# MD-Edit ## Keyboard navigation * ESC - Jump to menu and back. * F5 - Jump to file-list and back. * F6 - Hide file-list. * F2 - Cheat sheet. * F1 - This document. ## Ctrl-W - Window navigation * Ctrl-W Left/Right - Jump between split windows. * Ctrl-W Tab/Backtab - Change focus. * Ctrl-W t - Jump to tabs. Use Left/Right to select a tab. * Ctrl-W t - The second time jumps back to the edit. Or just use Tab. * Ctrl-W s - Jump to the split. Use Left/Right to resize the split. Use Ctrl-Left/Right to move between multiple splits. * Ctrl-W c - Close the current window. * Ctrl-W x - Close the current window. * Ctrl-W d - Divide view, split horizontally. * Ctrl-W + - Divide view, split horizontally. ## Files * Ctrl+O - Open file. * Ctrl+N - New file. * Ctrl+S - Save file. (Autosaved when terminal-window looses focus.) ## Editing * Ctrl+C / Ctrl+X / Ctrl+V - Clipboard * Ctrl+Z / Ctrl+Shift+Z - Undo/Redo. * Ctrl+D - Duplicate line. * Ctrl+Y - Remove line. * Ctrl+Backspace, Ctrl+Delete - Remove word * Alt+Backspace, Alt+Delete - Remove word * Tab/BackTab - Indent/Dedent selection. Insert tab otherwise. ## Table * Enter - Line break within the table. At the end creates an empty duplicate of the last row. If you have just the header enter will create the necessary underlines. * Tab/Backtab - Navigate between cells. ## Formatting * Alt-F - Formats the item at the cursor position, or everything selected. * Alt+Shift+F - Alternate format. Currently, formats a table to equal column widths. * Alt+1..=6 - Make header.