from typing import Any, Generic, List, Protocol, Type, TypeVar, Union, cast, overload from numpy.typing import NDArray import numpy as np from .ragged_buffer import ( RaggedBufferF32, RaggedBufferI64, RaggedBufferBool, translate_rotate, ) ScalarType = TypeVar("ScalarType", bound=np.generic) class RaggedBuffer(Generic[ScalarType]): def __init__(self, features: int) -> None: raise ValueError( "RaggedBuffer is an abstract class, use RaggedBufferF32 or RaggedBufferI64" ) @classmethod def from_array(cls, x: NDArray[ScalarType]) -> "RaggedBuffer[ScalarType]": if x.dtype == np.float32: return RaggedBufferF32.from_array(x) elif x.dtype == np.int64: return RaggedBufferI64.from_array(x) elif x.dtype == np.bool_: return RaggedBufferBool.from_array(x) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported dtype {x.dtype}. Only float32 and int64 are currently supported." ) @classmethod def from_flattened( cls, flattened: NDArray[ScalarType], lengths: NDArray[np.int64] ) -> "RaggedBuffer[ScalarType]": if flattened.dtype == np.float32: return RaggedBufferF32.from_flattened(flattened, lengths) elif flattened.dtype == np.int64: return RaggedBufferI64.from_flattened(flattened, lengths) elif flattened.dtype == np.bool_: return RaggedBufferBool.from_flattened(flattened, lengths) else: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported dtype {flattened.dtype}. Only float32 and int64 are currently supported." ) def cat( buffers: List[RaggedBuffer[ScalarType]], dim: int = 0 ) -> RaggedBuffer[ScalarType]: if len(buffers) == 0: raise ValueError("Can't concatenate an empty list of buffers") else: if isinstance(buffers[0], RaggedBufferF32): return, dim) elif isinstance(buffers[0], RaggedBufferI64): return, dim) elif isinstance(buffers[0], RaggedBufferBool): return, dim) else: raise TypeError(f"Type {type(buffers[0])} is not a RaggedBuffer")