use std::{convert::TryInto, fmt::Write}; #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] extern crate gmp; #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] extern crate num_bigint; #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] extern crate num_integer; #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] extern crate num_traits; #[macro_use] extern crate quickcheck; extern crate ramp; #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] pub use gmp::mpz::Mpz as RefImpl; #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] pub use gmp::mpz::Mpz as RefImplU; #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] pub use num_bigint::BigInt as RefImpl; #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] pub use num_bigint::BigUint as RefImplU; #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] use num_traits::sign::Signed; use ramp::traits::DivRem; use ramp::Int; use quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen, TestResult}; #[cfg(feature = "full-quickcheck")] const RANGE_MULT: usize = 200; #[cfg(not(feature = "full-quickcheck"))] const RANGE_MULT: usize = 20; #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] fn ref_from_hex(a: &str) -> RefImpl { RefImpl::from_str_radix(a, 16).unwrap() } #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] fn ref_from_hex(a: &str) -> RefImpl { RefImpl::parse_bytes(a.as_bytes(), 16).unwrap() } // a hex string representing some integer, to be randomly generated by // quickcheck. #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] struct BigIntStr(String); impl BigIntStr { // Parse the string into a ramp::Int and a GMP mpz. fn parse(&self) -> (Int, RefImpl) { self.into() } fn parse_u(&self) -> (Int, RefImplU) { self.into() } } impl<'a> From<&'a BigIntStr> for (Int, RefImpl) { fn from(s: &'a BigIntStr) -> (Int, RefImpl) { (Int::from_str_radix(&s.0, 16).unwrap(), ref_from_hex(&s.0)) } } #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] impl<'a> From<&'a BigIntStr> for (Int, RefImplU) { fn from(s: &'a BigIntStr) -> (Int, RefImplU) { ( Int::from_str_radix(&s.0, 16).unwrap().abs(), ref_from_hex(&s.0).abs().to_biguint().unwrap(), ) } } impl Arbitrary for BigIntStr { fn arbitrary(g: &mut G) -> BigIntStr { if g.gen::() < 0.005 { // 0.5% chance of generating zero means 63% chance of a // zero appearing at least once when running a function // taking two BigIntStrs 100 times, and 39% chance for a // function taking one. return BigIntStr("0".to_owned()); } let raw_size = g.size(); let size = std::cmp::max(g.gen_range(raw_size / RANGE_MULT, raw_size * RANGE_MULT), 1); // negative numbers are rarer let neg = g.gen::() % 4 == 0; let mut string = String::with_capacity(neg as usize + size); if neg { string.push_str("-") } // shouldn't start with zero let mut first = 0; while first == 0 { first = g.gen::() % 16; } write!(&mut string, "{:x}", first).unwrap(); let mut sticky = None; for _ in 0..(size - 1) { // Each nibble only has a "small" chance (4/20 == 20%) of // going into sticky mode, but a much higher chance of // staying in it ((16*19)/(16*20) == 95%). This means we // get long sequences of 0x0 or 0xF nibbles but still have // some evenly distributed ones scattered around. // // This is trying to imitate gmp's`mpz_rrandomb`, which, // apparently, seem to uncover more edge cases than truly // uniform bits. let limit = if sticky.is_none() { 16 + 4 } else { 16 * 20 }; let raw_digit = g.gen_range(0, limit); let digit = if raw_digit < 16 { sticky = None; raw_digit } else if let Some(d) = sticky { d } else { let d = if raw_digit % 2 == 0 { 0xF } else { 0x0 }; sticky = Some(d); d }; write!(&mut string, "{:x}", digit).unwrap(); } BigIntStr(string) } fn shrink(&self) -> Box> { // shrink the "number" by just truncating the string from the // end. let mut string = self.clone(); let iter = (0..) .map(move |_| { // small numbers strink slowly. let rate = match string.0.len() { 0 => 0, 1..=10 => 1, 11..=100 => 5, 101..=1000 => 25, _ => 125, }; for _ in 0..rate { string.0.pop(); } string.clone() }) .take_while(|s| s.0 != "" && s.0 != "-"); Box::new(iter) } } macro_rules! eq { ($($r: expr, $g: expr);*) => { ::quickcheck::TestResult::from_bool(eq_bool!($($r, $g);*)) } } // compare a Ramp int and a GMP int via their string representations. macro_rules! eq_bool { ($($r: expr, $g: expr);*) => { $($r.to_str_radix(16, false) == $g.to_str_radix(16))&&* } } quickcheck! { // hex parsing/printing is a fundamental assumption of these tests, so // let's just double check it works fn to_str_hex_roundtrip(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, _) = a.parse(); let t = ar.to_str_radix(16, false); TestResult::from_bool(t == a.0) } // methods fn abs(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); eq!