0].qos_profile.durability, QosProfile::default().durability ); let pub_info = node .get_publishers_info_by_topic(&format!("/new_no_{i_context}"), false) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(pub_info.len(), 1); assert_eq!(pub_info[0].topic_type, "std_msgs/msg/Int32".to_owned()); assert_eq!( pub_info[0].qos_profile.reliability, QosProfile::default().reliability ); assert_eq!( pub_info[0].qos_profile.durability, QosProfile::default().durability ); let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(0)); task::spawn(async move { (0..10).for_each(|i| { p_the_no .publish(&r2r::std_msgs::msg::Int32 { data: i }) .unwrap(); println!("send {i}"); }); }); task::spawn(async move { while let Some(msg) = { p_new_no .publish(&r2r::std_msgs::msg::Int32 { data: + 10, }) .unwrap(); println!("got {}, send {}",, + 10); } }); let s = state.clone(); task::spawn(async move { while let Some(msg) = { println!("got {}",; let i =; *s.lock().unwrap() = i; } }); task::spawn(async move { (0..10).for_each(|i| { p_float_no .publish(&r2r::std_msgs::msg::Float32 { data: i as f32 }) .unwrap(); }); }); // std::thread::spawn doesn't work here anymore? let handle = task::spawn_blocking(move || { for _ in 1..30 { node.spin_once(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)); let x = state.lock().unwrap(); println!("rec {}", x); if *x == 19 { break; } } *state.lock().unwrap() }); let x = handle.await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(x, 19); println!("tokio_testing finish iteration {i_cycle}"); } }) }), ); while let Some(thread) = { thread.unwrap(); } Ok(()) }