//! An example key-value store service that stores bytes data. //! It is meant to demonstrate the [`WebService`] and [`HttpServer`] capabilities in Rama at a high level. //! //! [`WebService`]: crate::http::service::web::WebService //! [`HttpServer`]: crate::http::server::HttpServer //! //! This example demonstrates how to use rama to create a key-value store web service. //! The service has the following endpoints: //! - `GET /`: show this API documentation in Json Format //! - `GET /keys`: list all keys for which (bytes) data is stored //! - `GET /item/:key`: return a 200 Ok containing the (bytes) data stored at , and a 404 Not Found otherwise //! - `HEAD /item/:key`: return a 200 Ok if found and a 404 Not Found otherwise //! - `POST /item/:key`: store the given request payload as the value referenced by , returning a 400 Bad Request if no payload was defined //! //! The service also has admin endpoints: //! - `DELETE /keys`: clear all keys and their associated data //! - `DELETE /item/:key`: remove the data stored at , returning a 200 Ok if the key was found, and a 404 Not Found otherwise //! //! # Run the example //! //! ```sh //! cargo run --example http_key_value_store --features=compression,http-full //! ``` //! //! # Expected output //! //! The server will start and listen on `:62006`. You can use `curl` to interact with the service: //! //! ```sh //! # show the API documentation //! curl -v //! //! # store multiple key value pairs //! curl -v -X POST \ //! -H 'content-type: application/json' \ //! -d '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}' //! //! # list all keys //! curl -v //! //! # store a single key value pair //! curl -v -X POST -d "value3" //! //! # get the value for a key //! curl -v //! //! # check existence for a key //! curl -v -XHEAD //! //! # delete a key //! curl -v -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer secret-token" //! ``` use rama::{ http::{ layer::{ compression::CompressionLayer, trace::TraceLayer, validate_request::ValidateRequestHeaderLayer, }, matcher::HttpMatcher, response::Json, server::HttpServer, service::web::{ extract::{Bytes, Path, State}, IntoEndpointService, WebService, }, IntoResponse, Method, StatusCode, }, rt::Executor, Layer, }; use serde::Deserialize; use serde_json::json; use std::collections::HashMap; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter; use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt; use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, EnvFilter}; #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct AppState { db: RwLock>, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct ItemParam { key: String, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(fmt::layer()) .with( EnvFilter::builder() .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::DEBUG.into()) .from_env_lossy(), ) .init(); let addr = ""; tracing::info!("running service at: {addr}"); let exec = Executor::default(); HttpServer::auto(exec) .listen_with_state( AppState::default(), addr, TraceLayer::new_for_http() .layer( WebService::default() .get("/", Json(json!({ "GET /": "show this API documentation in Json Format", "GET /keys": "list all keys for which (bytes) data is stored", "GET /item/:key": "return a 200 Ok containing the (bytes) data stored at , and a 404 Not Found otherwise", "HEAD /item/:key": "return a 200 Ok if found, and a 404 Not Found otherwise", "POST /item/:key": "store the given request payload as the value referenced by , returning a 400 Bad Request if no payload was defined", "admin": { "DELETE /keys": "clear all keys and their associated data", "DELETE /item/:key": "remove the data stored at , returning a 200 Ok if the key was found, and a 404 Not Found otherwise" } }))) .get("/keys", list_keys) .nest("/admin", ValidateRequestHeaderLayer::bearer("secret-token") .layer(WebService::default() .delete("/keys", |State(state): State| async move { state.db.write().await.clear(); }) .delete("/item/:key", |State(state): State, Path(params): Path| async move { match state.db.write().await.remove(¶ms.key) { Some(_) => StatusCode::OK, None => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, } }))) .on( HttpMatcher::method_get().or_method_head().and_path("/item/:key"), // only compress the get Action, not the Post Action CompressionLayer::new() .layer((|State(state): State, Path(params): Path, method: Method| async move { match method { Method::GET => { match state.db.read().await.get(¶ms.key) { Some(b) => b.clone().into_response(), None => StatusCode::NOT_FOUND.into_response(), } } Method::HEAD => { if state.db.read().await.contains_key(¶ms.key) { StatusCode::OK } else { StatusCode::NOT_FOUND }.into_response() } _ => StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into_response() } }).into_endpoint_service()), ) .post("/items", |State(state): State, Json(dict): Json>| async move { let mut db = state.db.write().await; for (k, v) in dict { db.insert(k, bytes::Bytes::from(v)); } StatusCode::OK }) .post("/item/:key", |State(state): State, Path(params): Path, Bytes(value): Bytes| async move { if value.is_empty() { return StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST; } state.db.write().await.insert(params.key, value); StatusCode::OK }), ), ) .await .unwrap(); } /// a service_fn can be a regular fn, instead of a closure async fn list_keys(State(state): State) -> impl IntoResponse { state.db.read().await.keys().fold(String::new(), |a, b| { if a.is_empty() { b.clone() } else { format!("{a}, {b}") } }) }