(ar.abs(), ag.abs()) } fn abs_cmp(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, _) = a.parse(); let (br, _) = b.parse(); let c1 = ar.abs_cmp(&-&ar) == std::cmp::Ordering::Equal; let c2 = br.abs_cmp(&-&br) == std::cmp::Ordering::Equal; let c3 = ar.abs_cmp(&br) == ar.abs().cmp(&br.abs()); TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2 && c3) } fn divmod(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); if br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (qr, rr) = ar.divmod(&br); let qg = &ag / &bg; let rg = ag % bg; eq!(qr, qg; rr, rg) } } #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] quickcheck! { fn pow(a: BigIntStr, b: u32) -> TestResult { if b > (RANGE_MULT as u32)/10 { return TestResult::discard(); } let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); eq!(ar.pow(b as usize), ag.pow(b)) } fn square(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); eq!(ar.square(), ag.pow(2)) } fn dsquare(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); eq!(ar.dsquare(), ag.pow(2)) } fn sqrt_rem(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); if ar < 0 { return TestResult::discard(); } let (s_r, rem_r) = ar.sqrt_rem().unwrap(); let s_g = ag.sqrt(); let rem_g = ag - &s_g * &s_g; eq!(s_r, s_g; rem_r, rem_g) } } quickcheck! { fn negate(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (mut ar, ag) = a.parse(); ar.negate(); eq!(ar, -ag) } } #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] fn tstbit(ag: &RefImpl, i: usize) -> bool { ag.tstbit(i) } #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] fn tstbit(ag: &RefImplU, i: usize) -> bool { use num_bigint::BigUint; use num_traits::One; (ag >> i) & BigUint::one() == BigUint::one() } quickcheck! { fn is_even(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse_u(); TestResult::from_bool(ar.is_even() == !tstbit(&ag,0)) } fn trailing_zeros(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse_u(); let bit = if ar == 0 { 0 } else { (0..).position(|idx| tstbit(&ag, idx)).unwrap() }; TestResult::from_bool(ar.trailing_zeros() as usize == bit) } } #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] quickcheck! { fn count_ones(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(ar.count_ones() == ag.popcount()) } } #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] quickcheck! { fn count_ones(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse_u(); let ones = (|&idx| tstbit(&ag, idx.try_into().unwrap())).count(); TestResult::from_bool(ar.count_ones() == ones) } } #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] quickcheck! { fn bit_length(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(ar.bit_length() == ag.bit_length() as u32) } } #[cfg(not(feature = "rust-gmp"))] quickcheck! { fn bit_length(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(ar.bit_length() == std::cmp::max(1, ag.bits() as u32)) } } quickcheck! { fn bit(a: BigIntStr, bit: u16) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse_u(); TestResult::from_bool(ar.bit(bit as u32) == tstbit(&ag, bit as usize)) } } #[cfg(feature = "rust-gmp")] quickcheck! { fn set_bit(a: BigIntStr, bit: u16, b: bool) -> TestResult { let (mut ar, mut ag) = a.parse(); ar.set_bit(bit as u32, b); if b { ag.setbit(bit as usize); } else { ag.clrbit(bit as usize); } let c1 = eq_bool!(ar, ag); let c2 = ar.bit(bit as u32) == b; TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2) } } fn order_asc(a: T, b: T) -> (T, T) { if a < b { (a, b) } else { (b, a) } } quickcheck! { fn divrem(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr, c: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); let (cr, cg) = c.parse(); if ar <= 0 || br <= 0 || cr <= 0 || br == cr { return TestResult::discard() } let (br, cr) = order_asc(br, cr); let (bg, cg) = order_asc(bg, cg); let dr = (&ar * &cr) + &br; let dg = (&ag * &cg) + &bg; let (er, fr) = (&dr).divrem(&cr); let (eg, fg) = (&dg / &cg, &dg % &cg); let c1 = br == fr; let c2 = ar == er; let c3 = eq_bool!(er, eg; fr, fg); TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2 && c3) } } fn ref_via_hex(x: T) -> RefImpl { ref_from_hex(format!("{:x}", x).as_str()) } quickcheck! { fn divrem_usize(a: BigIntStr, b: usize, c: usize) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); if ar <= 0 || b <= 0 || c <= 0 || b == c { return TestResult::discard() } let (b, c) = order_asc(b, c); let bg = ref_via_hex(b); let cg = ref_via_hex(c); let dr = (&ar * c) + b; let dg = (&ag * &cg) + &bg; let (er, fr) = dr.divrem(c); let frg = ref_via_hex(fr); let (eg, fg) = (&dg / &cg, &dg % &cg); let c1 = b == fr; let c2 = ar == er; let c3 = frg == fg; let c4 = eq_bool!(er, eg); TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2 && c3 && c4) } } // operators macro_rules! expr { ($e: expr) => { $e }; } macro_rules! test_binop { ($($name: ident: $op: tt, $assign: tt, $allow_zero: expr, $typ:ty;)*) => { mod binop { $(mod $name { #![allow(unused_imports)] use ::BigIntStr; use quickcheck::TestResult; use ramp::ll::limb::{Limb, BaseInt}; use ::{ RefImpl, RefImplU }; quickcheck! { fn int_int(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } eq!(ar $op br, ag $op bg) } fn intref_int(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } eq!(&ar $op br, ag $op bg) } fn int_intref(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } eq!