# random-output [![](https://badgen.net/crates/v/random-output?color=blue)](https://crates.io/crates/random-output) [![](https://docs.rs/random-output/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/random-output/) Outputs random lines to stdout and stderr. Useful for tests for shell scripts and automations. ``` USAGE: random-output.exe [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -c, --color Make dates gray, [INFO] green and [ERR] red -d, --date Show dates in [%yyyy-%mm-%dd %HH:%MM:%SS.%3f] style -e Number of stderr lines [default: 10] --exit Exit code of the process [default: 0] -h, --help Print help information -l, --level Show [INFO] for stdout and [ERR] for stderr -n Number of stdout lines [default: 10] --prefix Prefix to add each line [default: ] --prefix-err Prefix to add each stderr line. Defaults to `--prefix` --suffix Suffix to add each line [default: ] --suffix-err Suffix to add each stderr line. Defaults to `--suffix` -V, --version Print version information -w, --working-dir Show working dir in the first line --wait Specify how long to wait between outputs in [default: 0] ```