use crate::mdedit_parts::parser::{ parse_md_block_quote, parse_md_item, parse_md_link_ref, parse_md_row, MDItem, }; use crate::mdedit_parts::str_line_len; use crate::mdedit_parts::styles::MDStyle; use pulldown_cmark::{ BlockQuoteKind, CodeBlockKind, CowStr, Event, HeadingLevel, OffsetIter, Options, Parser, Tag, TagEnd, }; use rat_widget::event::TextOutcome; use rat_widget::text::{upos_type, TextPosition, TextRange}; use rat_widget::textarea::TextAreaState; use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::mem; use std::ops::Range; use textwrap::core::Word; use textwrap::wrap_algorithms::Penalties; use textwrap::{WordSeparator, WrapAlgorithm}; use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation; pub fn md_format(state: &mut TextAreaState, table_eq_width: bool) -> TextOutcome { let cursor = state.cursor(); let cursor_byte = state.byte_at(cursor).start; let selection = if state.selection().is_empty() { let mut sty = Vec::new(); state.styles_at(cursor_byte, &mut sty); let first = sty .iter() .filter(|(_, s)| { matches!( MDStyle::try_from(*s).expect("fine"), MDStyle::Heading1 | MDStyle::Heading2 | MDStyle::Heading3 | MDStyle::Heading4 | MDStyle::Heading5 | MDStyle::Heading6 | MDStyle::Paragraph | MDStyle::BlockQuote | MDStyle::CodeBlock | MDStyle::MathDisplay | MDStyle::Rule | MDStyle::Html | MDStyle::FootnoteDefinition | MDStyle::List | MDStyle::DefinitionList | MDStyle::Table ) }) .next(); if let Some((r, _)) = first { let r = state.byte_range(r.clone()); TextRange::new((0, r.start.y), r.end) } else { // no style found?? return TextOutcome::Unchanged; } } else { TextRange::new( (0, state.selection().start.y), (0, state.selection().end.y + 1), ) }; let selection_byte = state.bytes_at_range(selection); // relative cursor let (txt_cursor, txt_cursor_byte) = if selection.contains_pos(cursor) { ( TextPosition::new(cursor.x, cursor.y - selection.start.y), cursor_byte - selection_byte.start, ) } else { (TextPosition::new(0, 0), 0) }; let (wrapped, new_cursor) = reformat( state.str_slice(selection).as_ref(), txt_cursor, txt_cursor_byte, 65, table_eq_width, state.newline(), ); let new_cursor = selection_byte.start + new_cursor; state.begin_undo_seq(); state.delete_range(selection); state .value .insert_str(selection.start, &wrapped) .expect("fine"); let new_cursor = state.byte_pos(new_cursor); state.set_cursor(new_cursor, false); state.end_undo_seq(); TextOutcome::TextChanged } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] enum MDFormat { None, Heading, Paragraph, Footnote, DefinitionList, ReferenceDefs, Table, BlockQuote, CodeBlock, List, Item, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Reformat<'a> { txt: &'a str, txt_width: usize, cursor: TextPosition, cursor_byte: usize, newline: &'a str, table_eq_width: bool, // indent first: Vec>, follow: Vec>, // collect words/tags for wrap. words: Vec>, skip_txt: bool, stack: Vec>>, } impl<'a> Reformat<'a> { fn enter_frame(&mut self) { self.stack.push(self.follow.clone()); } fn leave_frame(&mut self) { let Some(follow) = self.stack.pop() else { panic!("no more frame"); }; assert!(self.first.is_empty()); assert_eq!(self.follow, follow); assert!(self.words.is_empty()); } // write indent + linebreak fn empty_out(&mut self, out: &mut ReformatOut) { self.first_out(out); out.txt.push_str(self.newline); } // write first indent fn first_out(&mut self, out: &mut ReformatOut) { if !self.first.is_empty() { for v in self.first.iter() { out.txt.push_str(v); } self.first.clear(); } else { for v in self.follow.iter() { out.txt.push_str(v); } } } // set line prefix as indent. // add gap text to the output. fn indent_prefix(&mut self, last_end: usize, pos_byte: usize, out: &mut ReformatOut) { assert!(self.first.is_empty()); assert!