# radixal Digits iteration for unsigned integer types. The `IntoDigits` trait offers a number of methods to facilitate dealing with unsigned integers as digits. For less simple uses, the `DigitsIterator` implements a number of methods to manipulate the number in place, offering more control than the `IntoDigits` trait. ## Features This crate can be used without the standard library. The `DigitsIterator` struct as well as the `IntoDigits` trait are only implemented for primitive unsigned types: `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, `u64`, `u128`, `usize` as well as their corresponding `Wrapping` types. Internal numerical operations use wrapping semantics when required, both for the sake of simplicity and performance. It is expected that checked operations will be used in a future version, while tying wrapping operations to an optional feature for performance sensitive uses.