//! Very simple tool that accepts SVG path as an input and produces rasterized image #![deny(warnings)] use rasterize::*; use std::{ env, fs::File, io::{BufWriter, Read}, sync::Arc, }; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt::format::FmtSpan, EnvFilter}; type Error = Box; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum RasterizerType { ActiveEdge, SignedDifference, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Args { input_file: String, output_file: String, outline: bool, width: Option, stroke: Option, flatness: Scalar, rasterizer: RasterizerType, tr: Transform, fg: Option, bg: Option, bbox: Option, } impl Args { fn get_rasterizer(&self) -> Box { use RasterizerType::*; match self.rasterizer { SignedDifference => Box::new(SignedDifferenceRasterizer::new(self.flatness)), ActiveEdge => Box::new(ActiveEdgeRasterizer::new(self.flatness)), } } fn parse() -> Result { let mut result = Args { input_file: String::new(), output_file: String::new(), outline: false, width: None, stroke: None, flatness: DEFAULT_FLATNESS, rasterizer: RasterizerType::SignedDifference, tr: Transform::identity(), fg: None, bg: None, bbox: None, }; let mut positional = 0; let mut args = env::args(); let cmd = args.next().unwrap(); while let Some(arg) = args.next() { match arg.as_ref() { "-h" => { positional = 0; break; } "-w" => { let width = args.next().ok_or("-w requires argument")?; result.width = Some(width.parse()?); } "-b" => { let bbox = args.next().ok_or("-b requires argument")?; result.bbox = Some(bbox.parse()?); } "-t" => { result.tr = args.next().ok_or("-t requires argument")?.parse()?; } "-s" => { let stroke = args.next().ok_or("-s requres argument")?; result.stroke = Some(stroke.parse()?); } "-o" => { result.outline = true; } "-a" => { result.rasterizer = RasterizerType::ActiveEdge; } "-f" => { let flatness: Scalar = args.next().ok_or("-f requres argument")?.parse()?; if flatness < EPSILON { return Err("flatness is too small".into()); } result.flatness = flatness; } "-fg" => { let fg = args .next() .ok_or("-fg requres color #rrggbb(aa) argument")? .parse()?; result.fg.replace(fg); } "-bg" => { let bg: LinColor = args .next() .ok_or("-bg requres color #rrggbb(aa) argument")? .parse()?; result.bg.replace(bg); } _ => { positional += 1; match positional { 1 => result.input_file = arg, 2 => result.output_file = arg, _ => return Err("unexpected positional argment".into()), } } } } if positional < 2 { eprintln!( "Very simple tool that accepts SVG path as an input and produces rasterized image" ); eprintln!("\nUSAGE:"); eprintln!( " {} [-w ] [-b ] [-s ] [-f ] [-o] [-a] [-fg ] [-bg ] ", cmd ); eprintln!("\nARGS:"); eprintln!(" -w width in pixels of the output image"); eprintln!(" -b custom bounding box"); eprintln!(" -t apply transform"); eprintln!(" -s stroke path before rendering"); eprintln!(" -o show outline with control points instead of filling"); eprintln!( " -a use active-edge instead of signed-difference rasterizer" ); eprintln!(" -fg foreground color"); eprintln!(" -bg background color"); eprintln!( " -f flatness used by rasterizer (defualt: {})", DEFAULT_FLATNESS ); eprintln!(" file containing SVG path ('-' means stdin)"); eprintln!(" image rendered in the BMP format ('-' means stdout)"); std::process::exit(1); } Ok(result) } } /// Load path for the file fn path_load(path: String) -> Result { let mut contents = String::new(); if path != "-" { let mut file = File::open(path)?; file.read_to_string(&mut contents)?; } else { std::io::stdin().read_to_string(&mut contents)?; } Ok(tracing::debug_span!