# Set the target Espressif chip set(IDF_TARGET "{{target_chip}}") # System version add_compile_definitions(SYSTEM_VERSION="{{project_semver}}") # Raft components set(RAFT_COMPONENTS {{inc_raft_sysmods}} {{inc_raft_webserver}} ) # File system set(FS_TYPE "littlefs") set(FS_IMAGE_PATH "../Common/FSImage") # Web UI # Uncomment the "set" line below if you want to use the web UI # This assumes an app is built using npm run build # it also assumes that the web app is built into a folder called "dist" in the UI_SOURCE_PATH # set(UI_SOURCE_PATH "../Common/WebUI") # Uncomment the following line if you do NOT want to gzip the web UI # set(WEB_UI_GEN_FLAGS ${WEB_UI_GEN_FLAGS} --nogzip) # Uncomment the following line to include a source map for the web UI - this will increase the size of the web UI # set(WEB_UI_GEN_FLAGS ${WEB_UI_GEN_FLAGS} --incmap)