# Randid Randid (pronounced like random but with `-id` instead of `-om`) is a minimalistic, web-safe library for generating customisable IDs for use in primarily web applications. The generated IDs are not guarenteed to be unique however! Currently, this library has 2 main functions: `randid_str()` and `randid_i32()`. The former generates a random [BASE62](https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q809817) (web-safe) string of a specified length and the latter creates a padded random integer of the specified length (like `00012` for a length of 5). ## Examples A random BASE62 string embedded as a url: ```rust use randid::randid_str; fn main() { let my_id = randid_str(5); println!("https://example.com/safeid/{}", my_id); // will provide a url-safe id like `bWk9D`, `yWvm3` or `POf3R` } ``` Two padded random integers of 12 and 24 characters long respectively: ```rust use randid::randid_i32; fn main() { let padded_num_12 = randid_i32(12); let padded_num_24 = randid_i32(24); println!( "Guarenteed length of 12: {}, Guarenteed length of 24: {}", padded_num_12, padded_num_24 ); } ```