# Ratatui Macros [![Crates.io badge]][ratatui_macros crate] [![License badge]](./LICENSE) [![Docs.rs badge]][API Docs] [![CI Badge]][CI Status] [![Crate Downloads badge]][ratatui_macros crate] `ratatui-macros` is a Rust crate that provides easy-to-use macros for simplifying boilerplate associated with creating UI using [Ratatui]. This is an experimental playground for us to explore macros that would be useful to have in Ratatui proper. ## Features - Constraint-based Layouts: Easily define layout constraints such as fixed, percentage, minimum, and maximum sizes, as well as ratios. - Directional Layouts: Specify layouts as either horizontal or vertical with simple macro commands. - Span and Line macros: Make it easier to create spans and lines with styling. ## Getting Started To use `ratatui-macros` in your Rust project, add it as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml`: ```shell cargo add ratatui-macros ``` Then, import the macros in your Rust file: ```rust use ratatui_macros::{ constraint, constraints, horizontal, vertical, span, line, }; ``` ### Layout If you are new to Ratatui, check out the [Layout concepts] article on the Ratatui website before proceeding. Use the `constraints!` macro to define layout constraints: ```rust # use ratatui_core::layout::Constraint; use ratatui_macros::constraints; assert_eq!( constraints![==50, ==30%, >=3, <=1, ==1/2, *=1], [ Constraint::Length(50), Constraint::Percentage(30), Constraint::Min(3), Constraint::Max(1), Constraint::Ratio(1, 2), Constraint::Fill(1), ] ) ``` ```rust # use ratatui_core::layout::Constraint; use ratatui_macros::constraints; assert_eq!( constraints![==1/4; 4], [ Constraint::Ratio(1, 4), Constraint::Ratio(1, 4), Constraint::Ratio(1, 4), Constraint::Ratio(1, 4), ] ) ``` Use the `constraint!` macro to define individual constraints: ```rust # use ratatui_core::layout::Constraint; use ratatui_macros::constraint; assert_eq!( constraint!(==50), Constraint::Length(50), ) ``` Create vertical and horizontal layouts using the `vertical!` and `horizontal!` macros: ```rust # use ratatui_core::layout::Rect; use ratatui_macros::{vertical, horizontal}; let area = Rect { x: 0, y: 0, width: 10, height: 10 }; let [main, bottom] = vertical![==100%, >=3].areas(area); assert_eq!(bottom.y, 7); assert_eq!(bottom.height, 3); let [left, main, right] = horizontal![>=3, ==100%, >=3].areas(area); assert_eq!(left.width, 3); assert_eq!(right.width, 3); ``` ## Spans The `span!` macro create raw and styled `Span`s. They each take a format string and arguments. `span!` accepts as the first parameter any value that can be converted to a `Style` followed by a `;` followed by the format string and arguments. ```rust # use ratatui_core::style::{Color, Modifier, Style, Stylize}; use ratatui_macros::span; let name = "world!"; let raw_greeting = span!("hello {name}"); let styled_greeting = span!(Style::new().green(); "hello {name}"); let styled_greeting = span!(Color::Green; "hello {name}"); let styled_greeting = span!(Modifier::BOLD; "hello {name}"); ``` ## Line The `line!` macro creates a `Line` that contains a sequence of spans. It is similar to the `vec!` macro. ```rust use ratatui_macros::line; let name = "world!"; let line = line!["hello", format!("{name}")]; let line = line!["bye"; 2]; ``` ## Text The `text!` macro creates a `Text` that contains a sequence of lines. It is similar to the `vec!` macro. ```rust use ratatui_macros::{span, line, text}; let name = "world!"; let text = text!["hello", format!("{name}")]; let text = text!["bye"; 2]; ``` It is even possible to use `span!` and `line!` in the `text!` macro: ```rust # use ratatui_core::style::{Modifier, Stylize}; use ratatui_macros::{span, line, text}; let name = "Bye!!!"; let text = text![line!["hello", "world".bold()], span!(Modifier::BOLD; "{name}")]; ``` ## Row The `row!` macro creates a `Row` that contains a sequence of `Cell`. It is similar to the `vec!` macro. A `Row` represents a sequence of `Cell`s in a single row of a table. ```rust use ratatui_macros::row; let rows = [ row!["hello", "world"], row!["goodbye", "world"], ]; ``` It is even possible to use `span!`, `line!` and `text!` in the `row!` macro: ```rust # use ratatui_core::style::{Modifier, Stylize}; use ratatui_macros::{span, line, text, row}; let name = "Bye!!!"; let text = row![text![line!["hello", "world".bold()]], span!(Modifier::BOLD; "{name}")]; ``` ## Contributing Contributions to `ratatui-macros` are welcome! Whether it's submitting a bug report, a feature request, or a pull request, all forms of contributions are valued and appreciated. [Crates.io badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/v/ratatui-macros?logo=rust&style=flat-square [License badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/l/ratatui-macros [CI Badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/ratatui-org/ratatui-macros/ci.yml?logo=github&style=flat-square [Docs.rs badge]: https://img.shields.io/docsrs/ratatui-macros?logo=rust&style=flat-square [Crate Downloads badge]: https://img.shields.io/crates/d/ratatui-macros?logo=rust&style=flat-square [ratatui_macros crate]: https://crates.io/crates/ratatui-macros [API Docs]: https://docs.rs/ratatui-macros [CI Status]: https://github.com/kdheepak/ratatui-macros/actions [Ratatui]: https://github.com/ratatui-org/ratatui [Layout concepts]: https://ratatui.rs/concepts/layout