//! An example to show how to create a minimal server that accepts form data for a request. //! using the [`HttpServer`] and [`Executor`] from Rama. //! //! [`HttpServer`]: crate::http::server::HttpServer //! [`Executor`]: crate::rt::Executor //! //! This example will create a server that listens on ``. //! //! # Run the example //! //! ```sh //! RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --example http_form --features=http-full //! ``` //! //! # Expected output //! //! The server will start and listen on `:62002`. You can use `curl` to check if the server is running: //! //! ```sh //! curl -X POST \ //! -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ //! -d "name=John&age=32" //! //! curl -v '' //! ``` //! //! You should see in both cases a response with `HTTP/1.1 200 OK` and `John is 32 years old.`. //! //! Alternatively you can //! //! ```sh //! open //! ``` //! //! and fill the form in the browser, you should see a response page after submitting the form, //! stating your name and age. use rama::http::layer::trace::TraceLayer; use rama::http::matcher::HttpMatcher; use rama::http::response::Html; use rama::http::service::web::{extract::Form, WebService}; use rama::http::{IntoResponse, Response}; use rama::Layer; use rama::{http::server::HttpServer, rt::Executor}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::time::Duration; use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, EnvFilter}; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] struct Payload { name: String, age: i32, html: Option, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(fmt::layer()) .with( EnvFilter::builder() .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::DEBUG.into()) .from_env_lossy(), ) .init(); let graceful = rama::graceful::Shutdown::default(); graceful.spawn_task_fn(|guard| async move { let exec = Executor::graceful(guard.clone()); HttpServer::auto(exec) .listen_graceful( guard, "", TraceLayer::new_for_http(). layer( WebService::default() .get( "/", Html( r##"

"##, ), ) .on(HttpMatcher::method_get().or_method_post().and_path("/form"), send_form_data), ), ) .await .expect("failed to run service"); }); graceful .shutdown_with_limit(Duration::from_secs(30)) .await .expect("graceful shutdown"); } async fn send_form_data(Form(payload): Form) -> Response { tracing::info!("{:?}", payload.name); let name = payload.name; let age = payload.age; if payload.html.unwrap_or_default() { Html(format!( r##"


Thank you for submitting the form {}, {} years old.

"##, name, age )) .into_response() } else { format!("{} is {} years old.", name, age).into_response() } }