# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prefix-dev/recipe-format/main/schema.json package: name: ros-humble-turtlebot4-msgs version: 1.0.3 source: git: https://github.com/ros2-gbp/turtlebot4-release.git rev: release/humble/turtlebot4_msgs/1.0.3-1 target_directory: ros-humble-turtlebot4-msgs/src/work build: script: - if: win then: bld_ament_cmake.bat else: build_ament_cmake.sh number: 3 about: homepage: https://www.ros.org/ license: BSD-3-Clause summary: | Robot Operating System extra: recipe-maintainers: - ros-forge requirements: build: - ${{ compiler('cxx') }} - ${{ compiler('c') }} - ninja - setuptools - if: unix then: - make - coreutils - if: osx then: - tapi - cmake - if: build_platform != target_platform then: - pkg-config - python - cross-python_${{ target_platform }} - cython - numpy host: - numpy - pip # TODO: replace with inline-if - if: build_platform == target_platform then: - pkg-config - python - ros-humble-ament-cmake - ros-humble-ament-lint-auto - ros-humble-ament-lint-common - ros-humble-ros-environment - ros-humble-ros-workspace - ros-humble-rosidl-default-generators - ros-humble-std-msgs - ros2-distro-mutex 0.3 humble run: - python - ros-humble-ros-workspace - ros-humble-rosidl-default-runtime - ros-humble-std-msgs - ros2-distro-mutex 0.3 humble - if: osx and x86_64 then: - __osx >=${{ MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET|default('10.14') }}