(ar $op &br, ag $op bg) } fn intref_intref(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } eq!(&ar $op &br, ag $op bg) } fn int_limb(a: BigIntStr, b: BaseInt) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = (b as u64).into(); eq!(ar $op Limb(b), ag $op bg) } fn int_baseint(a: BigIntStr, b: BaseInt) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = (b as u64).into(); eq!(ar $op b, ag $op bg) } fn int_usize(a: BigIntStr, b: usize) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = (b as u64).into(); eq!(ar $op b, ag $op bg) } fn baseint_int(a: BaseInt, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag:$typ = (a as u64).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } eq!(a $op br, ag $op bg) } fn usize_int(a: usize, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag:$typ = (a as u64).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } eq!(a $op br, ag $op bg) } fn assign_int(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (mut ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } expr!(ar $assign br); eq!(ar, ag $op bg) } fn assign_intref(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (mut ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } expr!(ar $assign &br); eq!(ar, ag $op bg) } fn assign_limb(a: BigIntStr, b: BaseInt) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (mut ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = (b as u64).into(); expr!(ar $assign Limb(b)); eq!(ar, ag $op bg) } fn assign_baseint(a: BigIntStr, b: BaseInt) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (mut ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = (b as u64).into(); expr!(ar $assign b); eq!(ar, ag $op bg) } fn assign_usize(a: BigIntStr, b: usize) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (mut ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = (b as u64).into(); expr!(ar $assign b); eq!(ar, ag $op bg) } } })* } } } test_binop! { add: +, +=, true, RefImpl; sub: -, -=, true, RefImpl; mul: *, *=, true, RefImpl; div: /, /=, false, RefImpl; rem: %, %=, false, RefImpl; bitand: &, &=, true, RefImplU; bitor: |, |=, true, RefImplU; bitxor: ^, ^=, true, RefImplU; } macro_rules! test_binop_signed { ($($name: ident: $op: tt, $assign: tt, $allow_zero: expr, $typ:ty;)*) => { mod binop_signed { $(mod $name { #![allow(unused_imports)] use ::BigIntStr; use quickcheck::TestResult; use ramp::ll::limb::{Limb, BaseInt}; use ::{ RefImpl, RefImplU }; quickcheck! { fn i32_int(a: i32, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag:$typ = (a as i64).into(); let (br, bg):(_, $typ) = (&b).into(); if !$allow_zero && br == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } eq!(a $op br, ag $op bg) } fn int_i32(a: BigIntStr, b: i32) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = (b as i64).into(); eq!(ar $op b, ag $op bg) } fn assign_i32(a: BigIntStr, b: i32) -> TestResult { if !$allow_zero && b == 0 { return TestResult::discard() } let (mut ar, ag):(_, $typ) = (&a).into(); let bg:$typ = b.into(); expr!(ar $assign b); eq!(ar, ag $op bg) } } })* } } } test_binop_signed! { add: +, +=, true, RefImpl; sub: -, -=, true, RefImpl; mul: *, *=, true, RefImpl; div: /, /=, false, RefImpl; rem: %, %=, false, RefImpl; } mod neg { use ::BigIntStr; use quickcheck::TestResult; quickcheck! { fn int(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); eq!(-ar, -ag) } fn intref(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); eq!(-&ar, -ag) } } } macro_rules! test_shiftop { ($($name: ident: $op: tt, $assign: tt;)*) => { $(mod $name { use ::BigIntStr; use quickcheck::TestResult; quickcheck! { fn int(a: BigIntStr, b: u16) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let b = b as usize; eq!(ar $op b, ag $op b) } fn intref(a: BigIntStr, b: u16) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let b = b as usize; eq!(&ar $op b, ag $op b) } fn assign(a: BigIntStr, b: u16) -> TestResult { let (mut ar, ag) = a.parse(); let b = b as usize; expr!(ar $assign b); eq!(ar, ag $op b) } } })* } } test_shiftop! { shl: <<, <<=; // FIXME(#27): currently >> doesn't match primitives/GMP for negative values // shr: >>, >>=; } macro_rules! test_cmpop { ($($method: ident;)*) => { mod cmp { mod cmp { // special, because Ord doesn't work with primitives use ::BigIntStr; use quickcheck::TestResult; quickcheck! { fn int_int(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); let c1 = ar.cmp(&ar) == ag.cmp(&ag); let c2 = br.cmp(&br) == bg.cmp(&bg); let c3 = ar.cmp(&br) == ag.cmp(&bg); TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2 && c3) } } } $(mod $method { use ::BigIntStr; use ramp::ll::limb::{Limb, BaseInt}; use ::RefImpl; use quickcheck::TestResult; quickcheck! { fn int_int(a: BigIntStr, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); let c1 = ar.$method(&ar) == ag.$method(&ag); let c2 = br.$method(&br) == bg.$method(&bg); let c3 = ar.$method(&br) == ag.