(self.follow.is_empty()); let mut gr_it = self.txt[..pos_byte].grapheme_indices(true).rev(); let mut start_byte = pos_byte; loop { let Some((idx, gr)) = else { break; }; start_byte = idx; if gr == "\n" || gr == "\r\n" { start_byte = idx + gr.len(); break; } } if last_end < start_byte { // link refs are parsed irregularly. if let Some(link_ref) = parse_md_link_ref(last_end, &self.txt[last_end..start_byte]) { // here we only recover the prefix + suffix. out.txt.push_str(link_ref.prefix); out.txt.push_str(link_ref.suffix); } else { out.txt.push_str(&self.txt[last_end..start_byte]); } } self.first .push(CowStr::Borrowed(&self.txt[start_byte..pos_byte])); self.follow .push(CowStr::Borrowed(&self.txt[start_byte..pos_byte])); } // add some indent by backparsing whitespace. fn indent_blanks(&mut self, pos_byte: usize) { let mut gr_it = self.txt[..pos_byte].grapheme_indices(true).rev(); let mut start_byte = pos_byte; loop { let Some((idx, gr)) = else { break; }; start_byte = idx; if gr == "\n" || gr == "\r\n" { start_byte = idx + gr.len(); break; } } // reduce indent by current indent. let follow_len = self.follow_len(); if start_byte + follow_len <= pos_byte { start_byte = start_byte + follow_len; } else { // whatever } self.indent( CowStr::Borrowed(&self.txt[start_byte..pos_byte]), CowStr::Borrowed(&self.txt[start_byte..pos_byte]), ); } // add indent fn indent(&mut self, first: CowStr<'a>, follow: CowStr<'a>) { if self.first.is_empty() { self.first.extend_from_slice(&self.follow); self.first.push(first); } else { self.first.push(first); } self.follow.push(follow); } // remove indent fn dedent(&mut self) { assert!(self.first.is_empty()); self.follow.pop(); } fn first_len(&self) -> usize { if self.first.is_empty() { self.follow.iter().map(|v| v.len()).sum() } else { self.first.iter().map(|v| v.len()).sum() } } fn follow_len(&self) -> usize { self.follow.iter().map(|v| v.len()).sum() } // word-relative cursor position, if any. #[allow(trivial_casts)] fn word_cursor(&self, word: &str) -> Option { let txt_ptr = self.txt as *const str as *const u8 as usize; let word_ptr = word as *const str as *const u8 as usize; let word_range = if word_ptr >= txt_ptr && word_ptr < txt_ptr + self.txt.len() { let word_offset = word_ptr - txt_ptr; word_offset..word_offset + word.len() } else { 0..0 }; if word_range.contains(&self.cursor_byte) { Some(self.cursor_byte - word_range.start) } else { None } } } #[derive(Debug)] struct ReformatOut { txt: String, cursor: usize, // trailing empty line already output trailing: bool, } pub fn reformat( txt: &str, cursor: TextPosition, cursor_byte: usize, txt_width: usize, table_eq_width: bool, newline: &str, ) -> (String, usize) { let mut it = Parser::new_ext( txt, Options::ENABLE_MATH | Options::ENABLE_TASKLISTS | Options::ENABLE_TABLES | Options::ENABLE_STRIKETHROUGH | Options::ENABLE_SMART_PUNCTUATION | Options::ENABLE_FOOTNOTES | Options::ENABLE_GFM | Options::ENABLE_DEFINITION_LIST, ) .into_offset_iter(); let mut arg = Reformat { txt, txt_width, cursor, cursor_byte, newline, table_eq_width, first: Vec::new(), follow: Vec::new(), words: Vec::new(), skip_txt: false, stack: Vec::new(), }; let mut out = ReformatOut { txt: String::new(), cursor: 0, trailing: false, }; let mut last_r = 0..0; loop { let Some((e, r)) = else { break; }; match e { Event::Start(Tag::Paragraph) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_paragraph(&mut arg, &mut it, &mut out); arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::Heading { level, .. }) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_heading(&mut arg, &mut it, level, &mut out); arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::BlockQuote(kind)) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_blockquote(&mut arg, &mut it, r.clone(), kind, &mut out); arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::CodeBlock(kind)) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_codeblock(&mut arg, &mut it, r.clone(), kind, &mut out); arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::List(v)) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_list(&mut arg, &mut it, r.clone(), &mut out); if !out.trailing { arg.empty_out(&mut out); } arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::Item) => { unreachable!("list {:?} {:?}", e, r.clone()); } Event::Start(Tag::HtmlBlock) => { reformat_html(&mut arg, &mut it, &mut out); } Event::Start(Tag::FootnoteDefinition(v)) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_footnote(&mut arg, &mut it, v, &mut out); arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::DefinitionList) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_definition(&mut arg, &mut it, &mut out); if !out.trailing { arg.empty_out(&mut out); } arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::DefinitionListTitle) | Event::Start(Tag::DefinitionListDefinition) => { unreachable!