use bindgen::Bindings; use itertools::{chain, iproduct, Either, Itertools}; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use r2r_common::{camel_to_snake, RosMsg}; use rayon::prelude::*; use std::{ env, fs, fs::{File, OpenOptions}, io::{prelude::*, BufWriter}, mem, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; const MSG_INCLUDES_FILENAME: &str = "msg_includes.h"; const INTROSPECTION_FILENAME: &str = ""; const CONSTANTS_FILENAME: &str = ""; const BINDINGS_FILENAME: &str = ""; const BINDINGS_DOC_ONLY_FILENAME: &str = ""; const GENERATED_FILES: &[&str] = &[ MSG_INCLUDES_FILENAME, INTROSPECTION_FILENAME, CONSTANTS_FILENAME, BINDINGS_FILENAME, BINDINGS_DOC_ONLY_FILENAME, ]; const SRV_SUFFICES: &[&str] = &["Request", "Response"]; const ACTION_SUFFICES: &[&str] = &["Goal", "Result", "Feedback", "FeedbackMessage"]; fn main() { r2r_common::print_cargo_watches(); r2r_common::print_cargo_ros_distro(); let msg_list = r2r_common::get_wanted_messages(); run_bindgen(&msg_list); run_dynlink(&msg_list); } fn run_bindgen(msg_list: &[RosMsg]) { let env_hash = r2r_common::get_env_hash(); let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let manifest_dir = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); let bindgen_dir = out_dir.join(env_hash); let mark_file = bindgen_dir.join("done"); let save_dir = manifest_dir.join("bindings"); if cfg!(feature = "doc-only") { // If "doc-only" feature is present, copy from $crate/bindings/* to OUT_DIR eprintln!("Copy files from '{}' to '{}'", save_dir.display(), out_dir.display()); for filename in GENERATED_FILES { let src = save_dir.join(filename); let tgt = out_dir.join(filename); fs::copy(&src, &tgt).unwrap(); } } else { // If bindgen was done before, use cached files. if !mark_file.exists() { eprintln!("Generate bindings in '{}'", bindgen_dir.display()); fs::create_dir_all(&bindgen_dir).unwrap(); generate_bindings(&bindgen_dir, msg_list); touch(&mark_file); } else { eprintln!("Used cached files in '{}'", bindgen_dir.display()); } for filename in GENERATED_FILES { let src = bindgen_dir.join(filename); let tgt = out_dir.join(filename); fs::copy(&src, &tgt).unwrap(); } #[cfg(feature = "save-bindgen")] { fs::create_dir_all(&save_dir).unwrap(); for filename in GENERATED_FILES { let src = bindgen_dir.join(filename); let tgt = save_dir.join(filename); fs::copy(&src, &tgt).unwrap(); } } } } fn generate_bindings(bindgen_dir: &Path, msg_list: &[RosMsg]) { // Run codegen in parallel. rayon::scope(|scope| { scope.spawn(|_| { generate_includes(bindgen_dir, msg_list); let bindings = generate_bindings_file(bindgen_dir); generate_constants(bindgen_dir, msg_list, &bindings); }); scope.spawn(|_| { generate_introspecion_map(bindgen_dir, msg_list); }); }); } fn generate_includes(bindgen_dir: &Path, msg_list: &[RosMsg]) { let msg_includes_file = bindgen_dir.join(MSG_INCLUDES_FILENAME); // Generate a C include line for each message type. let mut include_lines: Vec<_> = msg_list .par_iter() .flat_map(|msg| { let RosMsg { name, module, prefix, .. } = msg; // filename is certainly CamelCase -> snake_case. convert let include_filename = camel_to_snake(name); [ format!("#include <{module}/{prefix}/{include_filename}.h>"), format!( "#include <{module}/{prefix}/detail/\ {include_filename}__rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c.h>" ), ] }) .collect(); // Sort the lines. include_lines.par_sort(); // Write the file content let mut writer = BufWriter::new(File::create(msg_includes_file).unwrap()); for line in include_lines { writeln!(writer, "{line}").unwrap(); } } fn generate_introspecion_map(bindgen_dir: &Path, msg_list: &[RosMsg]) { let introspection_file = bindgen_dir.join(INTROSPECTION_FILENAME); let mut entries: Vec<_> = msg_list .par_iter() .flat_map(|msg| { let RosMsg { module, prefix, name, } = msg; match prefix.as_str() { "srv" => SRV_SUFFICES .iter() .map(|s| { let key = format!("{module}__{prefix}__{name}_{s}"); let ident = format!( "rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__get_message_type_support_handle__\ {module}__\ {prefix}__\ {name}_\ {s}" ); (key, ident) }) .collect(), "action" => { let iter1 = ACTION_SUFFICES.iter().map(|s| { let key = format!("{module}__{prefix}__{name}_{s}"); let ident = format!( "rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__\ get_message_type_support_handle__\ {module}__\ {prefix}__\ {name}_\ {s}", ); (key, ident) }); // "internal" services let iter2 = iproduct!(["SendGoal", "GetResult"], SRV_SUFFICES).map(move |(srv, s)| { // TODO: refactor this is copy paste from services... let msgname = format!("{name}_{srv}_{s}"); let key = format!("{module}__{prefix}__{msgname}"); let ident = format!( "rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__\ get_message_type_support_handle__\ {module}__\ {prefix}__\ {msgname}" ); (key, ident) }); chain!(iter1, iter2) .map(|(key, ident)| (key, ident)) .collect() } "msg" => { let key = format!("{module}__{prefix}__{name}"); let ident = format!