//! An example to showcase how one can build a service using Rama, //! built with layers to modify and branch the traffic as it goes through the service. //! And this on Layer 4 (TCP) all the way to Layer 7 (HTTP). //! //! # Run the example //! //! ```sh //! cargo run --example http_service_hello --features=compression,http-full //! ``` //! //! # Expected output //! //! The server will start and listen on `:62010`. You can use `curl` to interact with the service: //! //! ```sh //! curl -v //! ``` //! //! You should see a response with `HTTP/1.1 200 OK` and a HTML body containing //! the peer address, the path of the request and the stats of the bytes read and written. use bytes::Bytes; use rama::{ http::{ header, layer::{ compression::CompressionLayer, sensitive_headers::{ SetSensitiveRequestHeadersLayer, SetSensitiveResponseHeadersLayer, }, trace::{DefaultMakeSpan, DefaultOnResponse, TraceLayer}, }, response::Html, server::HttpServer, IntoResponse, Request, }, layer::{MapResponseLayer, TimeoutLayer, TraceErrLayer}, net::stream::{ layer::{BytesRWTrackerHandle, IncomingBytesTrackerLayer}, SocketInfo, }, rt::Executor, service::service_fn, tcp::server::TcpListener, utils::latency::LatencyUnit, Context, Layer, }; use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt, EnvFilter}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(fmt::layer()) .with( EnvFilter::builder() .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::DEBUG.into()) .from_env_lossy(), ) .init(); let graceful = rama::graceful::Shutdown::default(); let sensitive_headers: Arc<[_]> = vec![header::AUTHORIZATION, header::COOKIE].into(); graceful.spawn_task_fn(|guard| async move { let exec = Executor::graceful(guard.clone()); let http_service = ( CompressionLayer::new(), SetSensitiveRequestHeadersLayer::from_shared(sensitive_headers.clone()), TraceLayer::new_for_http() .on_body_chunk(|chunk: &Bytes, latency: Duration, _: &tracing::Span| { tracing::trace!(size_bytes = chunk.len(), latency = ?latency, "sending body chunk") }) .make_span_with(DefaultMakeSpan::new().include_headers(true)) .on_response(DefaultOnResponse::new().include_headers(true).latency_unit(LatencyUnit::Micros)), SetSensitiveResponseHeadersLayer::from_shared(sensitive_headers), MapResponseLayer::new(IntoResponse::into_response), ).layer(service_fn( |ctx: Context<()>, req: Request| async move { let socket_info = ctx.get::().unwrap(); let tracker = ctx.get::().unwrap(); Ok(Html(format!( r##" Rama — Http Service Hello


Peer: {}

Path: {}

Stats (bytes):

"##, socket_info.peer_addr(), req.uri().path(), tracker.read(), tracker.written(), ))) }, )); let tcp_http_service = HttpServer::auto(exec).service(http_service); TcpListener::bind("") .await .expect("bind TCP Listener") .serve_graceful( guard, ( TraceErrLayer::new(), TimeoutLayer::new(Duration::from_secs(8)), IncomingBytesTrackerLayer::new(), ).layer(tcp_http_service), ) .await; }); graceful .shutdown_with_limit(Duration::from_secs(30)) .await .expect("graceful shutdown"); }