("[parse]").in_scope(|| contents.parse())?) } /// Convert path to the outline with control points. fn outline(path: &Path, tr: Transform) -> Scene { let mut path = path.clone(); path.transform(tr); let stroke_style = StrokeStyle { width: 2.0, line_join: LineJoin::Round, line_cap: LineCap::Round, }; let control_style = StrokeStyle { width: 1.0, ..stroke_style }; let control_radius = 3.0; let mut output = path.stroke(stroke_style); for subpath in path.subpaths().iter() { for segment in subpath.segments() { let mut control = Path::builder(); match segment { Segment::Line(_) => {} Segment::Quad(quad) => { let [p0, p1, p2] = quad.points(); control .move_to(p0) .line_to(p1) .circle(control_radius) .line_to(p2); } Segment::Cubic(cubic) => { let [p0, p1, p2, p3] = cubic.points(); control .move_to(p0) .line_to(p1) .circle(control_radius) .move_to(p3) .line_to(p2) .circle(control_radius); } }; output.extend( Path::builder() .move_to(segment.start()) .circle(control_radius) .build(), ); output.extend(control.build().stroke(control_style)); } if (subpath.start() - subpath.end()).length() > control_radius { output.extend( Path::builder() .move_to(subpath.end()) .circle(control_radius) .build(), ); } } Scene::fill( Arc::new(output), Arc::new(LinColor::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), FillRule::default(), ) } fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_span_events(FmtSpan::CLOSE) .with_env_filter(EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .with_writer(std::io::stderr) .init(); let args = Args::parse()?; let rasterizer = args.get_rasterizer(); let path = match args.stroke { None => path_load(args.input_file)?, Some(stroke_width) => { let path = path_load(args.input_file)?; let stroke_style = StrokeStyle { width: stroke_width, line_join: LineJoin::Round, line_cap: LineCap::Round, }; tracing::debug_span!("[stroke]").in_scope(|| path.stroke(stroke_style)) } }; let path = Arc::new(path); tracing::debug!("[path:segments_count] {}", path.segments_count()); // transform if needed let tr = match args.width { Some(width) if width > 2 => { let src_bbox = match args.bbox { Some(bbox) => bbox.transform(args.tr), None => path.bbox(args.tr).ok_or("path is empty")?, }; let width = width as Scalar; let height = src_bbox.height() * width / src_bbox.width(); let dst_bbox = BBox::new(Point::new(1.0, 1.0), Point::new(width - 1.0, height - 1.0)); Transform::fit_bbox(src_bbox, dst_bbox, Align::Mid) * args.tr } _ => args.tr, }; // scene let mut group = Vec::new(); let fg = match args.fg { Some(fg) => fg, None => { if args.outline { LinColor::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6) } else { LinColor::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) } } }; group.push(Scene::fill(path.clone(), Arc::new(fg), FillRule::default()).transform(tr)); if args.outline { group.push(outline(&path, tr)); } let scene = Scene::group(group); // add background or checkerboard let bbox = match args.bbox { Some(bbox) => bbox.transform(tr), None => scene .bbox(Transform::identity()) .ok_or("nothing to render")?, }; let bbox = BBox::new((bbox.x().round(), bbox.y().round()), bbox.max()); let (scene, bg) = match args.bg { None => { let scene = Scene::group(vec![ Scene::fill( Arc::new(Path::builder().checkerboard(bbox, 16.0).build()), Arc::new("#d0d0d0".parse::()?), FillRule::EvenOdd, ), scene, ]); (scene, "#f0f0f0".parse()?) } Some(bg) => (scene, bg), }; let image = tracing::debug_span!("[render]", rasterizer = rasterizer.name()) .in_scope(|| scene.render(&rasterizer, Transform::identity(), Some(bbox), Some(bg))); // save let save = tracing::debug_span!("[save]"); { let _ = save.enter(); if args.output_file != "-" { let mut image_file = BufWriter::new(File::create(args.output_file)?); image.write_bmp(&mut image_file)?; } else { image.write_bmp(std::io::stdout())?; } } Ok(()) }