# Radiate Web Often trining deep learning alorithms is an expensive CPU/GPU action and with [Radiate](https://github.com/pkalivas/radiate) there is no exception. To aid in this problem, Radiate Web exposes a few data transfer objects to be able to build your learning algorithm remotely, then send it to another machine to train or test. This is a small extension that goes with [Radiate](https://github.com/pkalivas/radiate). ### Population Data Transfer Object (DTO) Simply build your transfer object to send over to your other machine by defining the parameters of a simple population. This does not allow you to define a few of the parameters, mainly the 'run' function which determines when to stop training and is required to be on the training machine. ### Radiate Data Transfer Object Build a Radiate genetic algorithm with NEAT (Neuroeolution of Augmented Topologies) to send by encapuslating the rest of the training options and they're environment. ## Example This example code can be found [here](https://github.com/pkalivas/radiate/tree/master/examples/neat-web) which describes how the client and server are set up using [Rocket](https://rocket.rs/) and [Tokio](https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio) to build a web service and handle the routing. # Client ```rust #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)] extern crate radiate; extern crate radiate_web; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; extern crate serde_derive; extern crate reqwest; use radiate::prelude::*; use radiate_web::prelude::*; use reqwest::header::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue, CONTENT_TYPE}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), reqwest::Error> { let data = generate_post_data(); // generate the data to send let client = reqwest::Client::new(); // create the client object let mut headers = HeaderMap::new(); // add application/json to the headers because that is how NEAT is seaialized headers.insert(CONTENT_TYPE, HeaderValue::from_static("application/json")); let res = client.post("") // listn on local host .headers(headers) // add the headers then add data and send it .body(data) .send().await; Ok(()) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn generate_post_data() -> String { // create an environment let neat_env = NeatEnvironment::new() .set_input_size(2) .set_output_size(1) .set_weight_mutate_rate(0.8) .set_edit_weights(0.1) .set_weight_perturb(1.75) .set_new_node_rate(0.03) .set_new_edge_rate(0.04) .set_reactivate(0.2) .set_activation_functions(vec![ Activation::LeakyRelu(0.02) ]); // build the neat network let net = Neat::new() .input_size(2) .batch_size(1) .dense_pool(1, Activation::Sigmoid); // build the population let population = NeatPopulationBuilder::new() .num_evolve(100) .size(100) .dynamic_distance(true) .debug_process(true) .config(Config { inbreed_rate: 0.001, crossover_rate: 0.75, distance: 0.5, species_target: 5 }) .stagnation(10) .genocide(vec![Genocide::KillWorst(0.9)]); // put it all together let radiate_dto = RadiateDto::new() .env(neat_env) // give the dto and neat enviornment .train(100, 0.3) // if you want to train the algorithm traditionally this is where to define it .neat(net) // add the neat object .population(population) // add the population object .to_json(); // put it all to json and return it // save to a file for testing via Postman radiate_dto } ``` # Server Simple example of training a neat network to solve the traditional XOR problem. ```rust #![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; #[macro_use] extern crate rocket_contrib; extern crate radiate; extern crate radiate_web; extern crate serde; extern crate serde_json; extern crate serde_derive; use std::fs::File; use radiate::prelude::*; use radiate_web::prelude::*; use rocket::config::{Config as RConfig, Environment as REnv}; use rocket_contrib::json::{Json, JsonValue}; fn main() { let r_config = RConfig::build(REnv::Staging) .address("") .port(42069) .finalize() .unwrap(); rocket::custom(r_config) .mount("/", routes![run]) .launch(); } #[post("/", format = "json", data = "")] fn run(radiate: Json) -> Option { // unpack the variables let env = radiate.0.env?; let net = radiate.0.neat?; let pop = radiate.0.population?; let train = radiate.0.train?; // take out the training variables let num_evolve = pop.num_evolve?; let num_train = train.epochs; let learning_rate = train.learning_rate; // create a new problem variable let xor = XOR::new(); // set up the population now that it has been recieved let (mut solution, _) = Population::::new() .constrain(env) .populate_clone(net) .debug(pop.debug_process?) .dynamic_distance(pop.dynamic_distance?) .configure(pop.config?) .stagnation(pop.stagnation?, pop.genocide?) .parental_criteria(pop.parental_criteria?) .survivor_criteria(pop.survivor_criteria?) .run(|_, fit, num| { println!("epoch: {} score: {}", num, fit); let diff = 4.0 - fit; (diff > 0.0 && diff < 0.01) || num == num_evolve }).unwrap(); // manually train the neural net solution.train(&xor.inputs, &xor.answers, learning_rate, Loss::Diff, |iter, _| { iter == num_train as usize }).unwrap(); // show it xor.show(&mut solution); Some(json!({"it": "works"})) } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct XOR { inputs: Vec>, answers: Vec> } impl XOR { pub fn new() -> Self { XOR { inputs: vec![ vec![0.0, 0.0], vec![1.0, 1.0], vec![1.0, 0.0], vec![0.0, 1.0], ], answers: vec![ vec![0.0], vec![0.0], vec![1.0], vec![1.0], ] } } fn show(&self, model: &mut Neat) { println!("\n"); for (i, o) in self.inputs.iter().zip(self.answers.iter()) { let guess = model.forward(&i).unwrap(); println!("Guess: {:.2?} Answer: {:.2}", guess, o[0]); } } } impl Problem for XOR { fn empty() -> Self { XOR::new() } fn solve(&self, model: &mut Neat) -> f32 { let mut total = 0.0; for (ins, outs) in self.inputs.iter().zip(self.answers.iter()) { match model.forward(&ins) { Some(guess) => total += (guess[0] - outs[0]).powf(2.0), None => panic!("Error in training NEAT") } } 4.0 - total } } #[allow(dead_code)] fn generate_post_data() { // create an environment let neat_env = NeatEnvironment::new() .set_input_size(2) .set_output_size(1) .set_weight_mutate_rate(0.8) .set_edit_weights(0.1) .set_weight_perturb(1.75) .set_new_node_rate(0.03) .set_new_edge_rate(0.04) .set_reactivate(0.2) .set_activation_functions(vec![ Activation::LeakyRelu(0.02) ]); // build the neat network let net = Neat::new() .input_size(2) .batch_size(1) .dense_pool(1, Activation::Sigmoid); // build the population let population = NeatPopulationBuilder::new() .num_evolve(100) .size(100) .dynamic_distance(true) .debug_process(true) .config(Config { inbreed_rate: 0.001, crossover_rate: 0.75, distance: 0.5, species_target: 5 }) .stagnation(10) .genocide(vec![Genocide::KillWorst(0.9)]); // put it all together let radiate_dto = RadiateDto::new() .env(neat_env) .train(100, 0.3) // this has it's own DTO too (TrainDto), but it's small .neat(net) .population(population) .to_json(); // save to a file for testing via Postman serde_json::to_writer_pretty(&File::create("post_test.json").unwrap(), &radiate_dto).unwrap(); } ```