//! This example demonstrates how to use the `WebService` to serve static files and an API. //! //! The service has the following endpoints: //! - `GET /`: show the dummy homepage //! - `GET /coin`: show the coin clicker page //! - `POST /coin`: increment the coin counter //! //! # Run the example //! //! ```sh //! cargo run --example http_web_service_dir_and_api --features=compression,http-full //! ``` //! //! # Expected output //! //! The server will start and listen on `:62013`. You can use your browser to interact with the service: //! //! ```sh //! open //! ``` //! //! You should see a the homepage in your browser. //! You can also click on the coin to increment the counter. //! please also try go to the legal page and some other non-existing pages. // rama provides everything out of the box to build a complete web service. use rama::{ http::{ layer::{compression::CompressionLayer, trace::TraceLayer}, matcher::HttpMatcher, response::{Html, Redirect}, server::HttpServer, service::web::{ extract::{Extension, State}, WebService, }, }, net::stream::{matcher::SocketMatcher, SocketInfo}, rt::Executor, Layer, }; /// Everything else we need is provided by the standard library, community crates or tokio. use std::sync::atomic::AtomicU64; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use std::sync::Arc; use tracing::level_filters::LevelFilter; use tracing_subscriber::layer::SubscriberExt; use tracing_subscriber::util::SubscriberInitExt; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, EnvFilter}; #[derive(Debug, Default)] struct AppState { counter: AtomicU64, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(fmt::layer()) .with( EnvFilter::builder() .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::DEBUG.into()) .from_env_lossy(), ) .init(); let addr = ""; tracing::info!("running service at: {addr}"); let exec = Executor::default(); HttpServer::auto(exec) .listen_with_state( AppState::default(), addr, ( TraceLayer::new_for_http(), CompressionLayer::new(), ).layer( WebService::default() .not_found(Redirect::temporary("/error.html")) .get( "/coin", |Extension(addr): Extension, State(state): State| async move { coin_page(state, addr) }, ) .post( "/coin", |Extension(addr): Extension, State(state): State| async move { state.counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); coin_page(state, addr) }, ) .on( HttpMatcher::get("/home").and_socket(SocketMatcher::loopback()), Html("Home Sweet Home!".to_string()), ) .dir("/", "test-files/examples/webservice"), ), ) .await .unwrap(); } fn coin_page(state: Arc, addr: SocketInfo) -> Html { let emoji = if addr.peer_addr().ip().is_loopback() { r#"🏠"# } else { "🌍" }; let count = state.counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst); Html(format!( r#" Coin Clicker

{emoji} Coin Clicker


Click the button for more coins.

"# )) }