```markdown # Randn Rust Library The Randn Rust library provides utilities for generating random vectors, matrices, and a list of matrices with values sampled from the standard normal distribution. It leverages the power of parallel processing to efficiently generate large sets of data. ## Dependencies This library is built upon a set of Rust crates: - `rand` and `rand_distr` for random number generation. - `nalgebra` for array operations and representations. (Switched from `ndarray`) - `rayon` for parallel computing capabilities. ## Features 1. **Parallel Random Data Generation** The library uses parallel processing to generate random numbers faster: ```rust fn parallel_randn(size: usize) -> Vec {...} ``` 2. **Random Vector Generation** Generates a random vector of the specified size using ndarray's `Array1`: ```rust pub fn randn_vector(size: usize) -> Array1 {...} ``` 3. **Random Matrix Generation** Generates a random matrix of the specified rows and columns sizes using ndarray's `Array2`: ```rust pub fn randn_matrix(rows: usize, cols: usize) -> Array2 {...} ``` 4. **Generation of Multiple Random Matrices** Generates a vector of random matrices of specified rows, columns, and number of simulations using ndarray's `Array2`: ```rust pub fn randn_matrices(rows: usize, cols: usize, sims: usize) -> Vec> {...} ``` ## Usage To use the RandN library in your project, include it in your Cargo.toml dependencies and then import the necessary functions in your Rust code. ## Contribution Contributions to the RandN library are welcomed! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT License. ```