$method(&bg); TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2 && c3) } fn int_limb(a: BigIntStr, b: BaseInt) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let bg = RefImpl::from(b); TestResult::from_bool(ar.$method(&Limb(b)) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn int_i32(a: BigIntStr, b: i32) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let bg = RefImpl::from(b); TestResult::from_bool(ar.$method(&b) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn int_usize(a: BigIntStr, b: usize) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let bg = RefImpl::from(b as u64); TestResult::from_bool(ar.$method(&b) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn int_u64(a: BigIntStr, b: u64) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let bg = RefImpl::from(b); TestResult::from_bool(ar.$method(&b) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn int_i64(a: BigIntStr, b: i64) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let bg = RefImpl::from(b); TestResult::from_bool(ar.$method(&b) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn limb_int(a: BaseInt, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag = RefImpl::from(a); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(Limb(a).$method(&br) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn i32_int(a: i32, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag = RefImpl::from(a); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(a.$method(&br) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn usize_int(a: usize, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag = RefImpl::from(a as u64); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(a.$method(&br) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn u64_int(a: u64, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag = RefImpl::from(a); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(a.$method(&br) == ag.$method(&bg)) } fn i64_int(a: i64, b: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let ag = RefImpl::from(a); let (br, bg) = b.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(a.$method(&br) == ag.$method(&bg)) } } })* } } } test_cmpop! { eq; ne; partial_cmp; // cmp; // in macro lt; le; gt; ge; } // conversions macro_rules! test_from { ($($prim: ident;)*) => { mod from { use ramp::Int; use quickcheck::TestResult; $(quickcheck! { fn $prim(x: $prim) -> TestResult { let a = Int::from(x); let c1 = a.to_string() == x.to_string(); let c2 = $prim::from(&a) == x; TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2) } })* } } } test_from! { i8; i16; i32; i64; isize; u8; u16; u32; u64; usize; } quickcheck! { // stringification fn to_str_radix(a: BigIntStr, b: u8) -> TestResult { // fold, to avoid discarding too many times, but without a bias let b = b % 64; if b < 2 || b > 36 { return TestResult::discard() } let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(ar.to_str_radix(b, false) == ag.to_str_radix(b.into())) } // decimal is the most common non-trivial (non-power-of-two) base, so // lets devote some extra attention there. fn to_str_decimal(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let c1 = ar.to_str_radix(10, false) == ag.to_str_radix(10); let c2 = ar.to_string() == ag.to_string(); TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2) } fn write_radix(a: BigIntStr, b: u8) -> TestResult { // fold, to avoid discarding too many times, but without a bias let b = b % 64; if b < 2 || b > 36 { return TestResult::discard() } let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let mut v = Vec::new(); ar.write_radix(&mut v, b, false).unwrap(); TestResult::from_bool(v == ag.to_str_radix(b.into()).into_bytes()) } fn from_str_radix(a: BigIntStr, b: u8) -> TestResult { // fold, to avoid discarding too many times, but without a bias let b = b % 64; if b < 2 || b > 36 { return TestResult::discard() } let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let s = ag.to_str_radix(b.into()); let sr = Int::from_str_radix(&s, b); TestResult::from_bool(sr.ok() == Some(ar)) } // focus efforts, as per to_str_decimal fn from_str_decimal(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); let s = ag.to_str_radix(10); let sr = Int::from_str_radix(&s, 10).unwrap(); let c1 = sr == ar; let sr2 = s.parse::().unwrap(); let c2 = sr2 == ar; TestResult::from_bool(c1 && c2) } } mod format { use ::BigIntStr; use quickcheck::TestResult; quickcheck! { fn display(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(format!("{}", ar) == ag.to_str_radix(10)) } fn debug(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(format!("{:?}", ar) == ag.to_str_radix(10)) } fn binary(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(format!("{:b}", ar) == ag.to_str_radix(2)) } fn octal(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(format!("{:o}", ar) == ag.to_str_radix(8)) } fn lowerhex(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(format!("{:x}", ar) == ag.to_str_radix(16)) } fn upperhex(a: BigIntStr) -> TestResult { let (ar, ag) = a.parse(); TestResult::from_bool(format!("{:X}", ar) == ag.to_str_radix(16).to_uppercase()) } } }