( "rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__\ get_message_type_support_handle__\ {module}__\ {prefix}__\ {name}" ); vec![(key, ident)] } _ => unreachable!(), } }) .map(|(key, func_str)| { // Generate a hashmap entry let func_ident = format_ident!("{func_str}"); let tokens = quote! { #key => #func_ident as IntrospectionFn }; // force_send to workaround !Send (key, unsafe { force_send(tokens) }) }) .collect(); // Sort the entries by key entries.par_sort_by_cached_key(|(key, _)| key.to_string()); let entries = entries.into_iter().map(|(_, tokens)| tokens.unwrap()); // Write the file content let introspecion_map = quote! { #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] type IntrospectionFn = fn() -> *const rosidl_message_type_support_t; #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] type IntrospectionFn = unsafe extern "C" fn() -> *const rosidl_message_type_support_t; #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] static INTROSPECTION_FNS: phf::Map<&'static str, IntrospectionFn> = phf::phf_map! { #(#entries),* }; }; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(File::create(introspection_file).unwrap()); writeln!(&mut writer, "{}", introspecion_map).unwrap(); } fn generate_bindings_file(bindgen_dir: &Path) -> Bindings { let msg_includes_file = bindgen_dir.join(MSG_INCLUDES_FILENAME); let bindings_file = bindgen_dir.join(BINDINGS_FILENAME); let bindings_doc_only_file = bindgen_dir.join(BINDINGS_DOC_ONLY_FILENAME); let builder = r2r_common::setup_bindgen_builder() .header(msg_includes_file.to_str().unwrap()) .derive_copy(false) .allowlist_function("rosidl_typesupport_c__.*") .allowlist_function("rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__.*") .allowlist_function(r"[\w_]*__(msg|srv|action)__[\w_]*__(create|destroy)") .allowlist_function(r"[\w_]*__(msg|srv|action)__[\w_]*__Sequence__(init|fini)") .allowlist_var(r"[\w_]*__(msg|srv|action)__[\w_]*__[\w_]*") // blacklist types that are handled by rcl bindings .blocklist_type("rosidl_message_type_support_t") .blocklist_type("rosidl_service_type_support_t") .blocklist_type("rosidl_action_type_support_t") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__String") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__String__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__U16String") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__U16String__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__float32__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__float__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__float64__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__double__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__long_double__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__char__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__wchar__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__boolean__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__octet__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__uint8__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__int8__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__uint16__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__int16__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__uint32__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__int32__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__uint64__Sequence") .blocklist_type("rosidl_runtime_c__int64__Sequence") .size_t_is_usize(true) .no_debug("_OSUnaligned.*") .generate_comments(false) .merge_extern_blocks(true) .default_enum_style(bindgen::EnumVariation::Rust { non_exhaustive: false, }); let bindings = builder.generate().expect("Unable to generate bindings"); bindings .write_to_file(&bindings_file) .expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); // #[cfg(feature = "save-bindgen")] { let content = fs::read_to_string(bindings_file).unwrap(); let file = syn::parse_file(&content).expect("syn::parse_file() failed"); let new_items: Vec = file .items .into_iter() .flat_map(|item| match item { syn::Item::ForeignMod(foreign_mod) => { let Some(abi_name) = else { return vec![syn::Item::ForeignMod(foreign_mod)]; }; if abi_name.value() != "C" { return vec![syn::Item::ForeignMod(foreign_mod)]; } let (generated_funcs, remaining_items): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = foreign_mod .items .into_iter() .partition_map(|item| match item { syn::ForeignItem::Fn(fn_) => { let syn::ForeignItemFn { attrs, vis, sig, semi_token: _, } = fn_; let new_fn: syn::ItemFn = syn::parse2(quote! { #(#attrs)* #[allow(unused)] #vis #sig { todo!() } }) .unwrap(); Either::Left(new_fn) } item => Either::Right(item), }); let new_foreign_mod = syn::Item::ForeignMod(syn::ItemForeignMod { items: remaining_items, ..foreign_mod }); let new_func_items = generated_funcs.into_iter().map(syn::Item::Fn); chain!([new_foreign_mod], new_func_items).collect() } item => vec![item], }) .collect(); let new_file = syn::File { items: new_items, ..file }; let new_file = quote! { #new_file }; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(File::create(bindings_doc_only_file).unwrap()); write!