# 0.28.0 ** upgrade to ratatui 0.29 ** * feature: add support for rat-reloc. this allows widgets to change position after rendering. # 0.27.2 * feature: enable styles for Block and Scroll # 0.27.1 * fix: use new ScrollArea. no visible api change. # 0.27.0 break: rename fields in TableStyle # 0.26.0 break: final renames in rat-focus. # 0.25.1 update dependencies # 0.25.0 Sync version for beta. * Reimagine table editing. * Adds EditTable for free form. * Adds EditVec which keeps the elements while editing. * fix: scroll_to_row did some scrolling even if the row is visible. * fix: row_cells didn't correct for offset. # 0.18.2 * fix docs * don't publish gifs # 0.18.1 * Internal updates to rat-scroll changes. No external API change. # 0.18.0 * update ratatui to 0.28 # 0.17.0 * break: horizontal scrolling scroll cell-wise instead of column-wise. * adds Table::auto_layout_width * adds TableState:::scroll_to_col * break: rename FTable to plain Table * feature: TableState::items_added() and TableState::items_removed() to update part of the state to reflect changes in the data. Sometimes useful. * fix: TableState::select() must not constrain the selection. * fix: panics with offsets near usize::MAX # 0.16.0 * refactor: replace Scrolled widget with internal handling via Scroll<'a>. * sync naming methods * sync key-handling for the different selection-models * rename FEditTable to EditFTable # 0.15.5 * breaking: move focus and invalid from the widget to the state. this didn't work for StatefulWidgetRef. Use rat-focus:FocusFlag, but just as a bool for rendering. * feature: support StatefulWidgetRef * add cloned() to TableDataIter for support. * breaking: change data() and iter() to take an impl Trait instead of &dyn Trait. Aligns better with builders. * fix horizontal scrollbar * fix nth() implementation # 0.15.4 * adds FEditTable for editing support * add FTableContext for extra information when rendering cells. * change rendering to render each row to a temp buffer. prepare for char-wise horizontal scrolling, and helps with clipping. * add FTable::no_row_count() for Iterators with no known length. * add FTable::rows(), FTable::columns() * rename FTable::new() to FTable::new_ratatui(). * remove Styled impl * FTableState::base_column_areas are now created for *all* columns, not only the visible ones. But they may be clipped to nothing. # 0.15.3 * Add flags for which selection the focus color should apply when focused. * Add header(), footer() and widths() to TableData and TableDataIter traits. * Add header_style() and footer_style() to FTable and FTableStyle. * Add clear(), clear_offset() and clear_selection() * Add has_selection() FIX * Length calculated while iterating diverged from given length. Fixed. * Fix panic when rendering short tables with known number of rows. * Fix result of event-handling. Don't ever use Outcome::Unchanged for mouse events. Results in nice quirks. * Vertical scrollbars are now always enabled, when rendering an Iterator. # 0.15.2 Forgot to remove Debug trait bounds. # 0.15.1 Missed some warnings. # 0.15.0 * Add trait TableDataIter as a possible data-source. This allows rendering the FTable when all you got is an iterator. # 0.14.0 * Use the method names from the ScrollingState trait. * Use new MouseFlags. # 0.13.1 * Fix versions. # 0.13.0 * Use the same names as the ScrollingState trait for the same functions. # 0.12.1 * Wrongly used area dimensions in some places. * Add inherent methods for different selection models. # 0.12.0 * Last should have been 0.12.0 instead of 0.11.4 # 0.11.4 * add need_scroll() for Scrollbars. * remove StatefulWidgetRef. Not useful here. # 0.11.3 * Use rat-event::Outcome # 0.11.2 * ? # 0.11.1 * Add spacer width to the resulting column areas. Gives a smoother behaviour and should be conceptually ok. # 0.11.0 * Implement trait UsedEvent for Outcome. # 0.10.0 * Initial release, copied from test area.