//! A simple example program that sends a GET request and then prints out all //! the cookies in the cookie jar. use ratmom::{ cookies::{Cookie, CookieJar}, prelude::*, Request, }; use std::error::Error; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { // Create a new cookie jar. let cookie_jar = CookieJar::new(); // Send a request to a server that sets a cookie. let uri = "http://httpbin.org/cookies/set?foo=bar&baz=123".parse()?; let _response = Request::get(&uri) // Set the cookie jar to use for this request. .cookie_jar(cookie_jar.clone()) .body(())? .send()?; // Print all cookies relevant to the URL. for cookie in cookie_jar.get_for_uri(&uri) { println!("Cookie set: {} = {}", cookie.name(), cookie.value()); } // Replace a cookie let cookie = Cookie::builder("foo", "rab").path("/").build()?; cookie_jar.set(cookie, &uri)?; // Send another request. The cookies previously set will be sent. let mut response = Request::get("http://httpbin.org/cookies") .cookie_jar(cookie_jar) .body(())? .send()?; println!("Cookies received by server: {}", response.text()?); Ok(()) }