[package] name = "ratatui-termwiz" version = "0.1.0-alpha.0" description = "Termwiz backend for the Ratatui Terminal UI library." documentation = "https://docs.rs/ratatui-termwiz/" readme = "README.md" authors.workspace = true repository.workspace = true homepage.workspace = true keywords.workspace = true categories.workspace = true license.workspace = true exclude.workspace = true edition.workspace = true rust-version.workspace = true [package.metadata.docs.rs] all-features = true cargo-args = ["-Zunstable-options", "-Zrustdoc-scrape-examples"] rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"] [features] default = [] ## Enables the backend code that sets the underline color. ## Underline color is not supported on Windows 7. underline-color = [] ## Use terminal scrolling regions to make Terminal::insert_before less prone to flickering. scrolling-regions = ["ratatui-core/scrolling-regions"] [dependencies] document-features = { workspace = true, optional = true } ratatui-core = { workspace = true } termwiz.workspace = true [dev-dependencies] ratatui = { path = "../ratatui", features = ["termwiz"] } rstest.workspace = true