(writer, "{}", new_file).expect("Couldn't write bindings!"); writer.flush().unwrap(); } bindings } fn generate_constants(bindgen_dir: &Path, msg_list: &[RosMsg], bindings: &Bindings) { let constants_file = bindgen_dir.join(CONSTANTS_FILENAME); // Turn the source string into tokens. let tokens: syn::File = syn::parse_str(&bindings.to_string()).expect("Unable to parse generated bindings"); // Workaround !Send let items: &[force_send_sync::SendSync] = unsafe { mem::transmute(tokens.items.as_slice()) }; /// The key is used to index constant items. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] struct Key { pub module: String, pub prefix: String, pub name: String, /// Suffix is None if prefix is "msg". Otherwise, it's not None. pub suffix: Option, } // find all lines which look suspiciosly like a constant. let mut constants: Vec<_> = items .par_iter() .filter_map(|item| { // Filter out non-const items. let syn::Item::Const(item) = &**item else { return None; }; // Filter out constants ending with "__MAX_SIZE" or "__MAX_STRING_SIZE". let ident = item.ident.to_string(); if ident.ends_with("__MAX_SIZE") || ident.ends_with("__MAX_STRING_SIZE") { return None; } // Create the key for the constant. let (key, const_name) = { let (module, remain) = ident.split_once("__")?; let (prefix, remain) = remain.split_once("__")?; let (name_and_suffix, const_name) = remain.split_once("__")?; let (name, suffix) = match name_and_suffix.rsplit_once('_') { Some((name, suffix)) => (name, Some(suffix.to_string())), None => (name_and_suffix, None), }; if let Some(suffix) = &suffix { if !SRV_SUFFICES.contains(&suffix.as_str()) && !ACTION_SUFFICES.contains(&suffix.as_str()) { return None; } } let key = Key { module: module.to_string(), prefix: prefix.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), suffix, }; (key, const_name) }; // Generate the entry for the constant. let typ = &item.ty; let entry = (const_name.to_string(), quote! { #typ }.to_string()); Some((key, entry)) }) .collect(); // Sort the constants to enable later binary range search. constants.par_sort_unstable(); let mut entries: Vec<_> = msg_list .par_iter() .flat_map(|msg| { // Generate a key for each message type. let RosMsg { module, prefix, name, } = msg; match prefix.as_str() { "msg" => vec![Key { module: module.to_string(), prefix: prefix.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), suffix: None, }], "srv" => SRV_SUFFICES .iter() .map(|suffix| Key { module: module.to_string(), prefix: prefix.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), suffix: Some(suffix.to_string()), }) .collect(), "action" => ACTION_SUFFICES .iter() .map(|suffix| Key { module: module.to_string(), prefix: prefix.to_string(), name: name.to_string(), suffix: Some(suffix.to_string()), }) .collect(), _ => unreachable!(), } }) .filter_map(|key| { // Search for items with the same key using binary searches. let range = { let idx = constants.partition_point(|(other, _)| other < &key); let len = constants .get(idx..)? .partition_point(|(other, _)| other == &key); if len == 0 { return None; } idx..(idx + len) }; let Key { module, prefix, name, suffix, } = key; let msg = match suffix { Some(suffix) => format!("{module}__{prefix}__{name}_{suffix}"), None => format!("{module}__{prefix}__{name}"), }; Some((msg, &constants[range])) }) .map(|(msg, msg_constants)| { // Generate map entries. let consts = msg_constants .iter() .map(|(_, (const_name, typ))| quote! { (#const_name, #typ) }); let entry = quote! { #msg => &[ #(#consts),* ] }; // Workaround !Send (msg, unsafe { force_send(entry) }) }) .collect(); // Sort entries by message name entries.par_sort_by_cached_key(|(msg, _)| msg.to_string()); let entries = entries.into_iter().map(|(_, tokens)| tokens.unwrap()); // Write the file content. let constants_map = quote! { #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] static CONSTANTS_MAP: phf::Map<&'static str, &[(&str, &str)]> = phf::phf_map! { #(#entries),* }; }; let mut writer = BufWriter::new(File::create(constants_file).unwrap()); writeln!(&mut writer, "{}", constants_map).unwrap(); } #[cfg(feature = "doc-only")] fn run_dynlink(_: &[RosMsg]) {} #[cfg(not(feature = "doc-only"))] fn run_dynlink(msg_list: &[RosMsg]) { r2r_common::print_cargo_link_search(); let msg_map = r2r_common::as_map(msg_list); for module in msg_map.keys() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={}__rosidl_typesupport_c", module); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={}__rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c", module); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=dylib={}__rosidl_generator_c", module); } } fn touch(path: &Path) { OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .truncate(true) .write(true) .open(path) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to create file '{}'", path.display())); } unsafe fn force_send(value: T) -> force_send_sync::Send { force_send_sync::Send::new(value) }