("def-list {:?} {:?}", e, r.clone()); } Event::Start(Tag::Table(_)) => { arg.indent_prefix(last_r.end, r.start, &mut out); reformat_table(&mut arg, &mut it, r.clone(), &mut out); arg.dedent(); } Event::Start(Tag::TableHead) | Event::Start(Tag::TableRow) | Event::Start(Tag::TableCell) => { unreachable!("table {:?} {:?}", e, r.clone()); } Event::Rule => { reformat_rule(&mut arg, &mut it, r.clone(), &mut out); } Event::Start(Tag::MetadataBlock(_)) => {} Event::Start(Tag::Emphasis) | Event::Start(Tag::Strong) | Event::Start(Tag::Strikethrough) | Event::Start(Tag::Link { .. }) | Event::Start(Tag::Image { .. }) | Event::Text(_) | Event::Code(_) | Event::InlineMath(_) | Event::DisplayMath(_) | Event::InlineHtml(_) | Event::FootnoteReference(_) | Event::SoftBreak | Event::HardBreak | Event::TaskListMarker(_) | Event::Html(_) => { unreachable!("inline {:?} {:?}", e, r.clone()); } Event::End(_) => { // don't care here } } out.trailing = false; last_r = r; } for (link_name, linkdef) in it.reference_definitions().iter() { out.txt.push_str("["); out.txt.push_str(link_name); out.txt.push_str("]: "); out.txt.push_str(linkdef.dest.as_ref()); if let Some(title) = linkdef.title.as_ref() { out.txt.push_str(" "); out.txt.push_str(title.as_ref()); } out.txt.push_str(newline); } // copy the closing gap. if last_r.end < txt.len() { // link refs are parsed irregularly. if let Some(link_ref) = parse_md_link_ref(last_r.end, &arg.txt[last_r.end..txt.len()]) { // here we only recover the suffix. out.txt.push_str(link_ref.suffix); } else { out.txt.push_str(&arg.txt[last_r.end..txt.len()]); } } (out.txt, out.cursor) } fn reformat_rule<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, rule_range: Range, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); out.txt.push_str(&arg.txt[rule_range]); arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_html<'a>(arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, out: &mut ReformatOut) { arg.enter_frame(); loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; match event { Event::End(TagEnd::HtmlBlock) => { break; } Event::Html(v) => { arg.first_out(out); out.txt.push_str(v.as_ref()); continue; } Event::Text(v) => { out.txt.push_str(v.as_ref()); continue; } _ => {} } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_list<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, list_range: Range, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); // list prefix let first_item = parse_md_item(list_range.start, &arg.txt[list_range]).expect("md item"); let mut nr = first_item.mark_nr; loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; match event { Event::End(TagEnd::List(_)) => { // if !*out_extended { // arg.empty_out(out); // } break; } Event::Start(Tag::Item) => { let mut item = parse_md_item(range.start, &arg.txt[range.clone()]).expect("md item"); item.mark_nr = nr; arg.indent( CowStr::Borrowed(first_item.prefix), CowStr::Borrowed(first_item.prefix), ); reformat_list_item(arg, it, &item, out); arg.dedent(); nr =|v| v + 1); continue; } _ => {} } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_list_item<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, item: &MDItem<'a>, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); if let Some(nr) = item.mark_nr { let len = (nr.ilog10() + 1) as usize + 2; arg.indent( CowStr::Boxed(format!("{}{} ", nr, item.mark_suffix).into_boxed_str()), CowStr::Boxed(" ".repeat(len).into_boxed_str()), ); } else { arg.indent( CowStr::Boxed(format!("{} ", item.mark).into_boxed_str()), CowStr::Borrowed(" "), ); } loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; if collect_inline(arg, &event, range.clone(), out) { continue; } match event { Event::End(TagEnd::Item) => { break; } _ => {} } if recurse_container(arg, &event, range.clone(), it, out) { continue; } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); out.trailing = false; } arg.dedent(); arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_codeblock<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, code_range: Range, kind: CodeBlockKind<'a>, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); let fence = if matches!