# raptor-code [![Rust](https://github.com/ypo/raptor/actions/workflows/rust.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/ypo/raptor/actions/workflows/rust.yml) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/ypo/raptor/branch/main/graph/badge.svg?token=P4KE639YU8)](https://codecov.io/gh/ypo/raptor) [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/raptor-code)](https://crates.io/crates/raptor-code/) ## Raptor Code A Rust library for implementing Forward Error Correction (FEC) using Raptor codes. Raptor codes are a class of FEC codes that are designed to be highly efficient in the presence of packet erasures. This library provides functionality for encoding source blocks into encoding symbols and decoding source blocks from a set of encoding symbols. This library implements on the fly Gaussian Elimination to spread decoding complexity during packets reception. ## Example : Source Block Encoder/Decoder Encode and decode a source block using `raptor_code::encode_source_block` and `raptor_code::decode_source_block` ```rust let source_block_data: Vec = vec![1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]; let max_source_symbols = 4; let nb_repair = 3; let source_block_length = source_block_data.len(); // Step 1 - Generate the encoding symbols (source symbols + repair symbols) let (encoding_symbols, nb_source_symbols) = raptor_code::encode_source_block(&source_block_data, max_source_symbols, nb_repair); // Step 2 - Re-construct the source data from the encoding symbols let mut received_symbols: Vec>> = encoding_symbols.into_iter() .map(|symbols| Some(symbols)) .collect(); // simulate encoding symbol lost received_symbols[0] = None; let reconstructed_data = raptor_code::decode_source_block(&received_symbols, nb_source_symbols as usize, source_block_length) .unwrap(); // Source data and decoded data should be identical assert!(reconstructed_data == source_block_data) ``` ## Example : On the fly encoder ```rust let source_data: Vec = vec![1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]; let max_source_symbols = 4; let nb_repair = 3; let mut encoder = raptor_code::SourceBlockEncoder::new(&source_data, max_source_symbols); let n = encoder.nb_source_symbols() + nb_repair; for esi in 0..n as u32 { let encoding_symbol = encoder.fountain(esi); //TODO transfer symbol over Network // network_push_pkt(encoding_symbol); } ``` ## Example : On the fly decoder ```rust let encoding_symbol_length = 1024; let nb_source_symbols = 4; // Number of source symbols in the source block let source_block_length = encoding_symbol_length * nb_source_symbols; // Total size size of the block; let mut n = 0u32; let mut decoder = raptor_code::SourceBlockDecoder::new(nb_source_symbols); while decoder.fully_specified() == false { //TODO replace the following line with pkt received from network let (encoding_symbol, esi) = (vec![0; encoding_symbol_length],n); decoder.push_encoding_symbol(&encoding_symbol, esi); n += 1; } let source_block = decoder.decode(source_block_length as usize); ``` ## Credit RFC 5053 On the fly Gaussian Elimination for LT codes, Valerio Bioglio, Marco Grangetto, 2009 Reuse ideas and concepts of [gofountain](https://github.com/google/gofountain) License: MIT