use std::env::var; use std::process::Command; use which::which; use std::path::Path; // I got a lot of inspiration from this example: // const REPO_URL: &str = ""; const REPO_REV: &str = "ba1b18bbf8f89c9f727030845c7a4e859a0069d8"; fn build_dep_check(tools: &[&str]) { for tool in tools { which(tool).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Build tool {} not found", tool)); } } fn main() { if let Ok(_) = var("DOCS_RS") { // no clone for building docs return; } println!(""); let target_os = var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").expect("Could not find CARG_CFG_TARGET_OS"); if target_os != "linux" { return; } let jobs = var("CARGO_BUILD_JOBS").unwrap_or(String::from("1")); build_dep_check(&["make", "git"]); let out = var("OUT_DIR").expect("Could not resolve OUT_DIR"); let out_path = Path::new(&out); let radamsa_path = out_path.join("radamsa"); if !radamsa_path.is_dir(){ println!("radamsa not found. Cloning with git from {} @ {}", REPO_URL, REPO_REV); Command::new("git") .current_dir(&out_path) .arg("clone") .arg(REPO_URL) .status() .unwrap(); Command::new("git") .current_dir(&out_path) .arg("checkout") .arg(REPO_REV) .status() .unwrap(); } let out_lib = out_path.join("radamsa/lib/libradamsa.a"); if !out_lib.is_file(){ println!("building libradamsa.a"); Command::new("make") .arg("-j") .arg(format!("{}",&jobs)) .current_dir(&radamsa_path) .output() .expect("make in radamsa failed"); Command::new("make") .arg("-j") .arg(format!("{}", &jobs)) .arg("lib/libradamsa.a") .current_dir(&radamsa_path) .output() .expect("make in radamsa failed"); } println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}/lib/", radamsa_path.display()); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=radamsa"); }