(kind, CodeBlockKind::Fenced(_)) { &arg.txt[code_range.start..code_range.start + 3] } else { "" }; match &kind { CodeBlockKind::Indented => {} CodeBlockKind::Fenced(lang) => { arg.first_out(out); out.txt.push_str(fence); out.txt.push_str(lang); out.txt.push_str(arg.newline); } } let mut buf = String::new(); loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; match &event { Event::End(TagEnd::CodeBlock) => { break; } Event::Text(v) => { // text segments come in strange order. // collect first, line-break later. buf.push_str(v.as_ref()); continue; } _ => {} } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } if buf.len() > 0 { for line in buf.lines() { arg.first_out(out); out.txt.push_str(line); out.txt.push_str(arg.newline); } match &kind { CodeBlockKind::Indented => {} CodeBlockKind::Fenced(lang) => { arg.first_out(out); out.txt.push_str(fence); // todo: last line-break not included in the reformat text ?! // out.txt.push_str(arg.newline); } } } arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_blockquote<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, block_range: Range, kind: Option, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); if let Some(kind) = kind { arg.first_out(out); out.txt.push_str("> "); match kind { BlockQuoteKind::Note => _ = out.txt.push_str("[!NOTE] "), BlockQuoteKind::Tip => _ = out.txt.push_str("[!TIP] "), BlockQuoteKind::Important => _ = out.txt.push_str("[!IMPORTANT] "), BlockQuoteKind::Warning => _ = out.txt.push_str("[!WARNING] "), BlockQuoteKind::Caution => _ = out.txt.push_str("[!CAUTION] "), } out.txt.push_str(arg.newline); } let block_quote = parse_md_block_quote(block_range.start, &arg.txt[block_range.clone()]) .expect("block quote"); arg.indent( CowStr::Borrowed(block_quote.quote), CowStr::Borrowed(block_quote.quote), ); arg.indent( CowStr::Borrowed(block_quote.text_prefix), CowStr::Borrowed(block_quote.text_prefix), ); let mut first = true; loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; match event { Event::End(TagEnd::BlockQuote(_)) => { break; } Event::Start(Tag::Paragraph) => { if !first { arg.empty_out(out); } reformat_paragraph(arg, it, out); out.trailing = false; first = false; continue; } Event::Start(Tag::BlockQuote(kind)) => { if !first { arg.empty_out(out); } reformat_blockquote(arg, it, range.clone(), kind, out); out.trailing = false; first = false; continue; } _ => {} } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } arg.dedent(); arg.dedent(); arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_table<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, table_range: Range, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); // eat events. don't use them for the table. loop { let Some((e, r)) = else { break }; match e { Event::End(TagEnd::Table) => { break; } _ => {} } } use std::fmt::Write; let table_txt = &arg.txt[table_range]; let mut table = Vec::new(); for (n, row) in table_txt.lines().enumerate() { if !row.is_empty() { if arg.cursor.y == n as upos_type { table.push(parse_md_row(0, row, arg.cursor.x)); } else { table.push(parse_md_row(0, row, 0)); } } } let mut width = Vec::new(); // only use header widths if let Some(row) = table.first() { for (idx, cell) in row.row.iter().enumerate() { width.push(str_line_len(cell.txt)); } } if arg.table_eq_width { let max_w = width.iter().max().copied().unwrap_or_default(); let width_end = width.len() - 1; for w in &mut width[1..width_end] { *w = max_w; } } for (n, row) in table.iter().enumerate() { let row_pos = n as upos_type; arg.first_out(out); // cell 0. before the first | if let Some(cell) = row.row.get(0) { let col_idx = 0; let len = width[col_idx]; if !cell.txt.trim().is_empty() { if row_pos == arg.cursor.y && col_idx == row.cursor_cell { out.cursor = out.txt.len() + 1 + row.cursor_byte_offset; } _ = write!(out.txt, "| {} ", cell.txt.trim(),); } } // main columns for col_idx in 1..width.len() - 1 { let len = width[col_idx]; if row_pos == arg.cursor.y && col_idx == row.cursor_cell { out.cursor = out.txt.len() + 1 + row.cursor_byte_offset; } if let Some(cell) = row.row.get(col_idx) { if n == 1 { _ = write!