//! Another simple example that creates a custom HTTP client instance and sends //! a GET request with it instead of using the default client. use ratmom::{config::RedirectPolicy, prelude::*, HttpClient}; use std::{ io::{copy, stdout}, time::Duration, }; fn main() -> Result<(), ratmom::Error> { // Create a custom client instance and customize a couple things different // than the default settings. Check the documentation of `HttpClient` and // `Configurable` for everything that can be customized. let client = HttpClient::builder() .timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) .redirect_policy(RedirectPolicy::Follow) .build()?; let mut response = client.get("https://rust-lang.org")?; // Copy the response body directly to stdout. copy(response.body_mut(), &mut stdout())?; Ok(()) }