//! This example demonstrates how to create a TLS termination proxy, forwarding the //! plain transport stream to another service. //! //! See also the [mtls_tunnel_and_services](./mtls_tunnel_and_services.rs) example for a more complex example //! of how to use the `TlsAcceptorLayer` and `TlsAcceptorService` to create a mTLS tunnel and services. //! //! This proxy is an example of a TLS termination proxy, which is a server that accepts TLS connections, //! decrypts the TLS and forwards the plain transport stream to another service. //! You can learn more about this kind of proxy in [the rama book](https://ramaproxy.org/book/) at the [TLS Termination Proxy](https://ramaproxy.org/book/proxies/tls.html) section. //! //! This example also demonstrates the full HaProxy (v2, tcp) protocol usage, //! should you ever need it. We expect that mostly you will need it from a service POV, //! in case you host your rama-driven proxy on a cloud provider such as fly.io. Such //! providers set you behind a cloud provider, so the only way to get the client original IP is using something like this. //! //! # Run the example //! //! ```sh //! cargo run --example tls_termination --features=haproxy,http-full,rustls //! ``` //! //! # Expected output //! //! The server will start and listen on `:63800`. You can use `curl` to interact with the service: //! //! ```sh //! curl -v //! ``` //! //! The above will fail, due to not being haproxy encoded, but also because it is not a tls service... //! //! This one will work however: //! //! ```sh //! curl -k -v //! ``` //! //! You should see a response with `HTTP/1.0 200 ok` and the body `Hello world!`. // these dependencies are re-exported by rama for your convenience, // as to make it easy to use them and ensure that the versions remain compatible // (given most do not have a stable release yet) // rama provides everything out of the box to build a TLS termination proxy use rama::{ graceful::Shutdown, layer::ConsumeErrLayer, net::forwarded::Forwarded, net::stream::{SocketInfo, Stream}, proxy::haproxy::{ client::HaProxyLayer as HaProxyClientLayer, server::HaProxyLayer as HaProxyServerLayer, }, service::service_fn, tcp::{ client::service::{Forwarder, TcpConnector}, server::TcpListener, }, tls::{ dep::rcgen::{self, KeyPair}, rustls::{ dep::{ pki_types::{CertificateDer, PrivatePkcs8KeyDer}, rustls::ServerConfig, }, server::{TlsAcceptorLayer, TlsClientConfigHandler}, }, types::client::ClientHello, }, Context, Layer, }; // everything else is provided by the standard library, community crates or tokio use std::{convert::Infallible, sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tracing::metadata::LevelFilter; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt, prelude::*, EnvFilter}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(fmt::layer()) .with( EnvFilter::builder() .with_default_directive(LevelFilter::DEBUG.into()) .from_env_lossy(), ) .init(); let shutdown = Shutdown::default(); // Create an issuer CA cert. let alg = &rcgen::PKCS_ECDSA_P256_SHA256; let ca_key_pair = KeyPair::generate_for(alg).expect("generate ca key pair"); let mut ca_params = rcgen::CertificateParams::new(Vec::new()).expect("create ca params"); ca_params .distinguished_name .push(rcgen::DnType::OrganizationName, "Rustls Server Acceptor"); ca_params .distinguished_name .push(rcgen::DnType::CommonName, "Example CA"); ca_params.is_ca = rcgen::IsCa::Ca(rcgen::BasicConstraints::Unconstrained); ca_params.key_usages = vec![ rcgen::KeyUsagePurpose::KeyCertSign, rcgen::KeyUsagePurpose::DigitalSignature, rcgen::KeyUsagePurpose::CrlSign, ]; let ca_cert = ca_params.self_signed(&ca_key_pair).expect("create ca cert"); // Create a server end entity cert issued by the CA. let server_key_pair = KeyPair::generate_for(alg).expect("generate server key pair"); let mut server_ee_params = rcgen::CertificateParams::new(vec!["".to_string()]) .expect("create server ee params"); server_ee_params.is_ca = rcgen::IsCa::NoCa; server_ee_params.extended_key_usages = vec![rcgen::ExtendedKeyUsagePurpose::ServerAuth]; let server_cert = server_ee_params .signed_by(&server_key_pair, &ca_cert, &ca_key_pair) .expect("create server cert"); let server_cert_der: CertificateDer = server_cert.into(); let server_key_der = PrivatePkcs8KeyDer::from(server_key_pair.serialize_der()); // create tls proxy shutdown.spawn_task_fn(|guard| async move { let tls_client_config_handler = TlsClientConfigHandler::default() .store_client_hello() .server_config_provider(|client_hello: ClientHello| async move { tracing::debug!(?client_hello, "client hello"); // Return None in case you want to use the default acceptor Tls config // Usually though when implementing this trait it's because you // want to use the client hello to determine which server config to use. Ok(None) }); let tls_server_config = ServerConfig::builder() .with_no_client_auth() .with_single_cert( vec![server_cert_der], PrivatePkcs8KeyDer::from(server_key_der.secret_pkcs8_der().to_owned()).into(), ) .expect("create tls server config"); let tcp_service = TlsAcceptorLayer::with_client_config_handler( Arc::new(tls_server_config), tls_client_config_handler, ) .layer(Forwarder::new(([127, 0, 0, 1], 62800)).connector( // ha proxy protocol used to forwarded the client original IP HaProxyClientLayer::tcp().layer(TcpConnector::new()), )); TcpListener::bind("") .await .expect("bind TCP Listener: tls") .serve_graceful(guard, tcp_service) .await; }); // create http server shutdown.spawn_task_fn(|guard| async { let tcp_service = (ConsumeErrLayer::default(), HaProxyServerLayer::new()) .layer(service_fn(internal_tcp_service_fn)); TcpListener::bind("") .await .expect("bind TCP Listener: http") .serve_graceful(guard, tcp_service) .await; }); shutdown .shutdown_with_limit(Duration::from_secs(30)) .await .expect("graceful shutdown"); } async fn internal_tcp_service_fn(ctx: Context<()>, mut stream: S) -> Result<(), Infallible> where S: Stream + Unpin, { // REMARK: builds on the assumption that we are using the haproxy protocol let client_addr = ctx .get::() .unwrap() .client_socket_addr() .unwrap(); // REMARK: builds on the assumption that rama's TCP service sets this for you :) let proxy_addr = ctx.get::().unwrap().peer_addr(); // create the minimal http response let payload = format!( "hello client {client_addr}, you were served by tls terminator proxy {proxy_addr}\r\n" ); let response = format!( "HTTP/1.0 200 ok\r\n\ Connection: close\r\n\ Content-length: {}\r\n\ \r\n\ {}", payload.len(), payload ); stream .write_all(response.as_bytes()) .await .expect("write to stream"); Ok(()) }