(out.txt, "|{}", "-".repeat(len as usize)); } else { _ = write!( out.txt, "| {:1$} ", cell.txt.trim(), len.saturating_sub(2) as usize ); } } else { _ = write!(out.txt, "|{}", " ".repeat(len as usize)); } } // cells after the official last for col_idx in width.len() - 1..row.row.len() { if let Some(cell) = row.row.get(col_idx) { if !cell.txt.trim().is_empty() { if row_pos == arg.cursor.y && col_idx == row.cursor_cell { out.cursor = out.txt.len() + 1 + row.cursor_byte_offset; } if cell.txt.trim().is_empty() { _ = write!(out.txt, "| ",); } else { _ = write!(out.txt, "| {} ", cell.txt.trim()); } } } } out.txt.push('|'); out.txt.push_str(arg.newline); } arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_footnote<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, footnote: CowStr<'a>, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); let footnote_len = str_line_len(footnote.as_ref()) as usize; arg.indent( CowStr::Boxed(format!("[^{}]: ", footnote.as_ref()).into_boxed_str()), CowStr::Boxed(" ".repeat(footnote_len + 5).into_boxed_str()), ); loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; match event { Event::End(TagEnd::FootnoteDefinition) => { break; } _ => {} } if recurse_container(arg, &event, range.clone(), it, out) { continue; } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } arg.dedent(); arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_definition<'a>(arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, out: &mut ReformatOut) { arg.enter_frame(); loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; if collect_inline(arg, &event, range.clone(), out) { continue; } match event { Event::End(TagEnd::DefinitionList) => { break; } Event::Start(Tag::DefinitionListTitle) => { continue; } Event::End(TagEnd::DefinitionListTitle) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Hard, out); } continue; } Event::Start(Tag::DefinitionListDefinition) => { arg.indent(CowStr::Borrowed(": "), CowStr::Borrowed(" ")); continue; } Event::End(TagEnd::DefinitionListDefinition) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Hard, out); } arg.dedent(); continue; } _ => {} } if recurse_container(arg, &event, range.clone(), it, out) { continue; } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_heading<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, level: HeadingLevel, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { arg.enter_frame(); for _ in 0..level as usize { arg.first.push(CowStr::Borrowed("#")); } arg.first.push(CowStr::Borrowed(" ")); loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; if collect_inline(arg, &event, range.clone(), out) { continue; } match event { Event::End(TagEnd::Heading(_)) => { break; } _ => {} } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } let words = mem::take(&mut arg.words); append_wrapped(arg, vec![&words], NewLine::Soft, out); arg.leave_frame(); } fn reformat_paragraph<'a>(arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, out: &mut ReformatOut) { arg.enter_frame(); loop { let Some((event, range)) = else { break; }; if collect_inline(arg, &event, range.clone(), out) { continue; } match event { Event::End(TagEnd::Paragraph) => { break; } _ => {} } unreachable!("{:?} {:?}", event, range); } wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); arg.leave_frame(); } fn recurse_container<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, event: &'_ Event<'a>, range: Range, it: &mut OffsetIter<'a>, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) -> bool { match event { Event::Start(Tag::Paragraph) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_paragraph(arg, it, out); arg.empty_out(out); out.trailing = true; true } Event::Start(Tag::Heading { level, .. }) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_heading(arg, it, *level, out); arg.empty_out(out); out.trailing = true; true } Event::Start(Tag::BlockQuote(kind)) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_blockquote(arg, it, range, *kind, out); if !out.trailing { arg.empty_out(out); } out.trailing = true; true } Event::Start(Tag::CodeBlock(kind)) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } arg.indent_blanks(range.start); reformat_codeblock(arg, it, range, kind.clone(), out); arg.empty_out(out); arg.dedent(); out.trailing = true; true } Event::Start(Tag::List(_)) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_list(arg, it, range, out); true } Event::Start(Tag::FootnoteDefinition(v)) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_footnote(arg, it, v.clone(), out); arg.empty_out(out); out.trailing = true; true } Event::Start(Tag::DefinitionList) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_definition(arg, it, out); if !out.trailing { arg.empty_out(out); } out.trailing = true; true } Event::Start(Tag::Table(_)) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_table(arg, it, range.clone(), out); arg.empty_out(out); out.trailing = true; true } Event::Start(Tag::HtmlBlock) => { if !arg.words.is_empty() { wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Soft, out); } reformat_html(arg, it, out); arg.empty_out(out); out.trailing = true; true } _ => false, } } // Inline events. fn collect_inline<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, event: &'_ Event<'a>, range: Range, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) -> bool { match event { Event::Start(Tag::Emphasis) | Event::End(TagEnd::Emphasis) => { let word = Word::from(&arg.txt[range.start..range.start + 1]); arg.words.push(word); true } Event::Start(Tag::Strong) | Event::End(TagEnd::Strong) | Event::Start(Tag::Strikethrough) | Event::End(TagEnd::Strikethrough) => { let word = Word::from(&arg.txt[range.start..range.start + 2]); arg.words.push(word); true } Event::Start(Tag::Link { .. }) | Event::Start(Tag::Image { .. }) => { arg.skip_txt = true; let word = Word::from(&arg.txt[range]); arg.words.push(word); true } Event::End(TagEnd::Link) | Event::End(TagEnd::Image) => { arg.skip_txt = false; true } Event::Code(_) | Event::InlineMath(_) | Event::DisplayMath(_) | Event::Html(_) | Event::InlineHtml(_) | Event::FootnoteReference(_) => { let word = Word::from(&arg.txt[range]); arg.words.push(word); true } Event::TaskListMarker(_) => { let mut word = Word::from(&arg.txt[range]); word.whitespace = " "; arg.words.push(word); true } Event::SoftBreak => { if arg.skip_txt { return true; } if let Some(mut word) = arg.words.pop() { word.whitespace = " "; arg.words.push(word); } true } Event::HardBreak => { if arg.skip_txt { return true; } wrap_words(arg, NewLine::Hard, out); out.trailing = false; true } Event::Text(_) => { if arg.skip_txt { return true; } for w in WordSeparator::UnicodeBreakProperties.find_words(&arg.txt[range]) { arg.words.push(w); } true } _ => false, } } // wrap words into out. // use prefix+follow. // cleanup afterwards. fn wrap_words<'a>(arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, newline: NewLine, out: &mut ReformatOut) { let widths = [ arg.txt_width.saturating_sub(arg.first_len()), // arg.txt_width.saturating_sub(arg.follow_len()), ]; let words = mem::take(&mut arg.words); let wrapped = WrapAlgorithm::OptimalFit(Penalties::default()).wrap(&words, widths.as_slice()); // let wrapped = WrapAlgorithm::FirstFit.wrap(&words, widths.as_slice()); append_wrapped(arg, wrapped, newline, out); } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)] enum NewLine { None, Soft, Hard, } // append words into out. // use prefix+follow. // cleanup afterwards. fn append_wrapped<'a>( arg: &mut Reformat<'a>, wrapped: Vec<&[Word<'a>]>, newline: NewLine, out: &mut ReformatOut, ) { for n in 0..wrapped.len() { arg.first_out(out); let line = wrapped[n]; for i in 0..line.len().saturating_sub(1) { if let Some(cur) = arg.word_cursor(line[i].word) { out.cursor = out.txt.len() + cur; } out.txt.push_str(line[i].word); if let Some(cur) = arg.word_cursor(line[i].whitespace) { out.cursor = out.txt.len() + cur; } out.txt.push_str(line[i].whitespace); } if line.len() > 0 { let last_idx = line.len() - 1; if let Some(cur) = arg.word_cursor(line[last_idx].word) { out.cursor = out.txt.len() + cur; } out.txt.push_str(line[last_idx].word); if let Some(cur) = arg.word_cursor(line[last_idx].whitespace) { out.cursor = out.txt.len(); } out.txt.push_str(line[line.len() - 1].penalty); } if newline == NewLine::Hard && n == wrapped.len() - 1 { out.txt.push_str(" "); } if newline != NewLine::None { out.txt.push_str(arg.newline); } } }